Friday, January 12, 2024

Among them are Al-Rafidain and Rashid. Finance Minister: We have a program to restructure state banks, 13 JAN

Among them are Al-Rafidain and Rashid. Finance Minister: We have a program to restructure state banks

Finance Minister Taif Sami revealed on Friday that there is a program to restructure government banks.

The Ministry of Finance said in a statement received by NRT Arabia, a copy of it, that “the Minister of Finance chaired an extensive meeting with representatives of the international company, Ernst and Young, who are concerned with auditing and financial consulting, in the presence of the general managers of Rafidain and Rashid banks, the Agricultural, Industrial and Real Estate Bank, and the national and Iraqi insurance companies, in order to determine an action plan and initiate the steps of integrating and organizing a number of the ministry’s institutions and restructuring them in line with the objectives of the policy of reforming the financial and banking sectors in the ministry.”

She added, “The meeting discussed the draft submitted by Ernst & Young related to the organization and restructuring of Rafidain and Rashid banks, the merger of the national and Iraqi insurance companies, discussing the proposed plan, the stages of implementation, determining the contract frameworks and formulating them in accordance with the priorities of reform and development, as well as discussing the study submitted by the company and diagnosing the obstacles of transformation, financial and legal solutions and treatments that ensure the integrity of the merger and structuring process.”

The Minister of Finance explained, according to the statement, “the Ministry has a program to restructure government banks and is working on it in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq and the competent international organizations, adding that the process of integration, structuring and introduction of modern financial technologies will push towards making Iraqi banks internationally and locally acceptable to provide services to the government financial system and individuals at the same time determine the roles of banks and subcommittees and determine contract periods,” pointing out that “the ministry’s vision includes a comprehensive review and evaluation of the work of banks and conducting structural administrative reforms, involving providing a package of integrated banking services to citizens and companies and making them more in harmony with the national economy supporting sustainable economic development.”

Sami stressed “the need to benefit from the expertise of discreet international companies, which can play an effective and fundamental role due to their expertise and consultations in charting the correct course for projects implemented by the ministry in accordance with its financial policy conforming to international standards and specifications.”

The statement added that “Ernst & Young is one of the leading international companies, and has extensive experience and achievements in this field to organize the work of financial institutions and has a sober professional history through its review of many central banks, commercial banks and major companies in the region and the world.”


Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Today, spot Bitcoin ETF will begin Trading on the Global Markets. Yesterday’s announcements and official adoption of Bitcoin ETFs and today’s official launching of this new asset class marks the beginning stages of our new digital economy.

We are witnessing history in the making, and a new Global Economic pathway into the future. A spiritual corridor has been opened within the hearts and minds of the human race allowing access to parts of ourselves never accessed before.

It is in our creative endeavors such as these that access the highest aspects of our human potential.

We are witnessing the evolution of humanity as we embark on a journey uniting both Heaven and Earth.

May God Bless us as we move forward into the great unknown, and may we always hold fast to the notion that none of us ever walk alone.

Reuters Link

© Goldilocks

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Set To Received New Exchange Rate And Lower Denoms Today 202...



American forces left Iraq in 2011 after the strategic framework agreement stipulating the departure of these forces and the retention of advisors and trainers. However, the entry of ISIS terrorism into Iraq opened the door to the return of these forces under the name of the International Coalition Forces.

The goals of the project for which I was present quickly became clear, which was to stand against any force that would threaten the security of the Zionist entity, ensure the fulfillment of American interests, and take Iraq as a launching pad to carry out attacks on any targets determined by Washington, whether inside or outside Iraq, and thus throw the Strategic Framework Agreement to the side and remain inside. Iraq is a service to the Zionist project.

Member of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Karim Al-Muhammadawi, told Al-Maalouma, “The continued American presence inside Iraq requires taking all measures to ensure the removal of these forces, through popular and parliamentary pressure and government decision.”

He added, “All American military bases must be attacked by the Iraqi people, in response to the American disregard for the lives of Iraqis and the continuation of a series of crimes committed by these forces against the people, national symbols, and security agencies.”

He pointed out that “the bombing of bases and exerting pressure on American forces must be reinforced with massive demonstrations throughout Iraq, to ​​expel these forces and ensure that they do not return to the country again.” 

