Tuesday, December 19, 2023


  Mountain Goat

I asked [my CBI contact] what the next targeted steps were and I was told that the committee does not even know and were told just to standby and the CBI is going to try to “push” to continue as they are ready for the next step in the process.  I was told the IMF is negotiating the new peg for the dinar but to remember it impacts all countries in this new peg not just Iraq.

  I was told this is close to being completed and should be done this week ending. This lines us up for next week to begin the currency sway [swap ?] out, but they told me it is delayed until further notice.

So, at least we now have a timeline when they did plan it and still could do it based on what happens with the US bombing issue. My contact did reiterate that the process now is irreversible and must go forward. The US had already given assurances they would not back out if the CBI moved ahead.  So all I can say is let’s sit tight and watch what does happen in the coming week.


 ...just recently Iraq now began broadcasting news in-country to the citizens that the dinar is an “issue of a homeland” in a real way...a patriotic video...is telling the people that the dinar is valuable and will revitalize the nation...It DOES NOT say the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar, but it does tell the citizens they should be very proud of their national currency and that it is very valuable.  Valuable at 1/6 of a penny? ...something BIG is about to happen with the dinar...


My Conversation with my CBI Contact 12/13/23:

As you know I try to talk to my Iraqi CBI contact each week on Wednesdays and sometimes also on Saturdays. My contact is a very god friend that I met when I was stationed in Iraq during the occupation timeframe. I trust what my contact says to me. Besides we are getting information first hand from an actual citizen living, working and experiencing everything happening in Iraq without bias or propaganda.

We began our conversation with talk about the disputes going on with the US forces and all the bombings. This is important I was told. Who is conducting the bombings and does the US forces have a right to protect themselves? It was confirmed to me that this is all a movement to rid Iraq once again of US forces. There is lots of propaganda being told to the people about this to get pressure on the government to rid them of the US.

 Remember too, the Iranian militia has remained in Iraq post ISIS war. That was over 16 years already since the war ended (2007) and so many look at them now as Arabic, Moslum brothers compared to the western armed forces, at least this is what many Iranian Shia think. Remember there are patriotic Shia and then there are Iranian Shia. This is the middle eastern culture. But even the citizens are afraid (mostly Sunni) of what will happen if the US forces do pull out entirely again. Who will fill the gap this time as there will be a gap and the Iraqi forces are not strong enough yet. It is like a double-edged sword. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. So many Iraqi people are confused.

This time, if the US does pull out, it is widely felt by the average citizen the Iranian Hezbollah militia forces and not ISIS the citizens will fear the most. They walk the streets in their uniforms with arms. They claim they are still here to protect the Iraqi people from ISIS. Really? But, my contact says this is just an excuse to occupy Iraq and a contradiction. Like the US forces, but there are even more Iranians, they too are occupiers. My contact does not understand why the US does not challenge them as occupiers too and put this issue on the table with the government.

Then we changed the subject and talked about the currency reform. I asked about the impact of the confrontations with the US over their military stationed in Iraq. I was told the situation it does impact the progress of the planned events for December as the committee was brought into a meeting with the leadership and told everything was now “on hold”. I know, I know I too was a bit shocked at the news and did not like it. But I know for a fact that January is the best and most opportune time to revalue and drastically change the program rate to an international rate on the global exchanges. But the program rate is already on a pseudo-float within the country.

I asked what the next targeted steps where and I was told that the committee does not even know and were told just to standby and the CBI is going to try to “push” to continue as they are ready for the next step in the process. I was told the IMF is negotiating the new peg for the dinar but to remember it impacts all countries in this new peg not just Iraq.  I was told this is close to being completed an should be done this week ending. This lines us up for next week to begin the currency sway out, but they told me it is delayed until further notice.  So, at least we now have a timeline when they did plan it and still could do it based on what happens with the US bombing issue. My contact did reiterate that the process now is irreversible” and must go forward. The US had already given assurances they would not back out if the CBI moved ahead. So all I can say is let’s sit tight and watch what does happen in the coming week.


UrgentThe Alliance of State Forces wins 23 seats according to the preliminary results of the provincial elections, 20 DEC

 UrgentThe Alliance of State Forces wins 23 seats according to the preliminary results of the provincial elections

 The Alliance of National State Forces, led by Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, won 23 seats out of the total number of provincial council seats 285 seats throughout the country, except for the governorates of the Kurdistan region.

