Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV only gets better and better this period. WOW! 😊 😊 So over these last couple weeks we experienced first-hand (no more rumors) that the US is “in fact” holding up Iraq from the project to delete the zeros and the liberating of their currency (reinstatement back to FOREX). There is now no more doubt about this. During these past two weeks I was told by my CBI contact to expect the new rate on FOREX. It did not happen. Upon further inquiry I was told the reason why.

During this past week I explored the White Paper once again and showed you article after article from the recent past and present of how the Central Bank has addressed the issues pertaining to the Stock Market and we now beg for the answer why have they not yet executed on the last item #6 in this section of the document?

Oh…. but the saga gets even better! 😊 As if it could….. As just over these last two weeks we have also seen article after article (I lost count) on the many Iraq politicians and analysts who have complained about the US and its violations of Iraq’s sovereignty. This is going to come to a point where something has to be done about it. There is now way to much interference in their internal and external affairs. Why? The Biden Administration is out of control. It is evident they are attempting to make Iraq a puppet state of the New World Govt Order. Iraq does not want to be a part of it. 

They have told us this many times already. They have told us they do not want to digitize their currency on the Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC) platform. So, you can see the fight and conflict is coming. In fact I believe it is now here. But it had to come, and it was long-awaited. But finally, so let’s get on with it. Iraq feels it is now mature enough and that momma no longer has to stop holding hands and so she must let go of her mature child into the world to stand alone. Will the US want to cut ties and fully recognize Iraqi freedom, democracy and sovereignty? Is there too much corrupt money involved. Has the corrupt US officials been sucking on momma’s tit way too long? After all why did we fight the 2003 war anyhow if not to liberate Iraq from a tyrant? Have they gone from the hot frying pan into the fire? 

Yes, we are VERY close to something big happening with the dinar soon. I will not give you a target date as I do not spread rumors. How can anyone not see that we are on the precipice of something huge? I mean really huge!! 😊

Many times already, Al-Sundani has told the citizens of “Iraq the dinar is stronger than the dollar”. Really? How can this be, yet it is still less than 1/6 of a penny. So, when will they make this move and prove it to the world and given them a new rate?

Oh… by the way, Iraq just announced that the budget will open this week and they will begin allocating the funds. Is the project to delete the zeros in the budget? I am told it is. Is it now time to execute this project? I quote from the article – “A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Kojar, confirmed on Wednesday that the dollar rate will fall against the dinar after the implementation of the provisions of the federal general budget.”

Just be patient, it is coming.

Hope to share all the rest of the good news with you soon!

God Bless,

Auf Wiedersehen

Much love to ya all,

Mnt Goat


 Deputy Governor of the Central Bank: The campaign to support the dinar succeeded. and this evidence

Economy News – Baghdad

Deputy Governor of the Central Bank Ammar Khalaf announced on Sunday the success of the campaign to support the dinar, and while stressing the implementation of controls that helped stabilize the exchange rate, he pointed out that there is no problem with the amount of foreign currency supply.

Khalaf told the official news agency, “The Central Bank has supported exchange rate stability with a series of procedures, instructions and controls since the beginning of this year that included a wide range of transactions to import goods and services through access to the electronic platform.”


He added, “This was a key point for the inclusion of as many traders and individuals allowed to obtain foreign currency as possible,” explaining that “the acceleration of procedures was an additional factor in improving confidence in the electronic platform.”

He continued: “There is no problem with supply but by demand, as the offer exists, and it is intended for the purpose of financing foreign trade through the Central Bank; therefore, I think it is a problem with demand,” explaining that “the Central Bank is trying to address the problems to facilitate obtaining foreign currency to import goods and provide services to citizens and travelers for the purpose of hospitalization abroad.”

He pointed out that “the debt support campaign succeeded by the evidence that there are many goods and services that are now priced the dinar instead of the dollar, especially electrical and electronic devices.”

He added that “activating electronic payment in all sectors and shops takes some time, and there is a great demand and readiness by public sector companies as well as the private sector,” explaining that “there are great preparations and continuous meetings held by the Central Bank with all concerned authorities, as the current period is the stage of preparing arrangements for the purpose of starting electronic delivery by public sector companies and the private sector.”