On the other hand, former MP Rasul Radi told Al-Maalouma, “America will not give up its influence and presence inside Iraq, as the strategic agreement signed in 2008 and implemented in 2011 drew fixed and broad lines for the American forces and stipulated that only consultants and trainers for the services would remain.” Security on new weapons.

He added, “The return of American forces at the request of the Iraqi government in 2014 prompted Washington to change its position, as it did not adhere to the terms of the strategic agreement and established multiple military bases in Iraq, one of which is (Ain al-Assad), which is used as a weapon and a striking hand for the Zionist entity against the opposition and resistance forces that reject the project.” Zionists against the Palestinian people.

He pointed out that “the presence of American forces inside Iraq aims to implement an (Israeli) project before there is any other project.”

On the other hand, the leader of the State of Law coalition, Haider Al-Lami, confirmed to “Al-Ma’louma” that “the Iraqi parliament had previously voted to remove American forces from Iraq, and there is an urgent need to exert pressure from the House of Representatives, especially those demanding the removal of American forces, in order to implement This decision and push the government to remove these forces based on the Council’s decision.”

He pointed out that “America, with the Pentagon’s admission, left Iraq in 2011, and said at the time that (Al-Maliki expelled us from Iraq), but it returned from the net after it created the terrorist ISIS and brought it to Iraq and provided it with protection, with the aim of destabilizing security and stability.”

(Can you see the propaganda against American forces in Iraq. This is a double-edged sword. We all know the US destabilized the entire middle east region attacking Iraq and it was wrong. But now how do you clean up the mess and deal with the problems? How do you leave Iraq? )



Local markets in Iraq are witnessing a state of turmoil as a result of measures to strengthen monetary sovereignty, as dealing in the dollar is abandoned and the Iraqi dinar is adopted in daily financial transactions, as a large difference appears between the official and parallel prices, which raises tension in the markets.

In this context, a member of the Parliamentary Economics Committee in Iraq, Soran Omar, accused influential parties of being behind the manipulation of the exchange rate.

He pointed out that the government was unable to radically control the exchange rate, and that the measures taken to reduce it are still having limited impact.

He added that the ongoing smuggling and money laundering through some banks and money changers is working to complicate the situation, noting the continuation of the Central Bank’s measures in this context. V

BREAKING NEWS: Iraq Reports of US Embassy Attack on Thursday Night BY SANDY INGRAM



There is not much new developments to report on since the Tuesday Newsletter. Most of the news is all about whether or not the US forces should leave Iraq. Yes, the CBI is still working on tactics to bring the parallel rate into conformity and stability. You can read all the articles I posted on these subject matters. Yes, just another one of those ongoing sagas facing Iraq now.

Of course the Iranian backed politicians, especially backed by Nori Al-Maliki will find any reason to push the agenda of getting rid of US forces. He wants a third term and a dictatorship. I don’t have to remind you of what happened in 2004 with the ISIS invasion and so, if the forces did happen to pull out, ISIS would not be their biggest worry as the Iranian militia would certainly move in and fill the gap. We would experience an invasion of Iraq all over again and so this would end the SECURITY part of the needed security and stability Iraq needs to move ahead with the currency reform. Yes, it would kill the process for very long time.

But in today’s article they show that the US forces are not going anywhere soon as the prime minister Al-Sudani and the Kurdistan president Barzani both request the forces to remain. I would not worry about this. So, of course I asked this question in my conversation with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call. I was also told not to worry about it and it is just pressure and talk from the Iranian back politicians. What else did we talk about?

We also talked about, of course the monetary reform and where it stood. I was told it would take some time, maybe weeks or months even for the currency swaps to take the needed effect in leveling out the parallel black market rate for the dollar. But my contact seemed very optimistic that the plan now in place could move this rate quicker than expected even. But I was warned not to expect instant success as there is still a period of monitoring it for wide swings, in other words it needs to be stable.

Again I asked what rate the CBI wants to bring the parallel rate of the dollar down to? I was told at least around the “official” CBI rate. They are driving to have them match very closely. In consultation with the IMF this is what they are now mandating and is in the plan. When this is reached and stable, the committee will be notified to begin the process of deleting the zeros and move ahead with it.