The coalition received 307,730 of the total number of voters in the private and public vote.

The Electoral Commission announced the results of 94.4 percent of the total votes.




  The Redemption center rates on their screens will be the best rates available they will be the best rates if you try to just say well, I'm just gonna go to this small mom and pop bank  - You're not gonna get the big rates. You're not gonna get the rates that President Trump wants us to have...there's a vast difference between the redemption center screen rates and that of the banks. Even the tier one banks are not a match up.

 [via WiserNow]   I received...good intel from a very trusted source and a treasury representative...We're ...looking at us to be notified on Monday...Which is the 18th and exchange on the 19th...Monday into Tuesday is what looks like is going to happen to tier 4B - that's us...

the redemption centers...did say they intend to get the started before Christmas and it looks like that's what is going to happen ...I think we're good to go...

 I believe that's going to happen sooner than Christmas. Everything that we're getting yesterday and today is pointing toward this happening - Very soon...we are right at the precipice of this happening... I think we're looking at getting this done and having a wonderful Christmas moving into the new year with Prosperity.

Thurs. 14 Dec. Bruce: 

The window for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to receive an appointment is between now and Sun. 17 Dec, but we got something that extends it to Tues. 19 Dec. On Thurs. 14 Dec. a Treasury representative said Tier4b would be notified Mon. 18 Dec. with exchanges starting on Tues. 19 Dec. There were 16,000 Bond Holders who could see their funds but didn’t yet have access to them, but would go on Sun. 17 Dec  with access to them on Mon. 18 Dec. They would be pretty much done by Christmas.

 Tier4b will probably go on through Christmas to the end of the month with the Redemption Centers. The Redemption Center rates will be the best available – you won’t get that in a bank. There was a two page Non Disclosure Agreement you would have to sign and the 55 page booklet of who not to give money to. If you break the Non Disclosure Agreement or give money to someone listed in the booklet your account will be seized, and you won’t get the money back.


The us has signed of now all have to do with imf #irad IQD good morning BY NADER FROM MID EAST



 I think the new national currency along with the exchange rate and HCL will (*snap fingers*) be simultaneously.  

  On the 1st of January, you citizens of Iraq will no longer be able to use any foreign currency...Nothing except their currency.  Their currency is worthless.  Obviously they are cleaning the floor of the CBI from terrorism, counterfeiting, those in parliament that think they were going to take everything over again like Iran was planning but didn't work.  This monetary reform education right now is extremely successful.

There is hidden information being revealed in these [This week's bank stories] phone calls...They're running out of time...The Venturi effect of the whole monetary reform is becoming so narrow he can barely get everything through fast enough right now.  The employees are being educated/updated.   Very good.  They are telling them the dinar...we'll be doing it, sure...The banks know when and they're getting the customers ready and preparing them...

This is what I am coming across...You may be still getting a lot of denials and that's still to be expected, but I am a central hub of information.  People call me because they want me to share it with you...these bank stories are powerful.

Sudanese Advisor: The International Monetary Fund Evaluates Iraq’s Economic Policy With Five Points, 19 DEC

Sudanese Advisor: The International Monetary Fund Evaluates Iraq’s Economic Policy With Five Points

Earth News/ The International Monetary Fund evaluated Iraq’s economic policy at five points.

The Sudanese advisor stated, in a post on the X platform, that “the International Monetary Fund’s report stated its assessment of the Iraqi government’s policy on the economic level as follows”:

First: Iraq is achieving progress in the growth of non-oil GDP.

Second: Economic activity is recovering.

Third: Welcoming government plans aimed at strengthening public financial management.

Fourth: Appreciating the government’s efforts to strengthen the local liquidity management framework.

Fifth: The International Monetary Fund confirmed its readiness to support the Iraqi authorities regarding reform.



Article quote: "...Iraq today is at the highest level of foreign receivers in the financial history..."  They've made changes to the issue of dealing with foreign currency. 

 We all know what they have been doing...currency swaps.  They've been populating corresponding banks with currency.  They didn't say if it's triple zero notes or if it's small category notes but they said they've been populating countries with foreign currency.  I think it's pretty exciting

They have a paragraph in the laws that may need an amendment.   It has to deal with the average production cost per barrel [of oil]...it's used to be $8 but now it's $21...

