Sunday, November 26, 2023



Article:   "Central Bank Governor: Washington responds to all that Iraq needs in terms of dollars and a meeting with it next month"

 Article: "The Ministry of Transport intends to open direct airlines towards Australia, America and Malaysia" 

Nader From The Mid East 

 > It has to revalue.  If you talk about the assets and how much Iraq has...Look at Kuwait doesn't have anything.  No agriculture.  They have a little bit of tourism.  When Kuwait hits your mind?  Almost never. 

 Here's the thing though, Iraq is more richer than Kuwait.  It's 100x, 1000x richer than Kuwait.  Of course because it's bigger than Kuwait... When you hear the head of state saying the dinar is stronger than the dollar you got to believe him.  It is stronger. 

The Importance Of Oil And Gas Law, 27 NOV

 The Importance Of Oil And Gas Law

Economical  11/26/2023   Muhammad Sharif Abu Maysam   The importance of the Oil and Gas Law does not stop at establishing the correct mechanisms and methods for managing oil wealth and establishing the correct solutions for resolving oil and gas conflicts and disputes between the producing and contracting parties in a way that enhances confidence in the political system and the judicial institution, as its legislation and entry into force will necessarily contribute to supporting political, security and economic stability.

 They will contribute to strengthening national unity, increasing the rule of law, and creating an attractive investment environment that goes beyond promoting investments in the oil sector, and will push towards the urgent need to legislate the Federal Court law, respect the constitution, and resolve all points of contention between the center and the region, given that most of the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil are the result of the oil and revenue file.

Oil, and most importantly of all, the legislation of this law will confirm the right of the Iraqi people to own oil and gas wealth as stated in Articles (11 and 12) of the Constitution.

Despite this great importance of legislating the oil and gas law, which prompted the current government to form a committee to study and amend the draft law and then present it to the government and the House of Representatives, political differences are still an obstacle to approving a law that satisfies all parties since 2007 until now, which makes Legislating this law is the biggest challenge under the government's program document applications.

It goes without saying that a legal draft that is not consistent with the constitutional texts will be subject to categorical rejection under the powers of the Federal Court responsible for implementing the constitutional texts. Anything less than that can be agreed upon through intensifying dialogue sessions between oil and legal experts and those concerned with financial management.

However, such a law will remain. It has been locked away for about sixteen years without legislation under the pretext of political differences. This is a very strange matter, not only because the justifications for obstruction are illogical in light of the extent of the national importance of its legislation, but also because the current stage is the most dangerous after the escalation of the conflict between the major oil-consuming countries, in addition to what the country is witnessing.

Of major economic transformations, at a time when we are looking forward to implementing the government program, specifically with regard to legislating obstructive laws and resolving disputes related to economic files.

Accordingly, the current committee charged with studying and amending the draft prepared in 2007, over which dialogue took place for years to no avail, is required to work hard, compete for time, and disclose the reality of the obstacles that hinder reaching consensus on the controversial points contained therein, with the aim of forming a public opinion that pressures those responsible. By disrupting.

Al-Sudani confirms to ICC Prosecutor Iraq's commitment to combatting terrorism, 27 NOV

 Al-Sudani confirms to ICC Prosecutor Iraq's commitment to combatting terrorism

Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani urged the International Criminal Court to aid Iraq in identifying and supporting the prosecution of terrorism supporters within the country.

This call coincided with the ICC's commitment to pursue and hold accountable members affiliated with terrorist organizations operating in Iraq.

The statement was made during the reception of the ICC's Chief Prosecutor, Karim Ahmad Khan, and his accompanying delegation.

Discussions during the meeting revolved around mechanisms for collaboration between the Iraqi government and the ICC to hold accountable the individuals associated with ISIS terrorist gangs responsible for crimes committed in Iraq.

Prime Minister al-Sudani emphasized the necessity of "supporting Iraq in prosecuting and holding accountable the terrorist elements that caused the loss of Iraqi lives and perpetrated heinous massacres against civilians."

He urged the ICC to assist Iraq in identifying the backers of terrorism within Iraq, be they countries or institutions, to prosecute them in Iraqi courts.

In response, Prosecutor Khan affirmed the ICC's commitment to "pursuing and holding accountable those linked to terrorist organizations in Iraq, seeking justice for the victims."