So, I wish I could give everyone a more definitive timeframe or window at least for the process to regain momentum but this is what I was told and I am not going to go off half-cocked and lie to you. I will tell you only what I was told. If I give an opinion, I will let you know it is just my opinion. But I hate rumors as they don’t get us anywhere. Let’s just stick to the FACTS- okay? This is where we stand and the we don’t need over speculation playing games with our heads and causing yet more stress and anxiety due to anticipation every weekend.

I will always stand by the prophetic word too as I trust God’s Hand to work this for us. We can see that there has been more progress towards currency reform in the last 12 months than in the twenty years combined. So go figure what is happening. I also want to point out an issue that many so quickly overlook. First we all know about the forced embargo upon Iraq in 1991 and the trade oil for food program. Oh boy what  farce this was as it forced the petro-dollar upon Iraq. In other words all oil sales from Iraq must be paid in US dollars. This drives up the global demand for US dollars. I demand is high, the dollar can sustain itself as the global median of exchange get it. But I am not done yet. To add insult to injury in October of 2003 following the second invasion of Iraq they instituted the large 3 zero notes. Now we can debate all day long that this was or wasn’t a good thing to do at the time due to the high levels of inflation and the threat of the currency collapsing at the time. But let’s also think who caused this by placing the heavy embargo on Iraq in the first place in 1991. So let’s just not look at things on the surface but dig deeper into cause and effect relationships of the events. Next there was the implementation of the currency auctions. These auctions forced Iraq once again into the use of the US dollar and basically they dollarized the economy, thus creating an even higher demand for the US dollar once again. Then through these sanctions the also force payments for the oil to go into a fund, held in US banks and managed by the US Treasury.

So, you may or may not see what actually went on here. This was grand conspiracy to implement a program to institute measures to drive up the demand for the dollar to keep it afloat due to the high US national debt. Is this why the US keeps going to war? Do these crocked US politicians really believe they can just keep doing this to the world to manipulate the US dollar? Do you see now why someday soon the dollar has to crash. This kind of thinking and bullying the rest of the world has to end sometime. The word is sick and tired of the constant wars and the military industrial complex. They have even come up with yet another scheme to suck more money out f the American people with the now Medical Industrial Complex bring us this biological warfare upon the population to make us all sick so we run to them for help. The cost of the covid vaccines to the US government during the pandemic is staggering figures and you would shiver when you hear them.

But be careful who you rely on for solutions. For the World Economic Forum and the United Nations will claim they have all the solutions yet they themselves along with the globalists elitist and the perpetrators behind all the problems in the first place. Their solutions will only bring you yet more control and power in their hands and we all witnesses already what this means when we give these elitist more control and power. Just look at the handling of the pandemic and the last three years of the Biden administration, as just a taste, a tid bit, of what is to come if we decide to go long with their madness for solutions. The George Floyd riots and the Jan 6th riots didn’t just happen. They were well planned out in advance and set up. Get it? These are Marxist tactics to create constant chaos to overthrow/subvert nations. This is just not Mnt Goat shooting off my mouth with conspiracy theories. I am showing you the proof in my video and commentary in the political section of my Newsletter. Are you educating yourself?

The FACT is we all know what the real solutions are. We know we must cut the head off the snake to end this madness and this means to expose and eliminate these powerful globalist and their sinister plans for the planet. Yes, it is as simple as that. We must then go back to strict adherence to the US Constitution and the law enforcement. Our justice system must be reformed by setting higher standards for our judges that will work towards enforcing the letter of the law. We must fund the police but also keep a vigilant eye open to ensure they remain honest too. Could it be it is time to dismantle this WEF and stop all US payment of dues to all UN organizations? Then encourage other countries to follow.

But if you don’t wake up to the entities  and know who the real enemy is that are actually to blame for all the suffering you can’t end the suffering. Do you get it. It will only continue and even get worst and worst as they gain yet more control and power over you.  

So, I gave you just one example, with our loved Iraq and how they manipulated the country using UN embargo powers for monetary gain. There are others too like what is happening in California, New York and Canada. These people are like a decease, the only way to cure the country is to fight the decease and reject it.