When they change the value of the currency it's going to need to be adjusted according for a fair valuation for how much money is it going to cost to get it out of the ground.  That's going to be relevant to what's the dinar worth because we're not going to be using the dollar, we're going to be using the dinar...

Article:  "A STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE GROUP OF SEVEN COUNTRIES, THE EUROPEAN UNION, AND THE WORLD BANK"  This data supports all that we have been seeing where Iraq is going international. It is coming out strong and to the point from the horse's mouths. For those that doubt it still.. Good luck.

  We had some problems with the embassy recently...They put the army out from the 12th, a couple days back, through the 20th.  So you kind of go, wow.  They're really focusing in on the 20th.  Again, they are telling us a story.   Whether that is an indicator or not it's going to be determined. Don't think that we're telling you it's going down on the 20th because that's not what we said and that's not what I'm telling you.  But it's fascinating stuff...

  Romanowski  [US Ambassador to Iraq]  had her G7 meeting...She's taken photo op with the G7 supporting the reforms of Iraq.  That's powerful stuff.  

Article quote:  "...during the coming year the Iraq economic contact group will further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq including prime minister Al-Sudani's policies to enhance the value of the dinar...This is a clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period.. ."  That's a drop the mic you guys.  Phenomenal...In other words if you're going to enhance the value of the dinar something is going to change.

Article  "STATEMENT OF THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE G7, EUROPEAN UNION AND WORLD BANK "  This is the road map they have been using to show the world their intentions.

 They have every intention to see Iraq succeed and get back into the international arena and into her rightful place in the international financial system! We can see by the evidence over the last few months that support they are getting down to the wire...

 Iraq is presenting that they're going international and they have been talking about it for a long period of time.

  They've actually doing it for a long period of time and they're coming to fruition to where they've publicly told us they were going to start spending money and that could be as soon as around the 20th.  Then you have the end of the year dinar only.  They have the taxation in dinar on the same time frame.   These little bits and pieces they feed us, their time frames, we put it together...and we'll see how they roll out in the coming days.   It's a phenomenal process...

The dollar is going away between now and the 20th for commercial purposes.  It will not be used as of the same data for taxation in the country... Will they still be able to buy dollars to travel. ..?  Yes.  Will they be able to use the dollar for transactions in country for commercial purposes?  Answer, No.  Will they be able to use any other currency other than the dinar for commercial purposes within the country as of January 1, 2024 ...the answer is no...  Standby for this to get really exciting because everything we're seeing is telling me that we've never been here before...

  Article:   "Samsung: Iraq represents the most prominent market in the Middle East"  The Iraqi markets are going to explode. Samsung is going to be there all along the way. They will not be alone be sure. Having an early start is a big deal...Iraq's private sector is going to be on fire.

Al Sudani has established  a "Unique private sector development council..." ...Giving credibility to the private sector is getting ready to explode.  It's going to be phenomenal.  

 If the Finance Minister needs to work to the end of the year to make sure that everything's sorted and ready to go and do it right and do it properly so the Iraqi citizens get what they deserve which is purchasing power.  I think it's a phenomenal situation.  I think everybody can clearly see...they're doing it and it's coming to fruition...

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥$1 to About $4.81🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉



I get it there are people out there telling you it's going to happen overnight because they have an electric payment system.  No, no they're not going to change your exchange rate just because of the electronic payment system.   The electronic payment system will help influence it once it's up and fully implemented but it has nothing to do with being reinstated.   It'll keep increasing in increments just like I said...

Question: "Is Iraq part of any currency basket?"  No...They have not been invited to be part of any currency basket.  Iraq is part of the currency basket that makes up the Arab accounting dinar but that's local, regional...There are no other currency baskets, I mean zero, that Iraq is part of at all.  Nothing in trade.  Nothing in business.  Nothing internationally.  That don't have stable currency.

IMF expresses optimistim about non-oil financial growth in Iraq, 19 DEC

IMF expresses optimistim about non-oil financial growth in Iraq, 19 DEC

Shafaq News / Staff team of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Jean-Guillaume Poulain met with the Iraqi authorities in Amman, Jordan during Dec 12-17 to discuss recent economic developments and outlook as well as policy plans.

