Wednesday, March 20, 2024

UNITAD ends work ‘early’ after straining relations with Iraqi government, 21 MARCH

UNITAD ends work ‘early’ after straining relations with Iraqi government

Shafaq News / A United Nations mission formed to help Iraq investigate accusations of genocide and war crimes by ISIS, was forced to finish its work early before completing the investigations, after its relationship with the Iraqi government was strained, according to Al-Hurra.

The cancellation of the mission, formed in 2017, comes nearly 10 years after the terrorist organization overran large areas of Syria and Iraq, while many of the organization’s victims remain displaced in the camps and yearn for justice.

Christian Richer, head of the UN investigation team to promote accountability for crimes committed by ISIS, told Reuters in an interview: “Has the work been done? Not yet, and that’s pretty clear.”

He added: “We need more time. And if we set a deadline in September 2024, we will not have completed the progress of investigations or other projects, such as a central archive of millions of evidence.

Critics of Iraq’s decision to end the mission say it will hamper efforts to hold more ISIS elements accountable, after UNITAD team contributed to at least 3 convictions, on charges of genocide and other international crimes in Germany and Portugal.

They also say it casts doubt on Iraq’s commitment to holding ISIS members accountable for such crimes at home.

For his part, the prime minister’s foreign relations adviser, Farhad Aladdin, told Reuters that the investigation team was “no longer needed” from Baghdad’s point of view, considering that the team “did not cooperate successfully” with the Iraqi authorities.

He added that the mission “has not responded to repeated requests for sharing evidence, and must do so now before ending its work.”سیاسة/يونيتاد-تنهي-عملها-مبكرا-بعد-توتر-علاقاتها-مع-الحكومة-العراقية


Pimpy    [Response to Guru Jeff's budget/ exchange rate posts 3-19-2024 below]  

They are going to amend the budget with or without a rate change....Does it make sense for you to release the budget before they increase the exchange rate because then you have to turn around and redo the budget and make all the changes to the budget using the new exchange rate.

  So no, it doesn't make sense to release the budget before you change the exchange rate.  You would change the exchange rate then go through and amend all of your budget because the money you've allocated obviously has changed...

The suspension of the funds has to do with corruption.  The reforms can be activated without changing the rate.  They're going to reallocate revenue from oil to help fund all these reforms...

Dinar RV News Today🔥Breaking Down Iraq's Currency Reform & Implications ...

Iraq’s accession to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 21 MARCH

Iraq’s accession to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Mawazine News Baghdad

The Iraqi Fund for Foreign Development at the Ministry of Finance announced, on Wednesday, that the Republic of Iraq joined the membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) after the approval of the accession law by the House of Representatives.

Finance said in a statement, received by Mawazine News, that this comes within the ministry’s vision to strengthen cooperation and communication frameworks between Iraq and international financial institutions, and after the continuous coordination of the Fund with the management of the European Bank and the completion of the Iraq contribution process and the completion of all documents related to accession.

The Fund stressed, according to the Finance Statement, that accession will enable the European Bank to finance projects within the country, promote development for different sectors, support the entrepreneurship initiative and support the private sector through investments, participate in policy dialogue and technical assistance.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a London-based multilateral development bank, focusing on investment as a tool to rebuild market economies in beneficiary countries, with a focus on supporting the private sector and its investments in advisory and political activities, the statement noted.
According to the Iraqi Finance, this bank is helping countries develop their policies to promote energy self-sufficiency or renewable energy markets.



 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate.  The budget already covers their operating expenses.  But they would need surplus funds to cover the reforms.  The reforms are contingent upon the rate changing.

  They can't bring these reform package forward if the rate does not change.  The only reason they're amending the budget is because the rate is changing...The step of amending the budget can happen either before or after the rate changes ...  They will probably announce Thursday or Friday as to when they plan to amend the budget, which they'll probably do around this weekend...

One of the major things Iraq has to do before they can revalue the currency is they have to pause all of their money.   They have to suspend it.  Freeze it.  As of Friday both the central bank and the government of Iraq paused and froze all their monies What does that mean to us?  ...By them suspending all of their monies between the central bank and the government that makes this [past] weekend...the first eligible weekend for Iraq to be able to revalue the currency...

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Set Exchange Rate at $3.22 🔥 Guru Updates News Currency ...

Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist, 20 MARCH

Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist


 Bank Name_________________________________________


 Bank 800#__________________________________________


 “I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”


 My name is___________________________________________


 My zipcode is__________________


 My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________

For your own information or at your exchange appointment : No one is supposed to ask how much currency you have until you are at the exchange appointment.

I have________________________ IQN (Iraqi) currency


 I have________________________VNN (Vietnamese) currency


 I have________________________ IDN (Indonesian) currency


 I have_________100Trillion,________50Trillion,_______20Trillionand_______10Trillion

 2008AA notes of ZWN (Zimbabwe) currency


 FILL IN THE BLANKS for EXCHANGE appointment information that you get from the call

 center representative:


 Your appointment Information:






 The Location____________________




 The Day of Your Appointment- Things To Do


 1. Make sure you know where you are going. Arrive early so you can “get yourself together, take a deep breath”.


 Do not loiter. If you are too early, stay SECURELY in the general area but not in the bank parking lot! 


 2. Remember to get in and get the EXCHANGE done, there a lot of other people behind you in line so be thoughtful of their time as well.


 You will have time for questions at your second appointment with your new Private Banker/Wealth Manager.


 3. Be discrete, be professional, and be alert and aware of your surroundings. BREATHE! Seriously consider hiring security to accompany you to your appointment or bring a trusted friend.


 4. Collect business cards from everyone or take their name and phone numbers as well as the location of their regular branch office.


 5. Read and Sign the NDA. If it is simple and states you cannot tell anyone except your spouse, lawyer, or CPA (These are the people that need to know how you came about your money for tax purposes) how you came about all of your new found wealth, sign it and move forward with your exchange.


 Be prepared to uphold it!


 If you break the terms, you could lose your newfound wealth.


 If the NDA is more complex and you are not comfortable with it, simply let them know you would like to explore your options with another banking institution. They may or may not waive the NDA. 






 The Day of Your Appointment Things NOT To Do


 Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, you will be escorted out.


 Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be Treated”!!!

 Items to Bring to the EXCHANGE Appointment


 (Check off the list as you put all items needed together to make sure you remember everything)


 “Driver’s License


 “Second form of ID (accredit card or passport)


 “Your most recent utility bill (Water, power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or for another form of ID


 “Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else)


 “A pad, pen to take notes, calculator


 “Receipts for all currency purchased or gifting letter if they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested)


 “IQD / VNN / IDN / ZWN currency


 “Have your TOD designees (Transferable on Death) full legal names, phone numbers, addresses and Social Security Numbers written down that you want listed on your accounts.


 You can have multiple TOD designations per account (Wife/Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Nieces/Nephews, etc.)


 “Have a list of Cashier’s Checks you will need, if any, along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to


 “Decide in advance if you will be requesting cash for “Pocket Money” beforehand and how much……if allowed



 New Account Numbers for each Currency EXCHANGED (If You decide to have separate accounts) For your own records. At one time it was suggested to use separate accounts for each currency in case of different tax liabilities……That may no longer be the case 


 Name of Bank Exchanger____________________________________________






 IQD Checking Account Number__________________________________________


 IQD Checking Routing Number__________________________________________


 IQD Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________


 Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts (Checking and Savings)


 “Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information


 “Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)


 “Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive


 “Get ATM card if you want one


 “Set up Online Banking if wanted


 “Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds __________

 (Use the same format for VND, Rupiah, Zim and Rial or other currencies if they are also exchangeable at this time)



 Set second appointment with a Private Banker or Wealth  Manager  (The bank will guide as to who you need to speak with based on your EXCHANGE/deposit amount

 This appointment will be the one in which you discuss all of your options for investment and

 your “perks”. Also Trusts and all other questions you may have


 Private Banker Name__________________________


 Telephone Number____________________________


 Appointment time______________



Notes:  ___________________________________________________________________


 Militia Man  

Oil is anywhere from $88 to $85 right now.  Add in the tax revenues and customs duties and fees at the borders, the tourism you got to see the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar is not going to be at $0.76.  They're going to have to add that real effective exchange rate to it and that's probably...exactly why they haven't exposed it just yet.  It's a sensitive issue.  They need to keep it close to the chest... 

They can't go out and tell everyone on the street, 'Hey you know next week your exchange rate is going to be X.'  It doesn't work that way...Eventually they will expose it...

If Al-Sudani says, the dinar hold on to it, it's going too be stronger than the dollar...$0.76 is not stronger than the dollar.  Add the real effective exchange rate and you can easily get over a dollar...