Let’s keep praying. We must keep praying and contacting our congressmen and senators. It is a new year and all the prophets tell us that in 2024 it is going to be the year of the breakthrough. They say it will be explosive and if you watch my video in the political section of what happened in the capital yesterday with Hunter Biden and his stunt, you are aware of the challenges facing us.

I want to just add one more comment before I end this section. That is to watch this congressman Jamie Raskin carefully. Remember he is one of the organizers of the “Secular Democrats”. This movement organization is against all references to God and religion. He calls it in the name of “religious freedom” but what they are really after is NO RELIGION, NO GOD. They have a very warped sense of the intentions of our founding fathers to the US Constitution when the talk about mixing church and state. This is an atheist group of politicians, and everyone should go out to their site and learn who the other 12 satanic apostles are to Jamie Raskin and Hoffman. Then votes accordingly to get rid of them. Yes, take the garbage out and empty it! šŸ˜Š. These people are part of the snake and already sold their souls to the devil. We must drain the swamp! 

There are certain people on these committees who are “disruptors” who are there not to find out the truth and support solutions, although they tell you they are, but to consume time, cause confusion and disrupt the hearings. They take advantage with having the news media present to continue to push the anti-Trump agenda even though Trump has nothing to do about what the focus of the hearing is all about. Do you see they want to move the focus away from the real issues. So, go ahead and watch the ongoing hearings and see if I am not correct in my assessment.



The Pentagon said on Monday that it does not currently plan to withdraw its forces, numbering about 2,500 soldiers, from Iraq.

This comes despite Baghdad announcing last week that it had begun a process aimed at ending the mission of the US-led international military coalition in the country.

“At this time, I am not aware of any plans (to plan a withdrawal). We remain very focused on the mission of defeating ISIS,” Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder said in a press briefing.

More news….


Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani secretly told American officials that he wanted to negotiate whether American forces would remain in the country despite his recent announcement that he would begin the process of removing them,  according to Politico magazine.

Al-Sudani’s senior advisers told US officials that his announcement was “an attempt to please domestic political constituencies” and that Al-Sudani himself “remained committed” to negotiating the future presence of the coalition in Iraq, according to a January 6 State Department report obtained by Politico. from him.

There was a public uproar in Iraq over a US drone strike last week that killed a senior member of an Iranian-backed militia in Baghdad, and Al-Sudani’s office announced last Friday that his government was forming a bilateral committee to end the presence of US-led international forces focused on preventing… The return of ISIS.

Iraq’s willingness to keep US forces in the country is considered critical to the Biden administration. The United States believes that its presence in Iraq is important not only to prevent the return of ISIS, but also to confront Iranian influence in the region. Any decision taken by Sudanese to expel US forces from the country would also undermine the US administration’s efforts to prevent the expansion of the war in Gaza.

Iraqi Dinar Conversation W/Pimpy!!! | Construction Project!

The first parliamentary comment on the "bombing of Yemen"... 3 serious repercussions for the Middle East - urgent, 12 JAN

  The first parliamentary comment on the "bombing of Yemen"... 3 serious repercussions for the Middle East - urgent

Today, Friday (January 12, 2024), Representative Waad Al-Qaddu described the bombing of Yemen as another aggression that affects the security of Arab and Islamic countries .

Al-Qaddo said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “launching air strikes on several areas in Yemen by American aircraft and some of its allies from the West is a continuation of the scenario of aggression against Arab and Islamic countries and an implementation of the White House’s arrogance in using force against any countries that do not follow the path of the House’s interests.” the White".

He added, "There are 3 serious repercussions of the bombing of Yemen, the most prominent of which is economic, because its geographical location on sea routes constitutes 25-30% of international transport traffic, meaning that any confusion will lead to very serious consequences," pointing out that "America is leading the world into chaos from During its adventures in an attempt to control countries through brute force.

 Al-Qaddo pointed out, “The bombing of Yemen is condemned and denounced, and its repercussions will not remain within specific geographical boundaries, and the White House will pay the price for it in the end,” pointing out that “the Yemenis will not forget the American aggression and they will inevitably have a response.”

