Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 07/18/2023

hank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Tuesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Morning Patriots. Hope everyone has a great day today!

Member: So what we gonna do if this keeps dragging ?????

Member: Invest is lots of alcohol.

Member: keep each other company until God pulls the trigger

Member: RV Family….. We can do this! We can manifest this! We are almost there

Member: Let’s Hope Mark has some good news today. 

Member: is today the day?

MZ: Most of my Iraqi sources are more excited about tomorrow or overnight tonight. But honestly we don’t know the timing yet. 

Member: Tomorrow is New Year's day in the Islamic calendar. Begins at sundown today, 7/18/23.

Member: From Wolverine:  OK guys I am still hearing very positive news. Charlie Ward says he thinks something will happen this week (with a big smile)  We should only get excited when Charlie gives us the green light. Let’s pray that it happens this week. I have received 1000% confirmation but they have not given me permission to say anything. 

Member: I wonder has the RV started now or not yet ???

Member: Nader and Bobby King news sounds like rate is tomorrow???

Member: Nader video; Militia Man video; Today is the 18th - so many great things going on. Let's go RV!

Member: Watch the latest Militia Man at the 14 min mark. He talks payment system in Iraqi. He mentions XRP. Ripple did meet with officials of Iraqi yearly July

MZ: Yes this was an epic video from MilitiaMan late last night…... I couldn’t agree with him more at his level of excitement and we are watching all the pieces come together. This long anticipated event is finally occurring right in front of us. 

MZ: As for the budget my sources say they are implementing it now. Money has started flowing and things have started happening. 

MZ: I am still looking for articles on this to come out of Iraq. It could be tomorrow before they are out. 

MZ: On the rumor side….talking to a number of Iraqi sources that feel like tomorrow is their day….I don’t know if it is but, it could be. 

MZ: We are at a turning point …I know it doesn’t feel like it while we are down here in the fox hole and to me I believe the tide has turned.  

Member: What will the rate be for the Bolivar?

MZ: No news on the Venezuelan Bolivar. 

Member: For those asking for rates, we have not RV’d so there is no true rates and only speculation at this point.

Member: What are your redemption contacts saying about timing?

MZ: They are not. As of yesterday morning I have been unable to reach them. 2 contacts in 2 states have me hitting a brick wall. Personally I think its great news that I cannot reach them. 

MZ: “IMF is considering  the inclusion of Chinese Yuan as currency for settlements”  They are finally figuring out what you and I knew that there is something fundamentally wrong with the system…..and it’s changing.

MZ: “Dollars busted bull run has bears calling End of an Era”  This may be the week that broke the dollar. 

Member:  Do we need to wait for the protocol 20 to be implemented before we are RV? Goldilocks talks about it

MZ: No we are not waiting on protocol 20- is what I have been told.I still need to do a deep dive on protocal 20.

Member: What the crap is protocol 20?? ANYBODY??

Member: I tried googling it and can find absolutely nothing on protocol 20……what the heck is it????

Member: I found this video…. What is Protocol 19-20?  - It would be the merging of quantum systems - The confidentiality agreement would expire on September 11 - It would be possible to be brought forward, thanks to declassification - Declassification would come after a black swan event - Protocol-19 refers to the regulation of the ISO 20022 standard - Protocol-20 would be a transformation to quantum technologies  Not sure if it’s the same thing Mark is talking about?

Member: Are we ready for the magnetic storm that’s been “launched” from the sun? Supposed to hit earth today 

Member:  I'm excited!!! the best life for us is about here!

Member: Thank you and a special shout out to the wonderful mods and Mark Z !

Member:  Mark, huge thanks as always for all the latest news & updates.


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