Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Q & A: 

Question From Roger: I ccannot really understand why CBI now considers to delay the reinstatement of the dinar. Iraq now enjoys security and stability like never before. Iraq now have a golden opportunity to release the new small category notes due to the stability in the country. Why is CBI so worried about a war far away that has nothing to do with Iraq? It seems that they want to find an excuse so that they dont have to raise the value of the dinar. Maybe corruption still lingers in CBI? There is a war on in Gaza – ground troops have invaded the Gaza strip – but this does not concern Iraq. Why must every duck be in a row in order to release the new small category notes? It seems that Iraq now wait for an escalation of the war so that they dont have to go international at all. If Iraq does not raise the value of the dinar very soon – they will go down the abyss and the world will reject Iraq and heavy sanctions will be imposed so that they cannto go international for 20 years. Is this the future they want. PM Sudani braggs every week that the dinar will soon be the strongest currency in the world and the pillar of middle east.

Answer Mnt Goat: Hello Roger, thanks for the question. First I need to add that PM Al-Sudani never PM Sudani bragged every week that the dinar will soon be the strongest currency in the world and the pillar of middle east. What he did say is the “dinar is stronger than the dollar”. His statement is true and yes it is. If you have been reading my blog all along I have shown you since last October even that the CBI announced that they would be handling the dollar differently beginning in January 2023. And so they began the de-dollarization process at that time and it has been ongoing since. Then in articles just recently they told us this project should have taken 6 years but they are trying to do it in a year. So, when is a year over? It is over in January 2024. Then what happens? They announced also that in January 2024 they will no longer be dealing in dollars in their country. Now to tell you the truth I am not certain but to me this article told us that they will no longer be getting the huge shipments of dollars from the US Treasury flown over to Iraq from the US mint. Will they still need some dollars? Sure they will still need some dollars but they no longer plan to support the currency auctions with dollars or send them to the banks to pay for imports. The “warning” has been given. Knowing all this what do you think is their next step?

I must also add that my contact in the CBI is telling me it is not Iraq that is holding back the redenomination or the reinstatement. It is the US Treasury. The CBI already has agreements with the World Bank and the IMF to go ahead but the US Treasury for their so-called “security reasons” keep holding it back. Yes, I totally agree this is the best time to do it and so does the CBI. What is nice to see, though, is the CBI and the GOI on the same page and both working together to get it done. Also, I want to add there is also corruption from the US and I have gone through all this with my readers already on the change that Obama made when he was president to the criteria from the Bush administration.

Please let’s keep praying for peace and to end the corruption but also importantly to bring those involved to justice or there will never be peace. This has been part of the problem all along. No one ever seems to go to jail unless you buck the system and honestly expose their corruption and are a threat to them. Yes, the wrong people are being targeted and set up with lies. But this is what happens when you control the FBI, NSA, CIA and the Justice system and have all the power.

FRANK26…..11-8-23……..BEFORE 2024



  [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

These banks that Aki is representing the CBI with, they were exchange centers... but they were converted into banks recently last year.  The reason why is because they know a change to the Iraqi dinar exchange rate is coming...

 [Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

 Aki's boss who has a bank inside of Iraqi ordered Aki last week to stay at [Aki's bank in the southern part of the state where the bank is located].  

The reason why is because there is a change to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar [coming]. 

Iraq is among the cheapest countries in the world with gasoline prices… Here is its rank, 8 NOV

 Iraq is among the cheapest countries in the world with gasoline prices… Here is its rank

According to data from the “Global Petroleum Press” website, Iraq is ranked 13th in the list of countries with the cheapest gasoline prices. On the other hand, Iran has the most affordable gasoline price in the world, with a cost of $0.029 per liter.

Iran ranked first with $0.029 per liter, followed by Libya at $0.031 per liter, Venezuela at $0.035 per liter, and Kuwait at $0.340 per liter.

Iraq ranked 13th with a price of $0.573 per liter of gasoline, Russia ranked 16th with $0.601 per liter, and Tunisia came in 24th place with a cost of $0.802 per liter. Morocco had the highest price at $1.515 per liter.

Al-Sudani chairs the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Implementing the Development Path, 8 nov

 Al-Sudani chairs the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Implementing the Development Path

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the fifth meeting of the Supreme Committee for the implementation of the Al-Faw Grand Port and Development Road project.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office has issued a statement stating that an Italian consultant presented an economic feasibility study for three projects during a meeting. These projects include the Al-Faw port project and its attached docks and squares, the associated railway project, and the land road project, and its details.