He pointed out, "Many countries' rejection of Washington's illegal interventions confirms that the world has begun to change and rejects the American policy that has created tragedies for dozens of countries in recent decades."

Fadi Al-Shammari, advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed today, Friday (January 12, 2024), that the West has begun to expand the circle of conflict and tensions in the region .

Al-Shammari said in a blog post on the “X” platform, followed by “Baghdad Today”: “While the West is supposed to work to restore its shame with the stories of human and animal rights that were undermined by positions towards Israel’s war against Palestine and the children, women, and civilians of Gaza, it is committing another foolishness by expanding the circle of conflict and increasing Tensions in the region .”

He continued, "While (the West) calls on others to exercise restraint, reduce areas of tension, and avoid escalation ."

It is noteworthy that the United States and Britain began a massive attack on several Yemeni cities at dawn on Friday, targeting sites belonging to the Houthis   link


Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:

I want you all to get ready as there is a lot of things happening now. That champagne bottle is getting more closer now.

God bless you all 




Iraq's Surprise Announcement Currency Reinstatement or Internationalizat...

Former Chairman Of The Energy Committee, 12 JAN

 Former Chairman Of The Energy Committee

Iraq's oil is the most resilient in the future of the world and the greatest danger is the Strait of Hormuz.. Adnan Al-Janabi

The former Chairman of the Parliamentary Energy Committee, Adnan Al-Janabi, confirmed that Iraqi oil is safe as long as the sea corridor through the Strait of Hormuz is stable, while he stressed that Iraq is the last country that will be affected by reducing global dependence on oil in the future, due to its large reserves and low production costs.

Iraq's oil is the most resilient in the future of the world and the greatest danger is the Strait of Small

A former minister warns of Al-Shahristani’s scenario: The oil law will pass provided that Al-Sudani’s opponents remain silent

Adnan Al-Janabi in an interview with journalist Haroun Rashid, followed by Network 964:

In light of everything the region is going through security-wise and militarily, the only frightening thing that could affect oil in the world, and not just in Iraq, is if any security destabilization occurs in the Arabian Gulf region, especially in the Strait of Hormuz.

Iraqi oil, within its OPEC quota, can currently guarantee exports from the southern port alone across the Gulf, even if this is not true from a strategic standpoint. It is necessary to work on adopting multiple ports lest what happened with the Turkey line be repeated, and the port most likely to be approved in this regard is the Aqaba port. Through Jordan .

Regarding future plans, Iraqi oil is one of the least depleted in the world, and it is the least expensive to extract, but this means that if we cannot keep up with reserves and export rates, there will come a time within a decade or more, when the demand for oil decreases, by moving from fuel.

From fossil fuels to alternative energy, we will face a question: Who will continue to export? The answer is clear, as whoever produces oil at the lowest costs and has large reserves will find it easier to export.

Despite the advantages and problems mentioned, Iraq must prepare and develop its production and export capabilities in preparation for the future, in addition to not stopping investment in the oil sector, so that we are ready for that moment when export restrictions are lifted and we have a production capacity of up to 6 million barrels per day.



  [via PDK]   The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate...Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens. 

”Here is a great article written last August..” The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

There has been some incredible chatter, gossip and rumors today. Group contacts have erupted through the day. There are great expectations of last minute changes to compliance over this weekend and our notifications early next week... Other contacts are saying the same thing…the chatter is notifications early next week. Just cross your fingers and hope it’s accurate. I’m kinda excited but going to stay grounded.

šŸ”„Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Huge ProfitšŸ”„News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USDšŸ¤‘šŸ’µšŸ¤‘šŸŽ‰

The Journey Of The Dollar In Iraq To The Latest Reports And The Corridors Of Banks Increases Citizen Anxiety, 12 JAN

 The Journey Of The Dollar In Iraq To The Latest Reports And The Corridors Of Banks Increases Citizen Anxiety

January 12, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The Iraqis expressed their deep concern about the turmoil in the US dollar exchange market, as the exchange rates witness continuous fluctuations around the clock, despite the attempts of the Central Bank of Iraq to control them and return to the approved official exchange rate of 132 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars.