Iraqi Dinar Sudani Talk With US Treasury Announced RV And Exchange Rare ...

Ramadan and the salary crisis and floods. Nowruz holidays with a different flavor in Kurdistan - urgent, 20 MARCH

Ramadan and the salary crisis and floods. Nowruz holidays with a different flavor in Kurdistan - urgent

Baghdad Today - Kurdistan

Nowruz holidays in the Kurdistan region come with a different approach this year as a result of the size of the challenges faced by families in those areas, and despite the fact that Nowruz coincided this year with the blessed month of Ramadan and the crisis of delayed salaries of the region's employees

And what made matters worse was the wave of floods that occurred during the past two days, but local administrations in the governorates of the Kurdistan region decided to celebrate by lighting the Nowruz flame and going out in a number of streets, after the time of breaking the fast.

Nowruz is the Kurdish New Year, and the Kurds celebrate it in all the countries in which they are present by going out to the resorts and mountainous areas, but coinciding this year with the blessed month of Ramadan, as well as the financial crisis and the Wave of floods in the cities of the country, may make this occasion another reality.

The organizing committee of the celebrations in Sulaymaniyah announced the closure of the main Salem Street in central Sulaymaniyah and the start of Nowruz celebrations within activities interspersed with performances of Kurdish folklore, costumes, dabkat and Kurdish songs.

The Erbil Municipality, for its part, announced that preparations are underway for the Nowruz torch lighting ceremony on Erbil Citadel.

The municipality of Erbil said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "its teams in the Directorate of Engineering of Erbil Gardens, this morning in a civilized manner and beautiful design standards for the ceremony of lighting the fire of Nowruz as a symbol of the National Day."

A number of citizens say that they will celebrate with their families despite the crises they are suffering from, as they have not been able to fully prepare for this occasion.

Behzad Salam, an employee in Sulaymaniyah, told Baghdad Today that he has not received his salary for 50 days, and although we are in Ramadan month, therefore in this crisis we will not be able to buy clothes for our children nor prepare optimally.

As for Nujeen Ahmed, he pointed out to "Baghdad Today", "Nowruz this year will not have a taste for several reasons, the first of which is the financial crisis, and secondly, we are used to going out to the streets and wearing Kurdish clothes that are sewn on these occasions, and on the 21st we go out with our families to the resorts and mountainous areas, " adding that "but this year we miss these things, because of the salary crisis and the coinciding of Nowruz with Ramadan "

But other families will go out to celebrate despite all the crises and circumstances that the Kurds are experiencing, but they will not miss this occasion, which is considered a national holiday for them.

Hevar Mustafa, a social researcher and academic at the University of Sulaymaniyah, stressed that Nowruz is one of the occasions that the Kurds cherish, and it is not an ordinary day, and therefore there is reverence for this occasion and national pride in it.

She pointed out in her speech to "Baghdad Today", that "the celebration this year will not be like previous years, but there are traditions, including lighting the candle of Nowruz, which expresses the liberation and revolutionary spirit of the Kurds in fighting tyranny and the injustice that they faced over different times.




As we officially move into the season of Spring, the Iraqi Finance Committee sprang into action too with some important news for us investors. Many of you reading this news from one of today’s articles may be shocked, disappointed or even left wondering how they could do this and how we can still exchange our dinar. So many questions. I will get into the explanation of what Iraq is actually doing to calm your nerves, but first let’s explain the news that was announced.

Sunday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, expected today, Sunday, I quote from the article – “that Iraq will leave government cash dealing and switch to 100% electronic collection in mid-2024.”

Salih said, “Government collection began at the beginning of this year, and it now relies on electronic payments.” Through cards in their various forms, but preparing revenue institutions for electronic payment takes some time.”

He hinted that “by the middle of this year, the government collection rate will become 100 percent electronic, after important institutions such as the Ministry of Electricity and gas stations started it, in addition to the gradual adaptation of the rest of the institutions.”

Okay, now that you read the news lets dive into its meaning. You should not to let these idiot intel gurus get you confused. It is important to have CLARITY and TRUST in the reality of what is actually happening here and what they are telling us.