At the end of the mission, Mr. Poulain issued the following statement:

“Against the background of a large fiscal expansion, non-oil GDP is expected to grow by 5 percent in 2023. Continued budget execution should help sustain strong non-oil growth in 2024. However, lower oil production, following the closure of the Iraq-Turkey pipeline and OPEC+ production cuts, will reduce overall GDP growth in 2023 and 2024. Inflation has declined from its January peak and is projected to stabilize in the coming months—helped by the Central Bank of Iraq’s (CBI) tighter monetary policy, passthrough from the exchange rate revaluation, lower international food prices, and normalization of trade finance as compliance to the new anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) framework improved.

“The three-year budget approved in June 2023 marked a shift in Iraq’s budgeting practice, envisaged to improve fiscal planning and continue important development projects over the medium term. Despite a late start of budget implementation, the fiscal balance is expected to shift from a large surplus in 2022 to a deficit in 2023. Staff projects that the deficit would widen further in 2024 reflecting the full year impact of recent measures. The large fiscal expansion, including a substantial increase in public hiring and pensions creates permanent spending that will put pressure on public finances over the medium term.

“Ensuring fiscal sustainability, in context of uncertain outlook for oil prices, requires gradually tightening the fiscal policy stance while safeguarding critical infrastructure and social spending needs. This would require mobilizing additional non-oil revenues, containing the large government wage bill, and reforming the pension system. These measures should be supported by moving toward a more targeted social safety net that better protects the vulnerable.

“The mission welcomed the government’s plans to strengthen public financial management including steps towards the establishment of the Treasury Single Account. In this context, the mission reiterated the importance of adhering to the framework for managing government guarantees.

“The CBI has appropriately tightened its monetary policy, including by increasing its policy rate and reserve requirement. The mission welcomed the progress in strengthening the domestic liquidity management framework and encouraged continued efforts to mop up excess liquidity and develop an interbank market to strengthen monetary policy transmission.

“Structural reforms to spur private sector led economic diversification and job creation remains pivotal for sustainable and inclusive growth. Priorities include creating a level playing field for the private sector through banking and electricity sector reforms, reducing distortions in the labor market, and continuing efforts to enhance governance and reduce corruption.

“The IMF staff team stands ready to support the authorities in their reform efforts and would like to thank them for candid and productive discussions during this mission.”

(IMF Media Office)




Since October of last year [Iraq's Federal elections] they have been setting the economic stage for the rate change... They're done setting the economic stage. They don't have any more economic steps to do.  That's why they're finishing the very last step of removing and cleaning up corruption at the second half of the government - The provincial level. 

  Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.  What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency...These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

 You'll be able to go to 53rd Bank on the east coast [to exchange your dinar].    I've already consulted with them.  You'll be able to exchange your foreign currency there and they won't charge you any fees to exchange your foreign currency..


 The reason why there's no news coming out of Iraq is because Iraq is done with everything.  They finished everything needed to revalue.  They're ready to revalue but they can't and they're not going revalue immediately because they have to clean up corruption.  Article:   "Al-Halbousi faces 4 criminal charges after the end of his presidencyBoom!... Halabousi is going to be facing 4 criminal charges.

 In order for the 2023 budget to be implemented Iraq needed to have publicly posted in the Gazette the budget operating instructions.  They never did that.  That step never happened... Iraq has not implemented its '23 budget that's why they have to resort to financing salaries and have done so since July...If they had an active budget they would not need to  finance.   


    You're like, why hasn't Iraq revalued?  They've gotten everything done?'  And they do!  Iraq has everything done.  They're ready to revalue but they're not going to revalue till they tackle corruption...They have to remove this corruption.


PM Advisor Reveals Exciting News Iraq's Historic Financial Milestone | I...

Evening News with MarkZ. 12/19/2023

Iraqi Minister Of Finance: Economic Recovery Is Underway Amid The Return Of Commercial Financing To Normal , 19 DEC

 Iraqi Minister Of Finance: Economic Recovery Is Underway Amid The Return Of Commercial Financing To Normal 

Economy     Iraq     Minister of Finance  2023-12-18 03:04  Shafaq News/ Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Muhammad, said on Monday that economic recovery is underway in the country amid the return of commercial financing to normal.