Citizen Ali Al-Hassani said, “Exchange rate fluctuations have become a source of great concern for citizens, as they directly affect their purchasing power, especially in light of the continuous rise in the prices of goods and services.”

He added, “The government is required to take urgent measures to control the exchange rate and protect citizens from the consequences of turmoil in the financial markets.”

For his part, economic expert Yasser Al-Mutawali said, “The disturbances in the dollar exchange market are due to several reasons, most notably the continuation of the war in Ukraine, the rise in oil prices, and the decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.”

He added, "These factors directly affect the Iraqi economy, and lead to high inflation rates, and an increase in poverty and unemployment."

He pointed out that “the government is required to take effective economic measures to confront these challenges and protect the Iraqi economy from global turmoil.”

The economic expert stressed that “continued disturbances in the dollar exchange market will lead to destabilization of the country’s political and social stability, and will increase the already high rates of poverty, unemployment, and high prices.”

He called on the government to “take quick and urgent measures to control the exchange rate and protect citizens from the consequences of turmoil in the financial markets.”

On February 7, 2023, one hundred days after assuming the presidency of the government, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that “the currency window was a black spot in the banking system,” pointing to “the vote on the Central Bank’s request to adjust the exchange rate to 1,300 dinars for every one dollar.” .

The turmoil in the dollar exchange market is a worrying phenomenon that greatly affects the lives of Iraqi citizens. Constant fluctuations in prices make it difficult for citizens to determine the costs of their daily lives and plan their financial future.

Moreover, these disruptions severely undermine confidence in the financial system and pose a major challenge to the government's efforts to achieve economic stability.

The efforts of the Central Bank are evident in its attempts to address these fluctuations, as it seeks to return to the approved official exchange rate. However, it appears that these efforts still face major challenges, whether due to the effects of global economic conditions or internal challenges.

The state of instability in the dollar market is reflected in various aspects of Iraqi society’s life. Citizens live in a state of uncertainty about their financial future, and their concerns increase about the impact of these fluctuations on purchasing power and the extent of their impact on the standard of living. This concern is in addition to other economic and social challenges facing Iraqi society.

In light of this complex context, it appears that achieving stability in the dollar exchange market requires effective measures and international cooperation. This requires strengthening internal economic measures and adopting effective strategies to deal with international challenges.

The government must take the necessary measures to ensure market stability and reduce pressure on citizens, so that Iraq can achieve sustainable economic development and raise the standard of living for its citizens.

According to economists, the widening gap between the official and parallel rates of the dollar against the dinar weakens confidence in the local currency, reduces incentives to deposit money in Iraqi banks and prompts savers to exchange the dinar for the dollar, which leads to higher prices and a decrease in the real or purchasing value of the Iraqi currency.

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, the Council of Ministers approved a decision to adjust the dollar exchange rate to 1,300 dinars.



 What's attractive about coming over to Iraq to do business is the fact that the currency is so cheap, that labor... production...and product cost are all cheap as well.  Why do you suppose Nike gets their shoes made in China?  Because...they pay $5/month and then bring the shoes over here to America and sell them for several hundred dollars.  Do you see the huge profit margin.  That's the same thing with Iraq.  The currency is so cheap the companies would rather do business in Iraq ...because of the cheap labor...When they increase the exchange rate it's more costly for labor, products and production...Do you think they want this low exchange rate?  Yes.  And...they want it much lower.   They don't give a shit. 

Article:  "Al-Kazemi's Advisor:  The project to delete zeros from the currency is subject to two conditions"  From the currency.  Not the exchange rate.  It says the currency.  The currency is the same thing as a bank note.  The 25,000 dinar the 10,000 dinar that's what they're talking about.  When you read this don't mix the two up and assume when they say currency, they're talking about the value.  They're not.  They're talking about the bank note.  

   What they are talking about is a redenomination...Redenomination itself is considered symbolic as it does not have any impact on a country's exchange rate.  So deletion of the zeros, otherwise know as a redenomination doesn't have anything to do with the exchange rate...

Responding to more of your comments 01/11/24 BY PIMPY


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24 

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Hopefully the SAT team is actively connecting the call around the globe as we speak. And thank you, Sat team for that and thank you for everybody for tuning in and listening to the big call tonight. 