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Nearing Its End🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉



 Article:  "The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful”.  THE SOLUTION IS NOT A PROGRAM RATE!

Two months ago a quick little pip movement took the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar from 1460 to 1320...They were supposed to make the next step. 

 I told you at that time, 'Now that they've made this movement, let's say 1320 to 1, the next one will be 1,000 to 1 and when they do they will be in position to lift the three zeros and float the currency in a basket...'

 Article quote:  "Solutions exist, and during our tenure at the Ministry of Finance (2006-2010), we succeeded in increasing the value of the dinar from (1,500 dinars to the dollar to 1,170 dinars to the dollar). We were planning to reach (1,000 dinars to the dollar) and then raise the zeros so that the dinar was equal to the dollar."  What?!? 

 Word for word of what we taught you...This is the last step.  IMO the CBI is going to be going to the US Treasury next week...This is exactly what we want next.

Question:  " What if you lost your receipt for your dinar?

 Try to get ahold of the individual you bought it from.  If they have records...maybe they might help you.  My broker does not...If you lost it.  Oh, dear.  That can be a problem financially for you because you want to hold your currency for one year...

Because...your [tax] bracket is whatever the
government says but if you don't have a receipt or if you don't hold it for a year and you go exchange...that's a different tax bracket.  They're going to really bite you hard.  It's the difference between 40% tax and 20% tax...
[NOTE: Consult your tax professionals at the appropriate time to determinate proper tax for your unique circumstances]

The Iraqi dinar is now going to enter a basket in a float and that's why the CBI has been talking...about the basket and coins... All they talk about is the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, about the black market going away and the only way that all of this can happen is if we have a new exchange rate and a new currency to match it .  They are preparing [Iraqi citizens].   This is the monetary reform at its highest point..

Iraqi Dinar update for 11/26/23 - That's not the $3.22 rate BY PIMPY

Parliamentary Finance for / Nina /: Strengthening the balance of Iraqi banks in foreign currency supports the private sector and the local market, 26 NOV

 Parliamentary Finance for / Nina /: Strengthening the balance of Iraqi banks in foreign currency supports the private sector and the local market

The Parliamentary Finance Committee stressed the importance of strengthening the Iraqi banks’ foreign currency balance to support the private sector and the local market.

The head of the committee, MP Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency. Nina /, “The increase in the currency exchange rate by accredited banks provides another safe path to meet the local market’s needs for foreign currency.”

He added, "The government has established paths for banking work governed by the controls of applicable laws. This will open broad horizons for the national economy and will also provide hard currency to the local market without the need for the central bank to intervene and bear responsibility."

He continued to say, “The private sector can adopt this by dealing with the electronic currency exchange platform, and dealing with trade in a way that ensures controlling the rhythm of market movement, and also part of this initiative is to support the private sector by establishing local projects that can provide foreign currency and achieve automation in the ports.” Border, tax and customs.”

At the beginning of this November, the Central Bank of Iraq agreed with the American side to facilitate procedures for external transfers, including an agreement to directly enhance the advance balance of a number of banks (ten banks) in dollars.   LINK

Iraqi financial delegation heads to Ankara to discuss trade with Turkey, 26 NOV

 Iraqi financial delegation heads to Ankara to discuss trade with Turkey

Shafaq News / A government source revealed on Sunday that a financial delegation would depart for Ankara the following Monday to discuss and stabilize the trade exchange between Iraq and Turkey through recognized legal and banking methods.

This visit aims to continue the discussions initiated during the initial round of talks held in Baghdad on Wednesday, November 15.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that the delegation includes the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, three officials from the Iraqi Central Bank, and twelve bank managers from Iraqi financial institutions.

They are set to conduct discussions with several Turkish financial and banking institutions, including the Central Bank of Turkey, the Banking Association, and the Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

The discussions will primarily focus on various topics, including negotiations with Turkish banks to establish correspondent accounts for Iraqi banks in different foreign currencies, facilitating settlements between the two countries, and resolving impediments hindering the execution of this process.

The Iraqi financial delegation is expected to discuss easing the use of credit cards for Iraqi residents and tourists in the Turkish banking market.

The regulation of trade exchange between the two nations will be deliberated through Turkish and Iraqi customs authorities matching supplied goods to Iraq with financial transfer documents via foreign currency exchange windows, ensuring the protection and stability of trade interests between both countries.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Even Bigger Exchange Rates I Can't Imagine🔥iraqi dinar Rate ...