So, by reading today’s article on the surface it seems that Iraq would be doing away with all paper currency as they said “switch to 100% Electronic collection by mid-2024”. But I assure you this is NOT the case. The key words are “Electronic Collection”. This means that their plan right now is to have the market place 100% reverted to the capability of point of sale (POS) and the ability to take debit cards for any payments to the Government of Iraq. This is where much of the corruption stems from in the parallel market. So to curb the parallel market (black market) corruption, this is yet another tool to bring the parallel market for the dollar even with the CBI official rate. Just so you know, it does NOT say they are doing way with cash altogether, as the Dr. Shabibi plan that I know and have been following very diligently does not indicate this either. I trust in his plan. At some point you have to put your stake in the ground somewhere in this investment and TRUST. Yes, simply TRUST what you already confirmed and know at the FACTS and TRUTH.

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih goes on to say and I quote – “but preparing revenue institutions for electronic payment takes some time.”  Which confirms what I just said in that this is the electronic POS project that Iraq has long been struggling to implement. I can recall this as far back even before I got into this investment that this effort was a priority. I have been studying the dinar since 2006. So go figure.

Muhammad Salihjust told us that this project will be 100% completed by mid year 2024. We all therefore should be jumping up and down with crazy JOY as this will be a huge milestone in the banking reform process. Let’s hope they can do it. Converting government transactions to electronic payments both from the GOI and to the GOI amounts to billions of dollars. You think this can help in fighting corruption?

The electronic banking project is also pivotal in getting the Project to Delete the Zerosstarted, which we all know is the next step. We all know it has been postponed so many times over the decades already. If you notice the CBI seems to jump the gun sometimes and makes announcement prematurely, then does not carry out with what they said they would do at the time they said they would. There are delays and issues hinder the speedy progress of these events. Heck, altogether it will be almost 17 years to finally see some notable progress in this area.

I have been telling you about how important electronic payments is for so long. I hope you now get it. But Iraq has been struggling to get the electronic payment process completed and now they are telling us it will be completed by mid-year 2024. WOW! WOW! WOW! 😊 

So, tell me why should you be disappointed then? I am jumping with JOY! 😊 😊 😊 This is a huge accomplishment and milestone, but if they can pull it off by mid0year. Remember the premature announcements as Iraq definitely does not work at the pace of Speedy Gonzales.

Then to follow up with this news, out comes another article to satisfy the citizens questions that, cash will still be in circulation. But it will be a much smaller monetary mass of physical notes. It will be newer notes of different denominations.

As Mnt Goat blog followers, all know it too as the 3 zeros notes will be collected, thus brings us to the Project to Delete the Zeros once again. Remember the CBI just can’t ignore this large amount of a monetary mass of physical currency now in circulation. You must therefore first implement the electronic systems, then when ready, convert it to electronic digits then you have to collect it. Get it? To collect it you must entice the citizens somehow to turn in their horded stashes to the banks. But how do you do this ….?

The next part of the plan is to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros. Get it? It seems to me now they might be planning to do this next step either before or around mid-year 2024. I am sure when we get closer my CBI contact will let me know.

Folks it all ties together so nicely if you only will read the articles and remember what you read in my previous Newsletters. My Newsletters are not meant to be read in a vacuum by itself. Get it? They are all connected in one long stream of news to inform us of the developments in this ongoing Iraqi dinar saga.

I quote from another article – “Economic affairs specialists criticized the lack of infrastructure for electronic payment services in many departments and institutions, and confirmed that most citizens still prefer cash transactions over electronic transactions.

Economist Manaf Al-Sayegh told Al-Sabah also told us and I quote – “ Electronic payment is a globally recognized technology that can be used without the need to carry paper money or coins, as the world today no longer needs paper payment or the use of coins, so we find it approved through the use mechanism. A credit card that enables its holder to pay anywhere.”

Don’t understand yet? Then let me explain even more.

After decades of war, displacement, and sanctions (1991-2003, Iraq remained cut off from the global financial system.

Iraqis were cut off from the digitized payment systems that most businesses around the world take for granted. Less than a fifth of the population have a bank account and global payment service providers are not available in the county. Even electricity to run the machines for POS was not available 24/7. Citizens did not trust the crooked banks. Can you blame them? Large stashed of notes were hidden at home instead of using the banks. Can you blame them?

Wars, displacement, and sanctions have left Iraq’s economy underdeveloped and almost solely dependent on oil exports. But things have changed in Iraq and come this mid-year 2024 we are about to see the results of  many years or reforms in an explosion of progress in many areas of development in Iraq. You see, all these reforms we all have been reading about in the many articles are all good but unless Iraq actually sees any impact they are meaningless. Oh…but we are about to see the impact and it is going to be HUGE $$$ 😊.