During the meeting, they reviewed the latest proposals from reputable international companies to implement the project.

Congratulations Iraqi Dinar Investors | Central Bank of IRAQ IQD News To...

A Year of Mixed Results for Iraq’s Sudani, 8 NOV

 A Year of Mixed Results for Iraq’s Sudani, 8 NOV

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shi`a al-Sudani completed his first year in office on October 27 with a mixed record of successes and failures owing to objective domestic and external circumstances that impacted his parliament-approved government program. The program was a hybrid, two-part document. In the first part, Sudani laid out his own goals, which were firmly oriented toward improving services to citizens. The second was a political agreement adopted by the State Management Alliance, a post-2022 election coalition forged between the Shia Coordination Framework (CF), the Sunni Sovereignty Alliance led by Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed al-Halbousi, and the two Kurdish parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

The agreement embodied political demands made by each of the allies, and provided the basis for the formation of Sudani’s government in October 2022. The program spelled out five broad priorities—combating corruption; creating jobs; addressing poverty; reforming the economic and financial systems; and improving public services—and elaborated steps to address them. What was absent from Sudani’s governing document were the overtly political goals that were left to the overarching political agreement forged by the State Management Alliance, an absence that in the end may have impacted the prime minister’s ability to make headway on his much-vaunted goals of government.

Hit and Miss on the Economy

During his first year in office, Sudani harnessed his energies to improving services and presented parliament with an unprecedented and record-setting three-year budget to secure continuity of funding for projects and programs. However, the $153 billion 2023-2024 budget(about one-third of which is a budget deficit) is heavily weighted toward operating costs, and only $38 billion is allocated for developmental investment, an imbalance criticized by many observers. To ease unemployment quickly, as many as 600,000 government jobs were addedto the already inflated government payroll, in a clearly populist move to win public approval and avert renewed protests.

Sudani oversaw the expansion of the social welfare network to include hundreds of thousands of needy families and individuals.

To alleviate poverty, Sudani oversaw the expansion of the social welfare network to include hundreds of thousands of needy families and individuals. He has pushed the Ministry of Health to improve service in the abysmally broken health sector. The government has launched road and highway projects that can be completed quickly. But these remain short term solutions to deep economic problems, such as a negligible private sector contribution to the gross domestic product, heavy dependence on hydrocarbons and imports, and almost total reliance on government as the employer of first resort. What makes this worse are a sclerotic byzantine bureaucracy and entrenched political interests that impede progress in long term and necessary economic reform.

To improve the economic outlook in the medium term, Sudani has energetically pursued foreign investment, but only with some success. The multi-pronged $27 billion agreementwith TotalEnergies to develop Iraq’s oil and gas sectors was signed in its final form in July 2023 after languishing for years following objections by Iraqi politicians. Gulf countries have also stepped in: the deal with TotalEnergies includes a 25 percent investment by QatarEnergy. In July also Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates each pledged $3 billion dollars in investments in Iraq. Although these are capital-intensive investments, they will serve two important Sudani objectives: to create associated private sector jobs and to reduce Iraq’s dependence on fuel and gas imports from Iran and other sources. More ambitiously, last May Sudani proposed a “Development Road,” a $17 billion transport projectthat will link Al-Faw Port in southern Iraq with Turkey, and thence to Europe, and generate $4 billion annually and create thousands of jobs.

While partnerships in the energy sector are forthcoming with international corporations, there is little foreign appetite for investment in industries like agribusiness or manufacturing. Red tape, corruption, an opaque legal environment, and uncertain security are all barriers. To top off challenges to the economy, the Iraqi dinar’s decline against the dollar has persisted. Ironically, in February 2023, the government revaluated the Iraqi dinar from IQ1,460 to the dollar to IQ1,320, hoping to strengthen the national currency. While this rate has officially held, the move backfired in the parallel market: the dinar fell to 1,560 to the dollar in early October, creating even larger profits for speculators, but also prompting the Central Bank of Iraq to announce a halt to dollar cash withdrawals that commences on January 1, 2024. And despite multiple banking measures, some under pressure from the United States Treasury, dollar smuggling out of Iraq continues unabated.