 "Café con Markz" Charla del martes por la mañana 7-18-2023

Miembro: Patriotas de la mañana. ¡Espero que todos tengan un gran día hoy!
Miembro: Entonces, ¿qué vamos a hacer si esto sigue arrastrando?
Miembro: Invertir es mucho alcohol.
Miembro: hagan compañía unos a otros hasta que Dios apriete el gatillo
Miembro: Familia RV… ¡Podemos hacer esto! ¡Podemos manifestar esto! Estamos casi alli
Miembro: Esperemos que Mark tenga buenas noticias hoy.
Miembro: ¿hoy es el día?
MZ: La mayoría de mis fuentes iraquíes están más entusiasmadas con el mañana o con la noche de esta noche. Pero, sinceramente, aún no sabemos el momento.
Miembro: Mañana es el día de Año Nuevo en el calendario islámico. Comienza al atardecer de hoy, 18/7/23.
Miembro: De Wolverine: OK chicos, sigo escuchando noticias muy positivas. Charlie Ward dice que cree que algo va a pasar esta semana (con una gran sonrisa) Solo deberíamos emocionarnos cuando Charlie nos dé luz verde. Oremos para que suceda esta semana. He recibido 1000% de confirmación pero no me han dado permiso para decir nada.
Miembro: Me pregunto si el RV comenzó ahora o todavía no.
Miembro: ¿Las noticias de Nader y Bobby King parecen que la tasa es mañana?
Miembro: video de Nader; vídeo del hombre de la milicia; Hoy es 18, tantas cosas maravillosas están sucediendo. ¡Vamos a la autocaravana!
Miembro: Mire el último Militia Man en la marca de 14 min. Habla del sistema de pago en iraquí. Menciona XRP. Ripple se reunió con funcionarios de la publicación anual iraquí en julio.
MZ: Sí, este fue un video épico de MilitiaMan anoche... No podría estar más de acuerdo con él en su nivel de emoción y estamos viendo cómo se unen todas las piezas. Este evento largamente esperado finalmente está ocurriendo justo en frente de nosotros.
MZ: En cuanto al presupuesto, mis fuentes dicen que lo están implementando ahora. El dinero ha comenzado a fluir y las cosas han comenzado a suceder.
MZ: Todavía estoy buscando artículos sobre esto que salgan de Irak. Podría ser mañana antes de que salgan.
MZ: Del lado de los rumores... Hablando con varias fuentes iraquíes que sienten que mañana es su día... No sé si lo es, pero podría serlo.
MZ: Estamos en un punto de inflexión... Sé que no se siente así mientras estamos aquí abajo en la trinchera y para mí creo que la marea ha cambiado.
Integrante: ¿Cuál será la cotización del bolívar?
MZ: No hay noticias sobre el bolívar venezolano.
Miembro: Para aquellos que solicitan tarifas, no tenemos RV'd, por lo que no hay tarifas reales y solo especulaciones en este momento.
Miembro: ¿Qué dicen sus contactos de canje sobre el tiempo?
MZ: No lo son. Desde ayer por la mañana no he podido comunicarme con ellos. 2 contactos en 2 estados me tienen golpeando una pared de ladrillos. Personalmente, creo que es una gran noticia que no pueda contactarlos.
MZ: “El FMI está considerando la inclusión del yuan chino como moneda para los acuerdos” Finalmente están averiguando lo que usted y yo sabíamos que hay algo fundamentalmente mal en el sistema… y está cambiando.
MZ: “La carrera alcista de los dólares reventados tiene a los bajistas llamando Fin de una era” Esta puede ser la semana que rompió el dólar.
Miembro: ¿Tenemos que esperar a que se implemente el protocolo 20 antes de que seamos RV? Ricitos de oro habla de ello
MZ: No, no estamos esperando el protocolo 20, es lo que me han dicho. Todavía necesito profundizar en el protocolo 20.
Miembro: ¿Qué mierda es el protocolo 20? ¿¿CUALQUIERA??
Miembro: Intenté buscarlo en Google y no puedo encontrar absolutamente nada sobre el protocolo 20... ¿¿Qué diablos es????
Miembro: Encontré este video…. ¿Qué es el Protocolo 19-20? - Sería la fusión de sistemas cuánticos - El acuerdo de confidencialidad expiraría el 11 de septiembre - Se podría adelantar, gracias a la desclasificación - La desclasificación vendría después de un evento de cisne negro - El Protocolo-19 se refiere a la regulación de la Estándar ISO 20022: el Protocolo 20 sería una transformación a las tecnologías cuánticas ¿ No está seguro de si es lo mismo de lo que habla Mark?
Miembro: ¿Estamos preparados para la tormenta magnética que ha sido “lanzada” desde el sol? Se supone que golpeará la tierra hoy
Miembro: ¡¡¡Estoy emocionado!!! ¡la mejor vida para nosotros está aquí!
Miembro: ¡Gracias y un agradecimiento especial a los maravillosos mods y Mark Z!
Miembro: Mark, muchas gracias como siempre por las últimas noticias y actualizaciones.