 Militia Man 

 Article:  "The dollar exchange rates are subject to the forces of supply and demand in the market

 By adding other currencies from around the world they're going do diminish the need for the dollar and therefore it's basically going to go away...these guys are not playing games anymore...The US Treasury, Central Bank of Iraq, US Federal Reserve they are all working towards going one direction and that's to enhance the Global Financial System...

Article:  "The highest among the Gulf countries.. The Arab Monetary Fund expects the Iraqi economy to grow by 4.5%"  

There is likely no doubt that Iraq is about to have massive growth going forward. To be the highest just now among all middle eastern countries is going to be a big deal. I suspect the ISX is going to be on fire this next year even more so than ever before..

 There's things happening as we speak - one thing after another.  I can't imagine anybody being discouraged at this time because of the nature of what's happening

Iraq-Turkey Financial Talks Imminent, Kurdistan Government Eyes Budget Discussion in Baghdad, 26 NOV

 Iraq-Turkey Financial Talks Imminent, Kurdistan Government Eyes Budget Discussion in Baghdad

As per a reliable government source, a delegation from Iraq comprising the Prime Minister’s financial advisor, three officials from the Central Bank of Iraq, and directors of 12 Iraqi banks are poised to embark on a crucial journey to Turkey. Their itinerary includes in-depth interactions with multiple Turkish financial and banking institutions. The key talking points will revolve around the initiation of correspondent accounts for Iraqi banks in foreign currencies, the introduction of credit card usage for Iraqi citizens and tourists within the Turkish banking market, and the regulation of trade exchange between Iraq and Turkey through a foreign currency buying and selling window.

High-Level Delegation to Visit Baghdad

A high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is scheduled to visit Baghdad. The primary agenda for this visit includes discussions on the salaries of KRG employees, the KRG’s share of the federal budget, and the reinstatement of oil exports from the Kurdistan region and Kirkuk through the Turkish port of Ceyhan. The delegation’s objective is to secure the constitutional rights of the people of Kurdistan, with special attention to those who are salaried employees.

Negotiating Oil Exports and Production Costs

The delegation will also delve into the challenges of recommencing oil exports and the federal government’s ability to cover the production and extraction costs. The KRG’s intent is to resume oil exports, conditional on the federal government’s capacity to shoulder the cost of oil production and extraction.

Call for Commitment Towards Financial Obligations

Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), has called on the federal government in Baghdad to fulfill its financial obligations towards the autonomous region. He emphasised the urgent need for the federal government to resolve the issue of Kurdistan’s share in the budget and fund the salaries of public servants. A high-ranking KRG delegation is slated to visit Baghdad on Monday to discuss the budget, public servants’ salaries, and the resumption of oil exports from Kurdistan and Kirkuk via the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

Iraq and Turkey: A Move Towards Stronger Economic Ties, 26 NOV

Iraq and Turkey: A Move Towards Stronger Economic Ties

In the backdrop of an evolving global landscape, Iraq and Turkey are forging a path towards stronger economic and financial ties. A high-profile delegation from Iraq is set to journey to Ankara, Turkey, to discuss three key economic and financial files. This move is aimed at bolstering bilateral relations and cooperation between the two neighboring nations across diverse sectors. 

Fostering Economic Stability

The Iraqi delegation, comprising the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, officials from the Iraqi Central Bank, and bank managers from Iraqi financial institutions, is poised to negotiate with Turkish banks. One of the primary objectives is to establish correspondent accounts for Iraqi banks in different foreign currencies. This step is anticipated to facilitate settlements between the two countries and overcome any obstacles hampering this process. 

Enhancing Accessibility

Another focal point of the discussions will be the potential simplification of the use of credit cards for Iraqi residents and tourists in the Turkish banking market. This initiative could pave the way for smoother financial transactions and potentially boost tourism and business relations between Iraq and Turkey. 

Strengthening Regional Partnerships

A high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is also scheduled to make a trip to Baghdad. The team aims to address critical issues surrounding the salaries of KRG employees, the KRG’s share of the federal budget, and the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan region and Kirkuk via the Turkish port of Ceyhan. The delegation will strive to ensure the constitutional rights of the people of Kurdistan, particularly those receiving salaries. 