Inability to Fight Entrenched Corruption

On Sudani’s first stated priority, combating the “pandemic” of corruption, the record is patchy. There have been several convictions on corruption charges, some of which may be politically driven, of former provincial governors, mid-level officials, and others, yet Sudani’s anti-corruption drive has failed to target the powerful political parties and individuals who instigate, benefit from, and provide cover for corruption rackets. Government contracts, whether by federal or provincial authorities, are a rich mine for personal or party enrichment. Impunity has reached epic proportions. This was illustrated by what was called the “heist of the century” in which a monumental $2.5 billion sum was embezzled from the tax authorities of Iraq. In this bizarre and convoluted case, three prominent people were convicted: a businessman, a former member of parliament, and a senior official in the state-owned Rafidain Bank. Despite their admission of guilt and their conviction, both the businessman and the former MP were released after returning a modest percentage of the funds they stole, and they are said to have left the country soon after.

Sudani’s anti-corruption drive has failed to target the powerful political parties and individuals.

There is a national consensus that such a huge theft could not have been carried out without the involvement of political parties and influential politicians, yet none has been named or accused. Such impunity and the government’s failure to get to the roots of corruption has made the public rightly skeptical of the government’s will or ability to arrest this scourge. With political cover, corruption is systemic, entrenched, and often backed by intimidation from armed militias. Indeed, Sudani cannot challenge the political parties that brought him to power, despite the fact that corruption undermines virtually every aspect of his agenda.

Ambitious but Circumscribed Foreign Policy

The same gap between Sudani’s goals and the political reality preventing him from realizing them is seen in relations with Arab neighbors. Sudani has successfully advanced the steps taken by his predecessor, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, to strengthen economic and security relations with them, including Jordan, Egypt, and the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). A major goal is to improve the availability of electrical power and diversifying sources of gas and fuel away from dependence on Iran. For example, by the end of 2024 Iraq will join the electric grid established by the GCC Electricity Interconnection Authority, providing Iraq with much needed power from GCC surpluses. Iraq and Jordan have also established an electricity connection that will supply electrical power to western provinces in exchange for oil exports to Jordan. In addition to energy cooperation, Iraq has stepped up security coordination with both Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

However, the rapprochement with Arab countries is not welcomed by some Shia political parties and members of the Iran-friendly Popular Mobilization Forces. To be sure, detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran has made it easier for Sudani to woo GCC countries, but suspicions remain. Militias like al-Nujaba Movement, a radical group closely aligned with Iran, has  condemned the building of a long-proposed oil pipeline between Basra and Aqaba, Jordan, and Iraqis who support it. Even as PM Sudani, in his September 22, 2023 address to the UN General Assembly, asserted Iraq’s commitment to respect UN resolutions, MPs from the Coordination Framework were decrying the 2012 agreement with Kuwait over the Khor Abdullah waterway, which was ratified by the Iraqi parliament. Simultaneously, the Supreme Federal Court issued a ruling declaring the agreement unconstitutional and void. The backlash from Kuwait and the GCC countries was immediate and unequivocal, infectingcarefully nurtured relations with Iraq.

Sudani has to look over his shoulder at the hardline Shia armed groups both inside and outside the Coordination Framework.

In his UN address, the prime minister declared Iraq’s determination to maintain an independent and balanced foreign policy, preserving good relations with all nations. Meanwhile, the social media of Shia militia groups were denouncing US and NATO presence in Iraq as a form of occupation and accusing them of promoting “moral deviance.” While Sudani attempts to achieve some stability and even-handedness in foreign policy, he has to look over his shoulder at the hardline Shia armed groups both inside and outside the Coordination Framework.

Endless Political Dysfunction

Such messaging confusion raises a broader question about Sudani’s freedom to pursue his agenda. To the frustration of Sunnis and Kurds, the prime minister has not been able to, or possibly has not been willing to, fulfill the demands laid out in the political agreement that underpins the State Management Alliance and the formation of the current government. The political agreement stipulated a major Kurdish demand: negotiation and approval of a gas and oil law within six months; by the end of the first year, the law is still stalled and differences between Baghdad and Erbil persist. Sunni demands for the return of internally displaced persons to their original homes within six months have not been implemented, and the Amnesty Law eagerly advocated by Sunnis has met with firm opposition from Shia leaders. Similarly, Sudani has been unable to re-deploy paramilitary units (militias) out of urban areas, as stipulated in the agreement, and restrict their activities to national defense under his authority as commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Coordination Framework parties are using obstruction tactics to assert their authority over their putative Sunni and Kurdish partners. Shortly after the formation of the government in October 2022, the parties within the CF launched a virulent campaign to vilify and unseat Speaker Halbousi. They also attacked vital Kurdish interests, applauding, if not instigating, two Supreme Court  rulings that effectively shut down the Kurdistan Regional Government’s oil sector and Kurdish revenues. The Kurds have complained of increasing moves toward centralization. While the prime minister tries to avoid the labyrinths of politics, keep the peace among his backers, and pursue his service agenda, he is inevitably hampered by political divisions and acrimony.