Let me add, does the U.S. still have paper notes and coins? The U.S. is one of the world’s leaders in the use of electric banking transactions. The CBI just told us last July they will not be going entirely electronic when they claimed that the project to delete the zeros still exist. Here is the past article below from that time period. So, was the CBI governor Ali Alaq lying to us?

Evening News with MarkZ. 03/20/2024

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: ​​Good evening Mark and everyone.

Member: So what happened today Mark???

MZ: Information is still dry from bond contacts. 

Member: How can these bond holders be under NDA and not been paid? What are they being kept quiet for?

Member: Rumor is they lose their money if they break the NDA’s….so no wonder no one is talking…..loose lips will sink ships and in this case sink your exchange funds. 

MZ: Still progress in Iraq….From articles…...they are fixing the exchange rate or getting the street rate the same as the official rate. De-dollarization is going well….Its nice and reassuring but not earthshattering. 

MZ: Wish I had more on the RV front. 

Member: Mark what is your gut saying about the street rate on the VND when all this goes?

MZ: My gut still thinks it will be in the $2-$2.50 range. But nobody knows until we get there. 

Member: When I first bought dong I was excited to get a .50 cent range. 

MZ: Nader dropped a video…We knew this was coming but Iraq joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and development. (EBRD) . This is more confirmation that they are dotting their I’s and crossing their t’s. 

Member: Tony and Ray said that the RV is expected  to hit at midnight tonight.

Member: Frank just had bank story call in. Showed photo of cards on desks and counter saying new service foreign currency exchange!

Member: I wonder if Iraq will have to RV before they go into the BRICS???

Member: I hope and pray BRICS are forcing the reset……The US needs a big push to let things go. 

Member: What exactly are we waiting on for the thing to kick off?

Member: Could be bad guys still delaying things…or Iraq not release rate yet….or any number of reasons…..I guess we pick one …sigh

Member: We have one chance to get the RV right, we must be patient. There are great reasons for the delays, we must keep trusting the plan.

Member: Good evening MarkZ. How accurate is the dinar recaps information?

Member: Recaps, Dinar Guru and Chronicles just post what others are saying from many sites…..They do not write the stuff. Just places we can get a lot of info in one place without looking at 10-15 different sites…..I sure don’t have time to hunt through all those different websites everyday…..

Member: I am starting to think we will never reach the carrot. Hard not to.

Member: Maybe that’s why I am craving carrots lately…lol

Member: Getting Ready!! We are going to wake up any morning and the switch will be hit!

Member: Have a wonderful evening everyone!!!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



Iraqi dinar It’s time to big cash🔥Iraqi dinar rate update 🔥Iraqi dinar R...

92nd in the world. Iraq ranks seventh in the Arab world in the happiness index, 20 MARCH

   92nd in the world. Iraq ranks seventh in the Arab world in the happiness index

Baghdad Today - Follow-up

Finland continued to top the list of the World Happiness Index for the seventh consecutive year, while Iraq ranked 92nd globally and seventh in the Arab world, according to the report issued under the auspices of the United Nations.

This year's report covers 143 countries, which are categorized by several factors, including GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, and the opinions of the population.

The researchers rely on surveys that ask respondents to answer a progressive scale of 1 to 10 on how much social support they feel in the event of a problem, their freedom to make decisions related to their own lives, their sense of how widespread corruption is in their communities, and how generous they are.

For the first time, this year's report included different classifications according to age groups, for example, Lithuania was the happiest country in the world for the age group under 30, while Denmark was at the top of the list in terms of those over 60.

Overall, Finland came first, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Afghanistan was at the bottom of the list, preceded by Lebanon, Lesotho and Sierra Leone.

At the Arab level, Kuwait ranked 13th globally, followed by the UAE in 22nd place, Saudi Arabia 28th, Bahrain 62nd, Libya 66th, Algeria 85th, Iraq 92nd and Palestinian Territories 103rd.

Morocco 107th, Mauritania 111th, Tunisia 115th, Jordan 125th, Egypt 127th, Comoros 132nd, Yemen 133rd and Lebanon 142nd, respectively.

First launched in 2012, the World Happiness Report is an annual survey conducted by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network.