This came during his participation, along with a delegation of advanced staff in the Ministry of Finance, and a number of representatives of ministries and the Central Bank of Iraq, in the meetings of the International Monetary Fund expert visiting mission held in the Kingdom of Jordan for the period from 14-17/12/2023.   

The meeting discussed 

     priorities for correcting public finances through structural reforms, represented by

     encouraging foreign trade payments to commercial banks and

     reducing reliance on cash, in addition to

     expanding the use of point-of-sale devices and electronic payments, and

     accelerating the completion of the restructuring of government banks.

On the other hand, the meeting discussed the

     actual expenses and revenues until September 2023, the

     expected ones for the end of this year, and in addition to the

     spending ceilings for the year 2024,

     appointments file contained in Budget Law No. (13) of 2023,

     financial reforms,

     bank structuring,

     customs and tax automation, the

     unified treasury account, and the

     comprehensive banking system. Implementing the POS electronic payment system for the purpose of maximizing revenues.

 Support for funds for which allocations were made in the general budget was also discussed, in addition to

     structural reforms to support private sector development,

     increase job opportunities,

     reforms to the retirement system, the

     social protection network,

     higher revenues and exports,

     higher economic growth,

     banking and electricity sector reforms,

     strengthening governance and

     reducing... From corruption


The meeting also touched on the role of the Central Bank of Iraq in tightening monetary policy appropriately with the aim of alleviating inflationary pressures by continuing to enhance liquidity management.

A statement issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Finance stated that  the Central Bank has made good progress in implementing technical assistance recommendations for managing local liquidity and bridging the time gap between auctions of bank instruments to ensure continuity of liquidity absorption. Minister Taif said during the meeting that economic recovery is underway amid the  return of commercial financing to normal and the  large financial expansion,  maintaining economic stability and the  importance of coordination between monetary and financial policy and   ensuring the sustainability of the need to gradually renew financial policy while  maintaining spending on the necessary infrastructure and social spending needs and   controlling... Wage bill and increased non-oil tax revenues.


Association Of Banks: The Battle With Dollar Speculators Has Reached Its Final Round, 19 DEC

 Association Of Banks: The Battle With Dollar Speculators Has Reached Its Final Round

Economy    12-15-2023,  Baghdad – IA  The Iraqi Private Banks Association said today, Friday, that the battle with dollar speculators has reached its final round, and

 while it praised the Central Bank’s measures to regulate the movement of funds to achieve financial and bank reform, it confirmed that it will contribute to reclassifying banks, increasing their capital and raising the level of services provided. For citizens.

The economic and banking advisor to the association, Samir Al-Nusairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

 “The Central Bank’s measures and efforts that have been made since the beginning of 2023 and with the support of the government have yielded results and begun to give results according to what was lanned, and  the so-called parallel (black) dollar has begun to die and has been besieged.”

Speculators who deal in it to harm the national economy, and currently the battle is with them in the final round.” He added,

 “This is what was stated in detailed procedures and administrative, technical and negotiating steps with the US Federal Bank and the US Department of the Treasury and the understandings related to regulating foreign trade financing by approving the opening of accounts for Iraqi banks in American, Chinese, Emirati and Turkish correspondent banks to deal directly with them for foreign transfers in the currencies of these countries, which... It includes the dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, the Emirati dirham, and the Turkish lira,

leaving the electronic platform in the year 2024, and importing the dollar and foreign currencies into Iraq from Iraqi bank accounts at correspondent banks or abroad. Al-Nusairi confirmed,

 “Reaching agreements to open 40 accounts for Iraqi banks in correspondent banks for foreign trade,” noting that  “the Central Bank’s new strategy to reform the banking sector will adopt the reclassification of banks and increase their capital to the ceiling set by the Central Bank in accordance with the specified time frames until the end of 2024,

which will lead to... Raising the capabilities of our banks to provide the best banking products and services to customers,

which will reflect positively on the movement of the economy, investment, development and the transition to comprehensive digital transformation.” He added,