Sudani has done nothing in the past year to bring armed militias under state control, as promised in his political program. Thus the question of who controls policy and decision-making came to a head over the current war on Gaza. On October 19, Prime Minister Sudani published an op-ed in a leading Arab daily in which he condemned Israel’s attacks on civilians, stressed the need for a cease-fire and delivery of humanitarian aid, and called for a unified Arab stance on Palestinian rights. After October 17, however, militia groups launched repeated drone and rocket attacks on bases housing US military personnel. In an explicit interview on October 22, a leading member of the Coordination Framework stated that the Iraqi Resistance Factions (militias) “do not need to coordinate with the Iraqi government regarding their positions and actions against the U.S., ” and will make their own decisions regarding operations against the US presence in Iraq. As if in response, the following day Sudani’s military spokesperson issued a statement rejecting attacks on US military personnel and promised to pursue perpetrators. Nevertheless, over the next several days, attacks by militias against the United States only intensified, and no government action was forthcoming. Leading members of the Coordination Framework called for the expulsion of the US ambassador to Iraq and the closure of the embassy, despite the prime minister’s pledge to protect foreign missions. Such security and political instability, a veritable fog of uncertainty, is sure to severely undermine what Sudani set out to do twelve months ago.

On December 18, Iraq will hold its first provincial elections in ten years. These will be vigorously contested, not least among the different factions within the Coordination Framework, several of which will compete against each other in the central and southern provinces and in some predominantly Sunni ones. Depending on the outcome of these elections, Sudani’s ability to maneuver between the factions, as he does now, may be further restricted. Equally unsettling for the prime minister, the outcome of the provincial elections is likely to determine the outcome of parliamentary elections in 2025 and his own political future. It is thus likely that the post-provincial elections period will be a touchstone for Sudani’s political acumen and resolve, as well as an important moment in the history of the country as it deals with the difficulties facing his multi-faceted and ambitious government program.

Whiskey and Wisdom with MarkZ and Mike Bara. 11/08/2023

The Arab World: Charting a Course Towards a Brighter Future, 8 NOV

The Arab World: Charting a Course Towards a Brighter Future

The Arab world, a tapestry of rich history and diverse cultures, has weathered a myriad of challenges and threats. From the zenith of the Arab Golden Age, a time of unprecedented civilization advancement, to today’s convoluted geopolitical landscape, the region has experienced a tumultuous journey. One of the most significant threats is the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab nations between France and the UK, redrawing Middle East borders and tearing apart clans and families.

The Fall from the Golden Age

The Arab world’s illustrious history is marked by the Islamic Golden Age, a period of profound contributions to human knowledge and culture. Despite the strides made during this era, the region tumbled from this peak, unable to protect its enlightenment stage from external conspiracies and intrigues.

Navigating Complex Alliances and Animosity

Today, the region treads a delicate balance of alliances and animosities, with questionable dynamics between the West, Iran, and Israel. While there is declared hostility, actions often contradict official positions, seemingly serving declared enemies at the detriment of Arab nations. Iran’s expansionist ambitions, with evident control over countries like Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon, add to the region’s instability. The enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to threaten regional peace.

The Threat of Unity

The unity and stability of the Arab world appear to unsettle Western countries and their partners. It begs the question: is it in the interest of America, the West, and Israel to join forces with Iran to hinder the Arab world’s progress, prosperity, and potential return to its golden age?

Charting a Path Towards a Brighter Future

In the face of looming dangers, the Arab world must prioritize unity, cooperation, education, and innovation to secure its future. Collective action at regional and international levels is crucial to confront the complex issues facing Arab nations. The Arab League could potentially serve as a platform for cooperation and conflict resolution.

The recent Gaza war poses a unique challenge for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, straining their relations with Israel amidst escalating public sentiment. Iran’s role in the Gaza conflict and the growing frustration among the Arab public against Palestinian injustice potentially create a recipe for chaos in the Middle East.

