Friday, January 12, 2024



There is not much new developments to report on since the Tuesday Newsletter. Most of the news is all about whether or not the US forces should leave Iraq. Yes, the CBI is still working on tactics to bring the parallel rate into conformity and stability. You can read all the articles I posted on these subject matters. Yes, just another one of those ongoing sagas facing Iraq now.

Of course the Iranian backed politicians, especially backed by Nori Al-Maliki will find any reason to push the agenda of getting rid of US forces. He wants a third term and a dictatorship. I don’t have to remind you of what happened in 2004 with the ISIS invasion and so, if the forces did happen to pull out, ISIS would not be their biggest worry as the Iranian militia would certainly move in and fill the gap. We would experience an invasion of Iraq all over again and so this would end the SECURITY part of the needed security and stability Iraq needs to move ahead with the currency reform. Yes, it would kill the process for very long time.

But in today’s article they show that the US forces are not going anywhere soon as the prime minister Al-Sudani and the Kurdistan president Barzani both request the forces to remain. I would not worry about this. So, of course I asked this question in my conversation with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call. I was also told not to worry about it and it is just pressure and talk from the Iranian back politicians. What else did we talk about?

We also talked about, of course the monetary reform and where it stood. I was told it would take some time, maybe weeks or months even for the currency swaps to take the needed effect in leveling out the parallel black market rate for the dollar. But my contact seemed very optimistic that the plan now in place could move this rate quicker than expected even. But I was warned not to expect instant success as there is still a period of monitoring it for wide swings, in other words it needs to be stable.

Again I asked what rate the CBI wants to bring the parallel rate of the dollar down to? I was told at least around the “official” CBI rate. They are driving to have them match very closely. In consultation with the IMF this is what they are now mandating and is in the plan. When this is reached and stable, the committee will be notified to begin the process of deleting the zeros and move ahead with it.

So, I wish I could give everyone a more definitive timeframe or window at least for the process to regain momentum but this is what I was told and I am not going to go off half-cocked and lie to you. I will tell you only what I was told. If I give an opinion, I will let you know it is just my opinion. But I hate rumors as they don’t get us anywhere. Let’s just stick to the FACTS- okay? This is where we stand and the we don’t need over speculation playing games with our heads and causing yet more stress and anxiety due to anticipation every weekend.

I will always stand by the prophetic word too as I trust God’s Hand to work this for us. We can see that there has been more progress towards currency reform in the last 12 months than in the twenty years combined. So go figure what is happening. I also want to point out an issue that many so quickly overlook. First we all know about the forced embargo upon Iraq in 1991 and the trade oil for food program. Oh boy what  farce this was as it forced the petro-dollar upon Iraq. In other words all oil sales from Iraq must be paid in US dollars. This drives up the global demand for US dollars. I demand is high, the dollar can sustain itself as the global median of exchange get it. But I am not done yet. To add insult to injury in October of 2003 following the second invasion of Iraq they instituted the large 3 zero notes. Now we can debate all day long that this was or wasn’t a good thing to do at the time due to the high levels of inflation and the threat of the currency collapsing at the time. But let’s also think who caused this by placing the heavy embargo on Iraq in the first place in 1991. So let’s just not look at things on the surface but dig deeper into cause and effect relationships of the events. Next there was the implementation of the currency auctions. These auctions forced Iraq once again into the use of the US dollar and basically they dollarized the economy, thus creating an even higher demand for the US dollar once again. Then through these sanctions the also force payments for the oil to go into a fund, held in US banks and managed by the US Treasury.

So, you may or may not see what actually went on here. This was grand conspiracy to implement a program to institute measures to drive up the demand for the dollar to keep it afloat due to the high US national debt. Is this why the US keeps going to war? Do these crocked US politicians really believe they can just keep doing this to the world to manipulate the US dollar? Do you see now why someday soon the dollar has to crash. This kind of thinking and bullying the rest of the world has to end sometime. The word is sick and tired of the constant wars and the military industrial complex. They have even come up with yet another scheme to suck more money out f the American people with the now Medical Industrial Complex bring us this biological warfare upon the population to make us all sick so we run to them for help. The cost of the covid vaccines to the US government during the pandemic is staggering figures and you would shiver when you hear them.

But be careful who you rely on for solutions. For the World Economic Forum and the United Nations will claim they have all the solutions yet they themselves along with the globalists elitist and the perpetrators behind all the problems in the first place. Their solutions will only bring you yet more control and power in their hands and we all witnesses already what this means when we give these elitist more control and power. Just look at the handling of the pandemic and the last three years of the Biden administration, as just a taste, a tid bit, of what is to come if we decide to go long with their madness for solutions. The George Floyd riots and the Jan 6th riots didn’t just happen. They were well planned out in advance and set up. Get it? These are Marxist tactics to create constant chaos to overthrow/subvert nations. This is just not Mnt Goat shooting off my mouth with conspiracy theories. I am showing you the proof in my video and commentary in the political section of my Newsletter. Are you educating yourself?

The FACT is we all know what the real solutions are. We know we must cut the head off the snake to end this madness and this means to expose and eliminate these powerful globalist and their sinister plans for the planet. Yes, it is as simple as that. We must then go back to strict adherence to the US Constitution and the law enforcement. Our justice system must be reformed by setting higher standards for our judges that will work towards enforcing the letter of the law. We must fund the police but also keep a vigilant eye open to ensure they remain honest too. Could it be it is time to dismantle this WEF and stop all US payment of dues to all UN organizations? Then encourage other countries to follow.

But if you don’t wake up to the entities  and know who the real enemy is that are actually to blame for all the suffering you can’t end the suffering. Do you get it. It will only continue and even get worst and worst as they gain yet more control and power over you.  

So, I gave you just one example, with our loved Iraq and how they manipulated the country using UN embargo powers for monetary gain. There are others too like what is happening in California, New York and Canada. These people are like a decease, the only way to cure the country is to fight the decease and reject it.

Let’s keep praying. We must keep praying and contacting our congressmen and senators. It is a new year and all the prophets tell us that in 2024 it is going to be the year of the breakthrough. They say it will be explosive and if you watch my video in the political section of what happened in the capital yesterday with Hunter Biden and his stunt, you are aware of the challenges facing us.

I want to just add one more comment before I end this section. That is to watch this congressman Jamie Raskin carefully. Remember he is one of the organizers of the “Secular Democrats”. This movement organization is against all references to God and religion. He calls it in the name of “religious freedom” but what they are really after is NO RELIGION, NO GOD. They have a very warped sense of the intentions of our founding fathers to the US Constitution when the talk about mixing church and state. This is an atheist group of politicians, and everyone should go out to their site and learn who the other 12 satanic apostles are to Jamie Raskin and Hoffman. Then votes accordingly to get rid of them. Yes, take the garbage out and empty it! 😊. These people are part of the snake and already sold their souls to the devil. We must drain the swamp! 

There are certain people on these committees who are “disruptors” who are there not to find out the truth and support solutions, although they tell you they are, but to consume time, cause confusion and disrupt the hearings. They take advantage with having the news media present to continue to push the anti-Trump agenda even though Trump has nothing to do about what the focus of the hearing is all about. Do you see they want to move the focus away from the real issues. So, go ahead and watch the ongoing hearings and see if I am not correct in my assessment.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...