These meetings between Iraq and Turkey underscore ongoing diplomatic efforts to enhance regional partnerships and economic ties. While the specific details of the files under discussion remain undisclosed, they likely encompass trade, investment, and other financial collaborations that could foster mutual economic growth.


Great news the IQD leaving the country BY NADER FROM MID EAST



 Article:  "The media advisor to the Prime Minister, Hisham Al-Rikabi, confirmed...Friday, that the dollar battle is nearing its end"   X Tweet:   "The reform plans for the financial and banking system undertaken by the government and the Central Bank of Iraq aim to build strong foundations for the stability of the economy and pave the way for creating a suitable climate for investment, and end the eras of illegal trade, dollar smuggling, and speculative operations in market.  In short, the battle for the dollar is nearing its end."

Article:   "Central Bank Governor: Washington responds to all that Iraq needs in terms of dollars and a meeting with it next month"  Quote:  "Al-Alaq said in a press interview that “the Iraqi Central Bank will hold a meeting with the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve early next month in Dubai, noting that “radical steps will be taken within the framework of reorganizing trade on the right foundations,” noting that the electronic platform will be completed early next year.

 Article:  "US approval to increase the dollar balances of 10 Iraqi banks

 Quote:  "The source explained that this agreement came in light of the recent meetings held by the Central Bank of Iraq with the American side, which resulted in an increase in the number of banks that can directly enhance their dollar balance to 10 banks, 5 of which are through Citibank, and the other five are through JP Morgan Bank."

Article:  " The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful” 

 Quote:  "Monday (November 20, 2023), an informed source reported an expected meeting between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Treasury Department next week."

Article: "An upcoming meeting between the Iraqi Central Bank and the US Treasury next week”  

 Quote " meeting between Iraq and the United States of America regarding the dollar...

On (last September 19) in New York, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani informed the US Treasury Under Secretary of the expansion of his government’s work in reducing money laundering operations, while the latter indicated that the confidence of global financial institutions had been restored."

Article:  "Iraqi Banks Association: The dollar will fall to the rate of 1,400 dinars... and the date is expected"  Quote:  " The advisor to the Iraqi Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, expected dollar prices to fall to 1,400 dinars during the first quarter of next year. "

Article Written by: Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidi - former Minister of Finance "The ongoing dollar crisis

 Quote:  "The dollar crisis is a policy crisis of the continued American threat of sanctions, accompanied by the continued bleeding of the currency by private banks that are protected by some influential people, and this conflict is paid for by the citizen...

Solutions exist, and during our tenure at the Ministry of Finance (2006-2010), we succeeded in increasing the value of the dinar from (1,500 dinars to the dollar to 1,170 dinars to the dollar). We were planning to reach (1,000 dinars to the dollar) and then raise the zeros so that the dinar was equal to the dollar."

Al-Nusairi: The battle with black dollar speculators is in its final round, 26 NOV

 Al-Nusairi: The battle with black dollar speculators is in its final round

 Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, confirmed in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News Agency that the measures of the government and the Central Bank and the efforts made since the beginning of 2023 have yielded results and will give the desired results according to what was planned, as speculators who deal in the black dollar on the black market have been besieged and the battle is with them.

In its last tour, this was explained in detail by the Governor of the Central Bank in his recent speech to the Iraqi News Agency, in which he referred to the administrative, technical and negotiating procedures and steps with the US Federal Reserve Bank and the US Treasury Department and the understandings to regulate trade financing by approving the opening of accounts for Iraqi banks in American and Chinese correspondent banks.

And Emirati and Turkish to deal directly with them for external transfers in the currencies of these countries, which are the dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, and the Emirati dirham, and to leave the electronic platform in 2024 and supply the dollar and foreign currencies into Iraq from the accounts of Iraqi banks in correspondent banks or abroad, as well as achieving the opening of up to 40 accounts for our banks. In correspondent banks.

Al-Nusairi explained that the Central Bank’s next strategy to reform the banking sector will depend on reclassifying banks and increasing their capital to the ceiling set by the Central Bank in accordance with the specified time frames until the end of 2024, which will lead to raising the capabilities of our banks to provide the best banking products and services to customers and to the economy, investment and development and the transition to comprehensive digital transformation. .