The upcoming COP28 climate summit in Abu Dhabi unfolds against this geopolitical discord and anticipated record-breaking heat. The summit’s focus on emissions reductions, compensation for climate-impacted countries, and renewable energy capacity increase could face resistance, adding another layer of complexity to the Arab world’s challenges.

Ultimately, the Arab world confronts a maelstrom of challenges, including geopolitical tensions, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iranian expansionist ambitions, and the Gaza war. The path to a brighter future entails prioritizing unity, cooperation, education, innovation, and conflict resolution. The region’s resilience and historical contributions to human civilization provide a beacon of hope for surmounting modern era dangers and steering towards a brighter future.

Bruce’s Big Call, 8 nov

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-7-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   57:40

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight,  It is Tuesday, November 7th  and you're listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in all over the globe, wherever you're listening from hopefully you're hearing me in your own language - which is an amazing software deal set up with our satellite team, or sat team for short. So we've had a really good time getting the call out to 182 or 184 countries and or near around 19 to 20 million listeners.

Let's go into the Intel tonight. let's see where we are.   Now, what's interesting is Saturday, we had word that the NESARA had been activated.

I don't believe it has fully been implemented, but at least it's started. It started. It's moving along. Have we had a major announcement about it? No, we had a few little entreatments, announcements about NESARA  - I think we're definitely in the month to receive some benefit from NESARA. 

But don't confuse NESARA with GESARA  -The GESARA is the global economic Strategic and Recovery Act. That's for all the countries outside of the United States, it’s an international program.

Ours is NESARA the National Economic Strategic and Recovery Act.

And it's a real thing. And it's gonna, we've talked about it for I don't know maybe for a couple of years on the big call as far as what it includes and one of the things as part of NESARA is our new currency our new asset back primarily  gold backed currency we call the USN -  United States notes. Some call it United States Treasury note that they're using the 3 letter designation - but on the actual money, the bills, the spendingfoldable money, it should say United States Treasury note no longer FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE – the FED is dead.

Federal Reserve has gone that was part of the old corporations  of the United States. We are now under the restored Republic of the United States under a constitutional form of government and that's what we're operating in now.

Seems like Johnson was was sworn in by Steve Scalise last week. That was an indicator that he was actually Speaker Number 44 - Whereas Pelosi was Speaker Number 52. 

So the number the nomenclature of that has gone back to what happened after the Republic of 1873.

So that's why the numbers are gonna seem to change when it comes to the President of the Republic, etc, because we're no longer under the corporation of the United States.

So the USN has been out and being traded for a couple of weeks now and we're moving forward in that direction, -  the currency – The USN currency that's foldable – putting in your purse or money clip – whatever  - that money has been at the redemption center ready for us - for about two years now - it's been making its way to the various banks in the last week,  it hadn't been shuffled around and moved – and is in play – Now when will it come out ?  to everyday citizens? – to everybody – not just us going to the redemption centers - To the everyday citizens who everybody, not just us, we're going to the redemption centers. When will it come out to the general public?

I don't know for sure if it's going to be this week, but you would think it should be this week -  based on the information that we're getting, will explain that in a minute .  We know that the redemption center so when we go in to do our exchanges and redemption of Zim It will  be there - And even though they do not want us to take more than about $3,500 in new money in the cash if you will -  we can do that

They just don't want us to be hit so to speak for too much cash or whatever – I don’t know 

If you're not gonna take any cash - That's okay - you don't have to – it’s going to be available. There's probably  in 500 or 1,000  increments. So you just get it like that – 

Alright, so let's go back to the timeline. We were on a timeline that looked like we could get notified today - But no notification  not yet. I'm always looking for that trying to find out when the numbers  coming

So here's the latest information that we got today. and even another piece  that came in tonight  -This is what it's centering around - tomorrow night 7pm Eastern Standard Time - It's going to be on Newsmax alternative  news sites.- right side broadcasting Breitbart etc 

President Trump's rally in Hialeah, Florida, which is sort of north and west of Miami as I remember – a cool little cuban community – don’t know what the venue is - where he will actually be speaking, but he's gonna be speaking - because it's hard to start those exactly on tim,e - when he appears at them. They may not be on time. There are several reasons for that. 

But let's just take it between seven and eight. That timeframe is when President Trump is supposed to be making a blockbuster announcement, and hopefully, several announcements. I hope he makes five or six announcements. In that time I can think of a few that I'd like to hear.