 Goldilocks posted comments and links on today's global financial news:

Options traders are betting that interest rates are positioned to drop.

Several traders are buying longer-term bonds because they are being presented an opportunity to lock in current yields in case rates fall.

iShares are the leading force in global exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

In other words, the markets are about to transition and go to real values.

© Goldilocks


"US inflation data released last week bolstered investors’ hopes that the Federal Reserve was close to the end of its interest rate hike cycle."

The dollar formed a major peak in September 2022, and it has been falling against major currencies since that time.

It has given countries like India an opportunity. They are considering expanding their Foreign Portfolio Investments with the US.

This is giving India (BRICS) a well-positioned opening to set up their UPI or Unified Payment Interface mechanism with the US and the Middle Eastern Countries.

A move that allows investment trading/payment systems between the US, India, and Middle Eastern Countries to form new price action patterns going forward.

New currency valuations (exchange rates) will form out of these supply and demand setups.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks

LiveMint LINK 1

LiveMint LINK 2


Digital Foreign Trade Surges as Online Exports and Overseas Markets Grow, Says Ali International Station Report

"In a recent semi-annual report on digital foreign trade, Ali International Station revealed that digitization has become the prevailing trend in various export industries and foreign trade markets. The report showcased remarkable growth in online exports and increased online traffic in the first half of the year."

We are getting reports that the digitization of trade around the world is really picking up speed.

This will increase the velocity of money going forward and provide needed organic liquidity at the push of the button to move items around the world more efficiently.

The speed of which merchants can build their companies has just increased. The potential to move forward with projects without interruptions is now in the cards.

Money velocity increases demand and demand increases values.

We truly have a Global Currency Reset in the making.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks

BreakingLatest LINK


 Political movement: Washington imposes a blockade on Iraq in the energy file

Political movement - Washington imposes a blockade on Iraq in the energy fileInformation / Baghdad…
On Monday, the Secretary-General of the Jihad and Building Movement, Jawad Al-Saadi, denounced America’s attempts to create problems between the government and the people, pointing out that Washington imposes a siege on the country in the energy file and does not allow the entry of companies other than its failed companies to work on electricity projects.

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, “America does not have the ingredients that can improve the electricity situation in Iraq, and the General Electric Company has become very unsuccessful, at a time when Iraq is going through a major crisis that needs the presence of solid companies to save the energy file.”
He added, “The US administration is exercising a policy of pressure on Iraq by controlling the electricity file and not allowing contracts with the German company Siemens or other international or Chinese companies in this sector.”
And he indicated that “Washington worked to exert maximum pressure against Iraq, so that it did not allow the entry of discreet companies to revive the electricity file and did not give Iraq an opportunity to buy Iranian gas.”

Coffee with MarkZ 07/18/2023

hank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Tuesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Morning Patriots. Hope everyone has a great day today!

Member: So what we gonna do if this keeps dragging ?????

Member: Invest is lots of alcohol.