Why Bitcoin Can Reach $1 Million In Next Halving Cycle | Brian Dixon

Officially... Iraq joins the membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 20 MARCH

  Officially... Iraq joins the membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The Iraqi Fund for External Development in the Ministry of Finance announced today, Wednesday, that the Republic of Iraq has joined the membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) after the House of Representatives approved the accession law.

The Fund said in a statement received by Al-Eqtisad News, “The Republic of Iraq has joined the membership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) after the House of Representatives approved the accession law, which comes within the Ministry’s vision of strengthening frameworks of cooperation and communication between Iraq and international financial institutions.” “After the Fund’s continuous coordination with the European Bank’s management, the completion of Iraq’s contribution process, and the completion of all documents related to accession.”

He added, "Joining will enable the European Bank to finance projects within the country, promote development for various sectors, support the entrepreneurship initiative, and support the private sector through investments and participation in policy dialogue and technical assistance," pointing out that "the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a multi-faceted development bank."

Parties, headquartered in London, the bank focuses on investment as a tool to rebuild market economies in beneficiary countries, with an emphasis on supporting the private sector and its investments in advisory and political activities. The bank also helps countries develop their policies to promote energy self-sufficiency or renewable energy markets    link


MARCH 19, 2024




We're in a really good place: when we talk about completing the trade-in, you'll have access to 1% of your total to move from QFS to the main account for 12-15 days and then you'll have access to EVERYTHING. of it, and that's a lot of money. Bondholders can get access to 1%, but that has to last 90 days and then access everything. Now, if you are a Zim holder, you get that 1% and then you access everything.

As of 9am this morning, all the countries that increased their value made it known that the IQD and all the other countries made it available and became known internationally, so ALL the rates are known: all the rates on the screen and trading up but flashing and then when the screens went off the screen went blank - some in T3 have been notified and we in T4B depending on where at 12:30 after lunch we should receive our notifications and exchange on Thursday; It could even be between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. m., but as long as it is after lunch, then we set up our dates and exchange on Thursday.

And let's pray that nothing changes and that's what happens. Now, the R&R should happen tomorrow, which is Wednesday or Thursday, and Bruce's theory is Thursday, but if we have an appointment on Thursday, what would happen if people 62 and older receive their lump sum deposit and if you are on SS will you receive a direct payment? Deposit into that account and we should look for it tomorrow and it will be a huge amount of money.

So if you didn't know this and suddenly you see this lump sum and that would cover us, and if you're younger, they still get it for three years and those in the middle, for two years. But the oldest level is one year and if this is with a signed agreement that if you have a job you keep it, now SS, if that happens, let's say in April it will be around $4,400 - $4,900 a month, so in the heart of America. That's huge.

Now, is there anything else we care about? If you have a Trust, set up the exchange under that Trust and if you don't have one, set one up within 10 days for the safety and protection of your own assets. So keep this in mind; otherwise it looks like some kind of quick start, and it's all good news of course, so notifications tomorrow; Let's see how it plays out and get started this week.

Now, is there anything else we care about? If you have a Trust, set up the exchange under that Trust and if you don't have one, set one up within 10 days for the safety and protection of your own assets. So keep this in mind; otherwise it looks like some kind of quick start, and it's all good news of course, so notifications tomorrow; Let's see how it plays out and get started this week.

Now Bruce heads straight to pray for the calling. And no, he hasn't thanked the entire team, and just asks us to take care of ourselves and keep an eye on his emails and we'll see how we do in the next few days. That was EVERYTHING, please continue saying ALL the prayers with sincere thanks and love to EVERYONE, Always Gemma.