 This time you guys is really an interesting time for us. We are right in the hat/ the throes of the final days of this as I mentioned on Tuesday.

What we're finding now is that some of the sources that we've had have  just clammed up – they’re under new NDAs they've got gag orders - you know, in some cases they're being listened to  - so they're not really forthcoming with Intel. They really aren’t. 
That's good and bad. The good side, the bad side, we don’t get as much intel as we'd like - to know exactly what's happening. The bad side. That's the bad. 

The good side is. It shows that we're so close to this going because they don't want certain leaks to come out of certain portions of this exchange procedure and everything and they just want to have it quiet.  That's a good sign. Believe it or not, it's a good sign. 
Fortunately, I do have a little bit of new Intel for you. Right, I'll just gonna boil it down here in a few minutes to talk to you guys Tuesday about where we believe we are in this process. 
We had a major let's just call it internet guru. I don't like that term, internet person - say that we were going to get this -meaning our notifications  between Wednesday and Friday. That's tomorrow. Now I don't know that that's going to quite hold up.

And here's why. We did find out that the super whales and the whales, which would be in tier three these would be major huge bondholders  - These guys have been finally completed  and they expect to be notified over the weekend - that notification would give them the timing for their access to their funds.
Okay. The other thing is what we're hearing from a major paymaster with Wells and this is not just him, but other people are saying that they are working now for the next 24 to 48 hours. And I think that would be through Saturday. In other words, Friday and Saturday - They're working to get the intermediary groups paid.

And they have a whole plan for that. They could get it done in 24 hours. It could be 48 hours. So I'm gonna say it could extend out to and through Saturday.
The same individual is also saying that we should receive our notifications within the next four days. But that would take us from Friday, Saturday, Sunday, to Monday, Martin Luther King Day. 
Now, if it go - remember that it could be within four days, not just four days away, but within the next four days starting tomorrow, Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 
Now, they may take this to the  very end. 
You guys know that Monday is a bank holiday and a federal holiday - Martin Luther King Day. Banks will be closed -  we talked about redemption centers possibly being open when banks are closed. And that is possible. However, it's not likely to be the case. 
So we have a four day period here let's say that we could get something to happen within it. But being that Monday, the 15th is a federal holiday. Maybe notifications come out within this time, but maybe we don't exchange until Tuesday.

I'm just bringing out the reality of it.  I haven't been told that. But I think it's conceivable that we go all the way through Monday and don't have it yet. Or we could get it tomorrow or we can get it Saturday. Just stay open - There's something happening for us over the next four days. 
bondholders should be receiving their notifications by email over the weekend. We could get our notifications over the weekend. It just depends on how closely they want to keep the shotgun start. Is it a true shotgun start where we all get notified at the same time? Is there a 12 to 14 hour period where, let's say tier three gets notified of their liquidity and then we don't for those 12 hours.
Yeah, that could be the case. 

Jeanie mentioned something in her prayer request synopsis that talked about R&R – still  planning to happen in the month of January and it should be - I said this before - it should come a week after we start exchanges – R&R to come out as restitution reclamation allowance a week after we start our exchanges. Okay, so that's going to take place in that timeframe.
The increasing social security. I don't know that anybody has seen it yet this month, but it's supposed to be this month. Let's just wait and see what happens on that.

Today was supposed to be the day that we had a NESARA announcement to come out. Don't believe that has taken place? If it did, it could be a soft announcement, like just GESARA was last week. A soft announcement was made about GESARA globally. Well, who was an aide to I don't know what made me, but I understand that took place. Fine. Good.
Now, SR has a lot of different components. 
But we thought we might get one of those today, at least one start of a description of the announcements of NESARA today, to my knowledge, didn't happen.
So we'll see when that does happen.   Political change?  We'll  see.
There’s quite a bit guys that needs to come out. That hasn't come out yet. 
All I can tell you is there are there is a lot of cleanup and pickup throughout the world going on continually now.