 Al-Nusairi pointed out that government support and the government agencies concerned with stimulating and activating the real sector and revolutionizing the productive economic sectors will constitute support and support for the plans and procedures of the Central Bank and continuous coordination with monetary policy applications.

 Al-Nusairi concluded his speech by saying that the methodology for advancing and reforming the Iraqi economy and achieving economic growth and stability requires exceptional efforts, programs, mechanisms and government procedures in partnership with the private sector and competent national competencies to change towards the desired economic advancement. With an emphasis on supporting, developing and classifying the banking sector as the first basic link in the economy.   link

Al-Sudani: It is time for the current plans to focus on economic diversification, 26 NOV

 Al-Sudani: It is time for the current plans to focus on economic diversification

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani sponsored the first conference of the five-year national development plan, which was held this Sunday morning by the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, and its work will continue for the period from 26-28 this November.

In a speech he delivered during the conference, Al-Sudani stressed the government’s interest in strategic plans and projects that are consistent with the 2030 Sustainable Development Vision, calling on everyone to actively contribute to building a five-year national development plan that suits Iraq’s need for real development built on sound foundations.

The Prime Minister praised the Ministry of Planning, in preparing this important document, and the efforts of the experts supporting the Ministry. He also praised the efforts of the United Nations Development Program and the United States Agency for Development, for their support of the efforts of the Iraqi government.

The following are the highlights of the Prime Minister’s speech during the conference:

The scale of the challenges requires integrated plans aimed at achieving comprehensive renaissance in the medium and long term.

Iraq has witnessed a development interruption since the 1980s. Because of wars, sieges, and counter-terrorism operations. 

Our government worked to put development back on track and launch its development plans.

The government increased the pace of implementation of existing projects, which number more than 7,000 projects, and implemented new projects that represent a high development and service value.

The government has paid attention to strategic projects that are consistent with the 2030 Sustainable Development Vision, including infrastructure projects, clean energy, the development road, Al-Faw port, and others.

The best conditions to achieve the goals of the five-year plan must be provided by the agencies concerned with its implementation, including the governorates.

- At the beginning of its work, our government supported the governorates, through the Supreme Commission for Coordination between the Governorates, which succeeded in changing many paths, and its results appeared within one year of the government’s life.

The new governorate councils will represent a qualitative addition to the work, so we were keen to create the conditions for the success of the elections, so that each governorate would have representatives, whose work would complement the governor’s.

It is time for the new development plan to have economic dimensions based on the philosophy of economic diversification.

The government has laid the foundations for economic diversification, including the establishment of the Iraqi Fund for Development, which aims to create an integrated investment environment in the country.

Initiatives have been launched that aim to change the pattern of the rentier economy, such as the “Riyada” initiative, which helps young people invest their ideas in productive sectors.

The tripartite budget included a special provision to support the private sector by granting it sovereign guarantees, which will contribute to encouraging the business and investment environment in the country.

We are working hard to support the private sector and complete the formation of its development council, as it represents the primary partner of the government sector.

- If we succeed in achieving economic diversification, providing a fertile investment environment, and strongly introducing the private sector into the development scene, the reality of the situation will change.

We are continuing to build a network of economic relations between Iraq and the countries of the world, built on the foundations of mutual interests.

The government worked to reform the banking and financial sector, by automating all economic and service activities.

- We have begun to automate work at border crossings, and established the shift towards the use of electronic payment in all market and commercial transactions.

The five-year development plan must adopt digital transformation, by adopting electronic systems in all aspects of life.

We need sound development data and indicators in order to make development plans successful, and this requires conducting an accurate and comprehensive census of the population, their places of residence, and their work environments.

We decided to conduct the population census next year, 2024, and directed that all financial and logistical requirements be provided to make it successful.

-The five-year development plan should create space to achieve good governance, establish appropriate mechanisms to fight corruption, and dry up its sources wherever they are.

The existence of a five-year, verifiable development plan indicates a state of security, political, social and economic stability.

The results of development plans must reflect positively on vulnerable segments of society, by providing housing, education, and health, improving income levels, and reducing the effects of climate change.

- During its first year, the government worked to reduce poverty and unemployment rates, through the social protection network, improving the food basket, paying attention to health and education projects, services and infrastructure, working to not inherit poverty among poor families, and establishing a fund to support the poorest areas.   link

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...