We continue praying 🙏✨❤️💫🌎🌏


19 MARZO 2024

Estamos en un lugar realmente bueno: cuando hablamos de completar el intercambio, tendrá acceso al 1 % de su total para pasar de QFS a la cuenta principal durante 12 a 15 días y luego tendrá acceso a TODO. de ello, y eso es un montón de dinero. Los tenedores de bonos pueden obtener acceso al 1%, pero eso tiene que durar 90 días y luego acceder a todo. Ahora, si eres tenedor de Zim, obtienes ese 1% y luego accedes a todo.
A partir de las 9 am de esta mañana, todos los países que aumentaron su valor hicieron saber que el IQD y todos los demás países lo pusieron a disposición y se dieron a conocer internacionalmente, por lo que TODAS las tasas se conocen: todas las tasas en la pantalla y cotizando hacia arriba, pero parpadeando y luego cuando el las pantallas se apagaron, la pantalla quedó en blanco: algunos en T3 han sido notificados y nosotros en T4B, dependiendo de dónde a las 12:30 después del almuerzo deberíamos recibir nuestras notificaciones e intercambiar el jueves; incluso podría ser entre 1:30 y 2:00 p. m., pero siempre que sea después del almuerzo, entonces configuramos nuestras citas e intercambio el jueves.
Y recemos para que nada cambie y eso es lo que sucede. Ahora, el R&R debería realizarse mañana, que es miércoles o jueves, y la teoría de Bruce es el jueves, pero si tenemos una cita el jueves, ¿qué pasaría si las personas de 62 años o más reciben su depósito de suma global y si usted está en SS recibirá un pago directo? Deposite en esa cuenta y deberíamos buscarlo mañana y será una gran cantidad de dinero.
Entonces, si no sabías esto y de repente ves esta suma global y eso nos cubriría, y si eres más joven, todavía la reciben durante tres años y aquellos en el medio, durante dos años. Pero el nivel más antiguo es de un año y si esto es con un acuerdo firmado de que si tienes un trabajo lo conservas, ahora SS, si eso sucede, digamos que en abril costará alrededor de $4,400 - $4,900 al mes, así que en el corazón de Estados Unidos. Eso es enorme.
Ahora bien, ¿hay algo más que nos importe? Si tiene un Fideicomiso, configure el intercambio bajo ese Fideicomiso y si no tiene uno, configure uno dentro de los 10 días para la seguridad y protección de sus propios activos. Así que tenga en cuenta esto; de lo contrario, parece una especie de inicio rápido, y todas son buenas noticias, por supuesto, así que las notificaciones mañana; veamos cómo se manifiesta y comencemos esta semana.
Ahora Bruce se dirige directamente a orar por el llamado. Y no, no le ha agradecido a todo el equipo, y solo nos pide que nos cuidemos y estemos atentos a sus correos electrónicos y veremos cómo nos va en los próximos días. Eso fue TODO, por favor sigan diciendo TODAS las oraciones con un sincero agradecimiento y amor a TODOS, Siempre Gema.
Seguimos orando 🙏✨❤️💫🌎🌏

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"Al-Eqtisad News" Publishes The Full Decisions Of The Council Of Ministers Session, 20 MARCH

 "Al-Eqtisad News" Publishes The Full Decisions Of The Council Of Ministers Session

Economy News – Baghdad  Al-Eqtisad News publishes the full decisions of the twelfth regular Council of Ministers session held today, Tuesday, the most important of which was obligating the Ministry of Finance to pay the dues owed to an Iraqi bank by Kurdistan, provided that they are deducted from the region’s allocations.

The Prime Minister’s media office said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, chaired, today, Tuesday, the twelfth regular session of the Council of Ministers, in which the general situation in the country was discussed, and the most important service files were reviewed.” economic, and to deliberate on the issues on the agenda and take the necessary decisions thereon.”

The statement added, “In the field of energy, the Council voted on the following:

1. Approval to authorize the Minister of Finance, or whomever she authorizes, to sign with the relevant authorities an amendment to the loan agreement for financing the 400 kV Babylon station rehabilitation project, which is financed by the Swedish loan with JPM Bank.

2. Approval of the financing terms for the loan according to the Ministry of Finance’s letter dated February 25, 2024.

He explained, “Based on the government’s priorities, which focused on administrative reform, the Council voted on the following:

1- Approval of the controls regulating the dealings of beneficiary entities with letters of guarantee issued in their favor, taking into account the observations of the Ministerial Council for the Economy confirmed by its letter dated January 14, 2024, amending Article (17) of the aforementioned controls, according to what is stated in the department’s memorandum. Legal of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, dated March 14, 2023.

2- Agreeing to accept a certified instrument or a letter of guarantee, taking into account the validity period of the certified instrument, and the beneficiary party must renew it before it becomes effective until the need no longer exists, in accordance with the rules.

The statement indicated, “Within the path of financial and banking reform, the Council issued a decision obliging the Federal Ministry of Finance to pay the dues of the Trade Bank of Iraq/TBI, due from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, in annual monthly installments for the years (2023, 2024) at a rate of (636) billion dinars for each year.” It will be deducted from the region’s allocations for the year 2024, and will be deducted later.”