Member: keep each other company until God pulls the trigger

Member: RV Family….. We can do this! We can manifest this! We are almost there

Member: Let’s Hope Mark has some good news today. 

Member: is today the day?

MZ: Most of my Iraqi sources are more excited about tomorrow or overnight tonight. But honestly we don’t know the timing yet. 

Member: Tomorrow is New Year's day in the Islamic calendar. Begins at sundown today, 7/18/23.

Member: From Wolverine:  OK guys I am still hearing very positive news. Charlie Ward says he thinks something will happen this week (with a big smile)  We should only get excited when Charlie gives us the green light. Let’s pray that it happens this week. I have received 1000% confirmation but they have not given me permission to say anything. 

Member: I wonder has the RV started now or not yet ???

Member: Nader and Bobby King news sounds like rate is tomorrow???

Member: Nader video; Militia Man video; Today is the 18th - so many great things going on. Let's go RV!

Member: Watch the latest Militia Man at the 14 min mark. He talks payment system in Iraqi. He mentions XRP. Ripple did meet with officials of Iraqi yearly July

MZ: Yes this was an epic video from MilitiaMan late last night…... I couldn’t agree with him more at his level of excitement and we are watching all the pieces come together. This long anticipated event is finally occurring right in front of us. 

MZ: As for the budget my sources say they are implementing it now. Money has started flowing and things have started happening. 

MZ: I am still looking for articles on this to come out of Iraq. It could be tomorrow before they are out. 

MZ: On the rumor side….talking to a number of Iraqi sources that feel like tomorrow is their day….I don’t know if it is but, it could be. 

MZ: We are at a turning point …I know it doesn’t feel like it while we are down here in the fox hole and to me I believe the tide has turned.  

Member: What will the rate be for the Bolivar?

MZ: No news on the Venezuelan Bolivar. 

Member: For those asking for rates, we have not RV’d so there is no true rates and only speculation at this point.

Member: What are your redemption contacts saying about timing?

MZ: They are not. As of yesterday morning I have been unable to reach them. 2 contacts in 2 states have me hitting a brick wall. Personally I think its great news that I cannot reach them. 

MZ: “IMF is considering  the inclusion of Chinese Yuan as currency for settlements”  They are finally figuring out what you and I knew that there is something fundamentally wrong with the system…..and it’s changing.

MZ: “Dollars busted bull run has bears calling End of an Era”  This may be the week that broke the dollar. 

Member:  Do we need to wait for the protocol 20 to be implemented before we are RV? Goldilocks talks about it

MZ: No we are not waiting on protocol 20- is what I have been told.I still need to do a deep dive on protocal 20.

Member: What the crap is protocol 20?? ANYBODY??

Member: I tried googling it and can find absolutely nothing on protocol 20……what the heck is it????

Member: I found this video…. What is Protocol 19-20?  - It would be the merging of quantum systems - The confidentiality agreement would expire on September 11 - It would be possible to be brought forward, thanks to declassification - Declassification would come after a black swan event - Protocol-19 refers to the regulation of the ISO 20022 standard - Protocol-20 would be a transformation to quantum technologies  Not sure if it’s the same thing Mark is talking about?

Member: Are we ready for the magnetic storm that’s been “launched” from the sun? Supposed to hit earth today 

Member:  I'm excited!!! the best life for us is about here!

Member: Thank you and a special shout out to the wonderful mods and Mark Z !

Member:  Mark, huge thanks as always for all the latest news & updates.



Report: An expected decision from Baghdad will "end" the dollar globally

Today, Monday (July 17, 2023), the Watcher Guru magazine, concerned with economic affairs, revealed "accelerated steps" by the BRICS economic alliance led by China and Russia to end the "dollar domination" of the international economy, stressing that the world is now awaiting a "decision from Baghdad." 

The magazine stated, according to its report, which was translated by (Baghdad Today), that "the BRICS alliance is now trying to persuade the largest oil countries, the most important of which are" Kuwait, Iran, the UAE and Saudi Arabia "to enter the BRICS alliance instead of the SWIFT system currently used and which is dominated by the US dollar, stressing that" in If Baghdad agrees to use the BRICS system, the rest of the oil-producing countries will follow in its footsteps," according to its description. 