So we'll see what he actually brings out. And here’s the point we've been told by several people, make sure you hear his speech make sure you hear the announcements that he's gonna make. sometime between seven and eight Eastern tomorrow night Wednesday, the eighth oh, oh no, you didn’t .

The 8th  Yes, guess whose favorite day the eighth besides me.  CHINA !!!!   that's right.

I just, you know what, I should have caught this last week. I should have caught this. Because the eighth is the day that China likes because of the number of new beginnings and financial prosperity and so on. And I think it's very possible that what we're going to get comes out tomorrow. 

Now here's, Here's where we had information that said, the notifications that we're looking for the 800 numbers that could come out right before announcements, or a few hours after his announcements are over -  the latest and I think maybe the most accurate piece that we got was that would speak in a place betyween 7 and  8 and then shortly after he speaks we would get our notifications .

To me it makes the most sense. It's not going to come out of the morning that it may as well come out  after he speaks and I don't know what he's gonna say exactly. I can think of several things, but I think we just need to tune in and watch it. I'm going to watch it on Newsmax, supposedly fun Newsmax and I'll record it and watch it on that. 

But here's the point At three o'clock this afternoon. - The 800 numbers were being  reloaded and reworked with the emails, the emails tied to us you know our emails, they know everybody's email and everything about the email for us that have already been sent in. They know that they have a treasury and what we're saying is that they have reorganized, reposition the email, to work alongside and part of the Starlink satellite system.

Now, in so doing, they have eliminated approximately half a million emails. 

Why would you say why? Because they know who these people are. They are not worthy of this exchange. They’re bad people are on the edge and most people will not be getting the toll free numbers or email. 

They may try to get it somewhere else they might go to the big call  universe and see it there. But the point is there when they get to the redemption center, they will not be allowed to exchange.

Now   what's happening is you know this, this is ready to go and you know, I told you guys I wouldn't call it but this is probably as close as I've ever been.

I like today. I like tomorrow. I like it right before right after President Trump speaks tomorrow night. 

From what we understand, we've got USN out we've gotten ready, guys, there's the only thing we were waiting for today right now is the okay by the military. To give to the Treasury they would have the green light to give to the redemption centers and banks. 

So it's military  says  okay.  Its time to go. Treasury. It said command from the military says Okay, its time to roll. They contact the banks and the redemption centers and then they are that we're ready to roll With these 800 numbers.

If anybody thinks that there are no 800 numbers or actually it's probably an 800 number. 

Okay, if there isn't one, or there are no redemption centers or there is no zim ---  if people are thinking that a certain person that I think believes that the way – they are way out in left field  -  they just don't know anything. They really don't know anything - if they don't know this. 

And that's just what is – it is so obvious so clear - our contacts are at the redemption centers we know what's going on. We know, for example, that there was a very, very good dinar rate on the bank screens yesterday with on the back screens, and it'll migrate to the front screen. of the banks. but realize this, our redemption center rates will be higher than the regular bank screens.

Bank screens are tied to the Forex redemption centers are not. They have their own rates and will have the very best and highest rates for us. So that's why  we are to use  a toll free number  - we think has an 800 toll free number, and to call tt set our appointments  and then go to exchange - if Intel I gpt today  from 4 separate military sources looks  to be very good - If that occurs  and we do get notifications tomorrow, Let's call it tomorrow night. Because that's what it is - tomorrow night. If that goes out as we've been told, we would set our appointments and start exchanges on Thursday the 9th  

Okay, so that's really the long and the short of where we are on the Intel. 

Like I said the email list is being trimmed down and they have the all of that email with the  starling satellite system  

So I'm excited about where we are. Yeah, I would have rather had it yesterday or today. But you know what I should have known when this rally the President Trump's gonna do I only have one great Cuban community, A lot of clothing manufacturers and so on to bring a little area  outside of Miami 

For that to occur, they should have told me something - especially that its on the 8th - but I was thinking we would get it sooner - So my bad on that.

I think everything is set - that's what I wanted to bring up tonight. 

I think we're really getting down to the water you guys. I think this is fine that I would love to make sure that you do. However you find it in such rally tomorrow. Hopefully he makes several positive announcements for us. I think he will - Alright so let's pray the call out. 

Zimbabwe Quick Update USD ZIM Rate FIFA Update BY SANDY INGRAM


  Militia Man  

 The ascension to the World Trade Organization is a key component but they need a value to be able to do that for pricing all the components that are going to come through in and out of the country...That is massive.  We're staring at that right now. 