They're doing really great with drew that But it's not over. So I'm gonna recommend everybody. plan on having a great weekend. Keep an eye on emails.
When this does come in and we get our toll free numbers  we will post them on big call And then we do get them. We'll also send out an email blast with people that registered on the call They would like notified of numbers. We'll send that out and that will go out and of course when I get it, I will tell it I don't know that we'll get it before Tuesday or not, but we should but anyway, it'll be out one within 10 minutes of any of us getting it. 

It'll probably make it on the blogs or make it online so people will see it. but just make sure it's the same thing that you see on big call or that you get in an email from us from our servers. but the Wells Fargo servers you know are supposed to click in, with the emails going out, out of Atlanta. And this should be coming in, and we should be getting those theoretically the latest is that four days.
They're making great headway with it. As I mentioned Tuesday night, I think we're moving very well in that direction. 
So “within” is the operative word for the so we'll see where this goes. We'll see what happens. We are very close to it  - I believe that’s everything I'm gonna cover tonight. There's not a whole lot out there. Most of what's out there on the blog came from my call last Tuesday night that I've heard about but that's okay.

We're looking to get  -- started - Excuse me. Tuesday morning was that the Iraqi Dinar would be on the Forex Tuesday morning . I have not -- Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning. I have not been able to confirm that it is absolutely being traded on the Forex yet.

It may be holding it back from the US from us seeing it until we get to go ahead. The only way I can think of there. But the good news is that when things get super quiet that means we're super close. 

All right. so that's what I'm gonna say tonight. Everybody I want everybody to have a great weekend. Enjoy Martin Luther King Day – Monday -  Let's see what happens  for us Over the next four days 

All right, everybody. Have a great weekend. Let's go ahead and pray the call out 


 Thurs. 11 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • Sources are under NDAs and gag orders and are not forthcoming with Intel.
  • An Intel person said we were going to get notification by Fri. 12 Jan.
  • The Whales have completed and expect to be notified of when they get access to their funds over the weekend.
  • A major paymaster said they were working over the next 48 hours to Sat. 13 get a mediator paid.
  • Tier4b should get notification to set appointments sometime between Friday 12 Jan. and Mon. 15 Jan.
  • Monday 15 Jan. is a bank and federal holiday of Martin Luther King Day.
  • R&R should happen in January and that will come out a week after the Tier4b start exchanges.
  • Social Security increases should be in this month of January.

šŸ”„Iraqi DinaršŸ”„This is Huge!šŸ”„News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USDšŸ¤‘šŸ’µšŸ¤‘šŸŽ‰

The Exchange/Redemption Process:, 12 JAN

 The Exchange/Redemption Process:

EBS Protocol:

  • This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
  • There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
  • We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
  • The E B S  is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
  • We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S  text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
  • Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
  • Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
  • People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
  • We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
  • As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
  • After the E B S  and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After EBS and the 8 hours long 24/7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced. 
  • We will have new currency called the USN  US NOTE and gold backed. 
  • The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.




A member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Karim Al-Muhammadawi, called on Tuesday for popular action, exerting pressure and targeting US forces in order to ensure their expulsion from Iraq, in response to the repeated crimes committed by these forces against the Iraqi people.

Al-Muhammadawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma that “the continuation of the US presence inside Iraq needs to take all measures to ensure the removal of these forces, through popular and parliamentary pressure and government decision.”

He added, “All US military bases must be bombed and be in the crossfire of the Iraqi people, in response to the American disregard for the lives of Iraqis and the continuation of the series of crimes committed by these forces against the people, national symbols and security services.”

He pointed out that “the bombing of bases and the exertion of pressure on US forces must be reinforced by massive demonstrations throughout Iraq, to expel these forces and ensure that they do not return to the country again.” 

More news….


American forces left Iraq in 2011 after the strategic framework agreement stipulating the departure of these forces and the retention of advisors and trainers. However, the entry of ISIS terrorism into Iraq opened the door to the return of these forces under the name of the International Coalition Forces.

The goals of the project for which I was present quickly became clear, which was to stand against any force that would threaten the security of the Zionist entity, ensure the fulfillment of American interests, and take Iraq as a launching pad to carry out attacks on any targets determined by Washington, whether inside or outside Iraq, and thus throw the Strategic Framework Agreement to the side and remain inside. Iraq is a service to the Zionist project.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...