And she added that "during the next BRICS summit, which will be held in August in South Africa, it is expected that the Baghdad government will sign an agreement under which the BRICS system will be used, which will prompt the rest of the oil-producing countries in the region to follow in the footsteps of Iraq." 

The consequences of Baghdad's expected decision, described by the magazine as "will push the US dollar to the brink of the abyss," stressing that "if the BRICS system is used, the US dollar will suffer the biggest blow in its history," according to its description, stressing that "the Iraqi government had previously expressed its desire to enter the BRICS system.

" BRICS as an alternative to the US dollar, according to statements by Iraqi officials who confirmed their intention to rid the Iraqi economy of US control.  LINK



Guys we are closer than I can say at the moment. It is all confidential hush-hush things are quiet right now but everything is looking good. That’s all I can say.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

we have information that says we are in a window… We’ve been told by some of our redemption center people that this could happen at any time


[via PDK]

For the implementation of the budget…I am still waiting for an update out of Iraq. My last report on Saturday afternoon was they were expecting the “go” yesterday on the budget. It is already approved…just needs to be put into affect with all the money moving where it is supposed to.  My finance contact over there thinks this is a serious key piece before they change the rate. So we are watching it. There is a lot of pressure from the Iraqi people on the government to release these budget funds……this is a good thing.

…My finance ministry connection in Iraq is very excited. We are getting reports that they did indeed put the budget into effect today. And we will see those articles  all over the papers tomorrow morning.  He says this was an enormous, key piece that needed to be done before they could change the value. Overall still positive stuff. Nothing negative. I don’t have a great idea on timing but they still are looking between the 15th and the 18th…If this is accurate tomorrow should be a wham bam day…

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Iraq has been destroyed and war torn. They are going to need the IFC (International Financial Corporation)…Their main business is taking countries to the private sector.  It’s phenomenal.  Anybody that says, ‘This will never happen.  Is not going to happen.  It’s a scam.’  They’re misled.  That’s all there is to it.  This country is going international…


Everybody’s…focusing on releasing of the the budget monies.  They are under the assumption that releasing the budget monies brings forward the rate change.  I’m sorry but it doesn’t work that way.  There’s other steps that have to happen that introduces the rate change.


 The Fed Is Broke!

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, cash, water and essential items on hand.

The Quantum Financial System’s Global Currency Revaluation

  • Mon. 17 July MarkZ: “My finance ministry connection in Iraq is very excited. We are getting reports that they did indeed put the budget into effect today (Mon. 17 July). And we will see those articles all over the papers tomorrow morning (Tues. 18 July). … “Breaking: New Gold Backed Currency launching Aug 22” from the Birch Gold Group is a great article. 41 countries are on the waiting list to join. They are giving us dates. To me this is solid proof a reset is coming.” … “As we understand it there is a crew of 6-7 individuals that decide the timing. Some of those are in the Chinese banking families that are putting up the gold (not associated with the Chinese Communist Party).”
  • Sun. 16 July Iraqi Budget (with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it) Launch: A member of the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mueen Al-Kazemi, confirmed the launch of the governorates’ allocations on Sun. 16 July.
  • Iraq promised their citizens they would announce the new Dinar Rate late Mon. night to early morning  Tues. 18 July in the US.
  • Thurs. 13 July 2023 Bruce: Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could get the toll free number to set exchange/ redemption appointments anywhere from now to Tues. 18 July. Bond Holders started to be paid on Tues. 11 July and would be completely paid out by Tues. 18 July. All financial changes would be completed by Sun. 23 July. The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances and SS payments would increase.

Possible Timeline:

  • On Sun. 16 July the Iraqi Parliament implemented their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it.
  • By Tues. 18 July the Global Currency Reset was expected to take place.
  • By Sun. 23 July all Global Currency financial changes would be complete.
  • The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest paid to the Cabal and SS payments would increase.

Frank26…….7-17-23….THEY ARE GETTING READY


Monday Night Conference Call

Frank26…….7-17-23….THEY ARE GETTING READY

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#



What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...