Article quote:  "The government has achieved a lot in his first year."  I don't disagree with that.  I think the man's been off and running like no other inside the country and globally...He was at the UN assembly meeting.  He went to Europe.  He's been to Switzerland...China... Russia.  He's been doing a lot of things in his first year...

Article:  "Preventing the withdrawal of the dollars in Erbil via the ATMs"...They're closing up shop...They're prohibiting withdrawals of the dollar via ATM machines...the process is happening. 

 Quote:  "The elimination of the parallel markets and parallel exchange rate in the end of the state of the dollarization and trends towards an automatic increase in the value of the dinar. ...I believe...[when] the parallel market goes away within moments, an international acceptable exchange rate...

Iraqi PM: the Government is considering redefining the priorities of work of UNAMI, 8 nov

Iraqi PM: the Government is considering redefining the priorities of work of UNAMI

Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani announced the Government's intention to redefine the priorities and scope of work for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) during a meeting with Volker Perthes, the Head of the Independent Strategic Review of UNAMI, and his delegation on Wednesday.

Expressing Iraq's willingness to support UNAMI in its tasks, Al-Sudani commended the dedication of United Nations workers globally and praised the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, for his "principled stance on the events in Gaza." 

He emphasized the Iraqi Government's unique perspective on its international assistance requirements and desire to refocus UNAMI's efforts. Al-Sudani outlined key areas for cooperation, including addressing water scarcity, climate change, economic and financial reform, improving services, combating corruption, and upholding human rights principles. 

Al-Sudani underscored Iraq's increasing capacity to tackle internal and external challenges, actively contributing to regional stability and peace.

Perthes acknowledged the positive developments in Iraq since 2003, particularly in democracy and civil peace. He praised the Government's initiatives, highlighting projects like the Development Road Initiative aimed at economic diversification and stability. 

Perthes revealed that the Independent Strategic Review team plans to conduct on-site visits in Iraq, engaging with federal and local government representatives and UN teams.

UNAMI is a special political mission established in 2003 by UN Security Council Resolution 1500 at the request of the Government of Iraq. The Mission has been operational ever since, and its role was greatly expanded in 2007 with the adoption of Resolution 1770.

According to the UN, "UNAMI's mandate is to prioritize the provision of advice, support, and assistance to the Government and people of Iraq on advancing the inclusive, political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation; assisting in the electoral process; facilitating regional dialogue between Iraq and its neighbors; and promoting the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reforms."

About 650 personnel, 250 international and 400 national staff, work for the Mission in Iraq.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Eventually Reinstatement On Forex🔥iraqi dinar RV update🔥iraq...



 One year report card...Al-Sudani and his cabinet...Given all the circumstances I would give Sudani definitely a B- .  To be honest I thought it was going to be a lot worse than this. 

 But like I said once the budget is passed we're going to start to see people's true colors.  The second year is going to tell us a whole lot about Al-Sudani.  Just when you think you got the right guy in there who seems to be getting everybody on the right path we have another election coming up again.  That's going to tell us everything we need to know...

I believe they're going to go up in increments as the dinar gets stronger especially next year when they're using solely the Iraqi dinar.  That's going to strengthen the dinar but there's always things that could change the way the dinar goes up in value.  Removing the sanctions would be huge..

Article: "The Baghdad dollar jumps to 168 after intense speculation on the stock exchanges"  So the exchange rate of the US dollar soared.  In other words that's the wrong direction.  

Quote:  "the selling price reached 1680 for every dollar."  What does this mean?  They need to change the exchange rate...At least go back to the original rate of 1190 dinar...

The Ministry of Interior is in the process of opening sites for the national card and electronic passport in countries around the world, 8 NOV

 The Ministry of Interior is in the process of opening sites for the national card and electronic passport in countries around the world

11/8/2023  Baghdad

The Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, confirmed on Wednesday that the ministry is working to open new sites for the national card and the electronic passport in a number of countries around the world.

Al-Shammari’s media office stated in a statement received by Al-Eqtisad News, “Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, participated in the seventh ambassadors’ conference, which included a dialogue seminar on (the consular services session), where discussion and dialogue took place regarding the joint work strategy between the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs.” .

Al-Shammari stressed, according to the statement, “The Ministry of Interior always seeks to provide the best services to the Iraqi community by opening new sites for the national card and the electronic passport in a number of countries around the world, to facilitate the granting of documents.”