 “Since the beginning of the year 2023, financial policies have been reconsidered according to a new vision for banking reform that complies with the requirements of the global financial system, and

a new strategy has begun to be implemented with mechanisms based on studying and diagnosing the causes of the imbalance and determining the road map, steps, and executive procedures that have been and will be applied at the level of the central bank’s departments and banks.” And the bodies supporting banking work and government agencies related to comprehensive economic reform, as

the Central Bank had previously issued new instructions for external transfers for the year 2023 and three procedural packages to facilitate and control the circulation of foreign currency in the monetary and commercial market. Al-Nusairi continued,

 “In August of this year, the Central Bank issued its important statement in which it defined its new strategy for organizing the financing of foreign trade according to new foundations that will move Iraq to the stage of regularity in the global financial system, and

in which it clarified the executive procedures to control the stability of the exchange rate, and the most prominent of its contents are:

   Adopting the electronic platform exclusively for foreign remittance transactions,

   controlling illicit trade through official and unofficial border crossings,

   stopping trading and transactions in dollars on the black market,

   preventing all websites and media television channels from publishing exchange rates on the black market due to their violation of the law, and  having importers prove that all their imports were made through the platform and at the price.

The Customs Authority and the General Tax Authority implement proposals and treatments for small merchants to enter the platform in accordance with the rules, and

this is consistent with the government’s initiative to launch the national project to control prohibited imports. He continued,

 “As we are in the final days of 2023, the Central Bank’s strategy for banking reform in all its axes has become clear for the coming year 2024 and the following years, and

it is an embodiment of what it specified in the road map that it clarified in cooperation with the government in accordance with what was stated in the government’s curriculum in Axis 12 (Financial and Banking Reform) Paragraph 7 thereof, which is concerned with developing and enabling banks to contribute to development and investment. He explained,

 “Here we can summarize the Central Bank’s plan, which it is currently working to implement accurately, as follows:-

First - Providing a stable financial system lies in accompanying financial electronic systems.

Second: Commitment to establishing the rules of compliance, risk management, transparency, and soundness of financial operations.

 Third - The transition from the cash economy to the digital economy and what is called the fourth revolution and the accompanying measures that achieved a qualitative shift in the dealings between the government and the central bank.

Fourth - Implementing the financial and banking reform plan, which is characterized by international standards that keep pace with global developments in the field of the financial digital economy.

Fifth - Working to strengthen international relations, including establishing a network of relations with foreign correspondent banks.

Sixth - Establishing Riyada Bank in line with the Prime Minister’s initiative and redirecting work on initiatives to finance small and medium enterprises according to specific standards.

 Seventh: Preparing and launching a financial inclusion strategy and putting it into effect in coordination with the relevant authorities.

 Eighth - Launching the national lending strategy, relying on the banks’ own financial capabilities to attract deposits and invest them in providing the best banking products to customers and contributing to development.    https://www.ina.iq/199327--.html



Article: "Election Commission: The preliminary results will be announced this evening, and we will conduct a manual count in front of everyone"

 Article:  "Chairman of the Board of Commissioners: The electoral process is proceeding smoothly, and the voting machines will stop at six in the evening"

  Article:  "Iraq agrees with the UAE to launch financial transfer and trade financing operations between the two countries"

  Quote:  "The Central Bank stated in a statement...that Central Bank Governor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq met in Dubai with the Chairman of the First Abu Dhabi Bank Group, Hana Al Rostamani, indicating that during the meeting it was agreed to launch financial transfer operations between the two countries and finance trade and imports between them. Iraq and the United Arab Emirates in the UAE dirham currency through First Abu Dhabi Bank "


 Article:  "Samsung: Iraq represents the most prominent market in the Middle East"

  Article:   "The World Gold Council announced, on Thursday, that Iraq and 4 Arab countries possess more than one million tons of global gold reserves ."  Quote:  "Iraq maintained its ranking of 30th globally out of the 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, as it has not purchased gold since May, bringing its gold possessions to 132.7 tons, which represents 7.7% of the rest of its other reserves  ."

Article: "Zain Cash relaunches the “Western Union” service" 

  Quote: "In light of the rapid development in the world of financial transfers and a renewal of the company’s commitment to providing safe and reliable services to its customers,  Zain Cash has relaunched the Western Union service after updating and developing it, "

 Article:  " Government source: Starting to implement the banking arrangements agreement with Türkiye” 

 Quote:  "The Central Bank has reinforced tens of millions of euros as an initial payment to cover retailers’ imports from Turkey."