He pointed out that "the Ministry is working on an electronic entry visa (visa) project that will solve many of the obstacles facing the work of Iraqi missions abroad."  LINK

The Central Bank allows Iraqi banks to import foreign currency and requires them to meet 5 conditions (document) , 8 NOV

 The Central Bank allows Iraqi banks to import foreign currency and requires them to meet 5 conditions (document)


The Central Bank of Iraq decided, on Wednesday, to allow Iraqi banks to import foreign exchange according to 5 conditions.

It was stated in a letter sent by the Central Bank of Iraq to the licensed banks and obtained by Shafaq News Agency, “Based on the requests received to the bank, and in order to provide the required flexibility to banks operating in Iraq, it was decided to allow you to import foreign currency from outside Iraq while adhering to the following: -

1- The amounts will be used for the purposes of meeting Ziyankum’s requests from duly registered companies, organizations and bodies, and individuals working for foreign companies or institutions who receive incoming remittances from outside Iraq.

2- Submit a request to the Central Bank of Iraq (Banking Control Department) that includes the quantity required to be entered along with the details of the shipment.

3- Payments must be entered exclusively through air ports.

4- Your commitment to register the serial numbers of these shipments and provide the Banking Control Department with them and the data of their recipients later.

5- Providing the Central Bank with the name of the foreign shipping company along with a copy of the license granted to it in its country.

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed its continued provision of foreign currency to meet customer requirements and in accordance with instructions and controls in this regard. LINK

Nice love this new Iqd international BY NADER FROM MID EAST



 The central bank of Iraq have decided to resume the sale of gold bars and coins starting from Wednesday Nov. 8th”.  ...they will be selling to private banks and the government. This is big imo…and shows more de-dollarization.  And shows a similar pattern to Zimbabwe…going back to gold to support the value of their currencies.

 Question:  Mark do you think the RV is waiting until January?   MarkZ:    I don’t think so.  So much is happening now…and all at once...Most of my sources believe things are moving at a wonderful pace this week.

Not a lot of RV news but, the overwhelming consensus is that they did their best to pull the trigger over Friday and Saturday. Their backup plan was Monday night or Tuesday....They feel very confident they will get this thing wrapped in the near future. There is a whole heck of a lot of expectations for the next 2 days

 Seems that things appear to be heating up…so many rumors.

Iraq’s Economic Landscape: A Dance with Oil, Gold, and Geopolitics, 8 NOV

Iraq’s Economic Landscape: A Dance with Oil, Gold, and Geopolitics

Oil prices have plunged to a three-month low, signaling turbulence in the commodities market. Coupled with this, the Central Bank of Iraq, after a six-month hiatus, has reignited its gold selling operations through an electronic platform dedicated to banks. The maneuvering in the precious metal market is noteworthy, with the price per ounce of gold surging to $1.9.

Fluctuating Markets: Oil and Gold

The economic landscape in Iraq is characterized by the volatility of oil and gold prices. The slump in oil prices coupled with the surge in gold prices underlines the instability in the commodities market. The reinstatement of gold selling by the Central Bank of Iraq suggests attempts to bolster the economy in the face of uncertainty. The escalation in gold prices in the wholesale and jewelry markets mirrors an increased demand, possibly serving as a safe-haven investment amid economic turmoil.

Economic Challenges: The Iraqi Dinar and Dollar Exchange

The volatility of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, emphasized by the variable exchange rates, illuminates the economic hurdles facing Iraq. The uptick in dollar exchange rates may signal potential economic instability, influencing imports, exports, and overall purchasing power.

Geopolitical Tensions: Iraq and the United States

In the political sphere, the remarks from President Barzani concerning the bombardment of foreign troops in Iraq and the dialogues between Iraq and the United States on legal issues exhibit geopolitical strains that could sway economic policies. Moreover, the emphasis on enacting the oil and gas law and addressing revenue issues underlines the pivotal role of the energy sector in Iraq’s economic stability and the role of international players in shaping Iraq’s economic agenda.

Fighting Corruption: Technological Advancements

The focus on curbing money laundering and corruption through technological advancements accentuates Iraq’s endeavors to enhance governance and transparency – vital for nurturing an appealing investment environment and promoting economic growth.

On the whole, the economic and political developments in Iraq are entwined with the fluctuations in oil and gold markets, volatility in currency exchange rates, and initiatives to fight corruption and improve governance. Iraq’s economic stability is substantially influenced by international relations and the performance of key commodities on the global stage.