He continued, "The session witnessed the approval of recommendations regarding settlement procedures for foreign claims, in accordance with Cabinet Resolutions 28 of 2014 and 48 of 2018, as follows:

1. Make an amendment to paragraphs (1 and 2) of Cabinet Resolution 28 of 2014 as follows:

a. Amend paragraph (1) to become: Authorizing ministries and entities not affiliated with a ministry with the authority to negotiate with creditor companies that have a final court ruling, and which have seized the funds of Iraqi government institutions abroad, or have not seized in their consensual settlement, at a rate less than the principal of the debt without interest,

While giving it preference in contracting with state departments in one of the government projects or contracts in exchange for the creditor party dropping the entire amount of the debt and its interests, and invalidating the lawsuit filed.

B. Amending paragraph (2) to read: Negotiating and negotiating committees shall be conducted by the relevant authorities under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice. It is exclusively concerned with following up on foreign lawsuits, and each case is presented individually to the Council of Ministers for approval.

C. Continued implementation of Cabinet Resolution No. 48 of 2018.

2. Taking into consideration the opinion of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

The statement continued, "The session included approval of the following:

First: Cancellation of the recommendations of the sixth meeting of the Chinese Framework Agreement issued by Cabinet Resolution (24006 of 2024).

Second: Cancellation of the Council of Ministers’ decision (24059 of 2024) regarding the completion of the new Nasiriyah warehouse and model school buildings, funded by the Chinese agreement.

Third: Approving the projects approved by Cabinet Resolution (24130 of 2023), with an annual allocation of (7059) billion dinars, instead of (7137) billion dinars, signed by the committee.

The following was also voted on during the session:

1. Deletion of the project (constructing an international stadium in the center of Nineveh Governorate at a cost of (22,813,000,000 dinars), based on the technical reports issued by the advisory office, affiliated with the College of Engineering at Al-Mustansiriya University, which includes the recommendation to completely remove the structure with the foundations, as well as the recommendation of the advisory body / Advisor to the Governor for Technical Affairs, adopting the opinion of the Advisory Office of Al-Mustansiriya University, to demolish and completely remove the foundations, taking into account the amounts spent on the aforementioned project and the amounts of work completion, and transferring the amounts of the deposits to the project account after its deletion, according to the controls and instructions issued by the Ministry of Planning.

2. Considering the request to include the project to establish the Nineveh Central Stadium with a closed sports hall on the right side of Mosul in a turnkey manner, within the governorate’s projects for the year 2023 (amended Schedule E) specified in the Federal General Budget Law (13 of 2023), for a total amount of (36,200). 000,000 dinars) after completing all relevant listing requirements.

3. Nineveh Governorate bears full responsibility for the truth and accuracy of the information submitted to the Ministry of Planning.

He pointed out that "with regard to the contract concluded with the Turkish company Tarmash for the school buildings project, the Council issued a decision approving the acceptance of the letter of guarantee previously submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, for the same contract outside the electronic platform for the letter of guarantee, until the company has financial liquidity that enables it to return Letter of guarantee, within the electronic platform.

The Council also issued a decision approving the Ministry of Finance’s contract with the Scientific Consulting Office at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/University of Baghdad/College of Science. To complete the system for modernizing public financial management systems (IFMIS), as an exception to the instructions for implementing government contracts (2 of 2014).

The statement explained, “The sale of residential plots of land starting from the property numbered (45373 to 49551 AD/21 Haidariyah) was approved for sale, amounting to (4176) plots, separated from the area of ​​the two plots of land numbered (42062/1, and 42063/1), district (21). )

Haidariyah, to employees of the General Secretariat of the Holy Shrine of Hussein, as an exception to the public bidding procedures, and based on the provisions of the Law on the Sale and Rent of State Funds No. (21) of 2013, as amended, and replacing it with a lottery system, according to the controls of those who are not beneficiaries of the Council of Ministers’ Resolution (20 of the year 2019), taking into account Articles (4 and 15/First/A) of the aforementioned Law on the Sale and Rent of State Funds.”

Within the framework of organizing union work, the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Human Development (24004 B) of 2024 was approved, which includes obligating the Engineers Syndicate to address the issue of registering engineering colleges and departments and accrediting them in the Engineers Syndicate.

The Council agreed to authorize the Director General of the General Tax Authority to negotiate and initial a draft agreement to avoid double taxation and prevent evasion of taxes imposed on income and capital between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of Latvia, based on the provisions of the Constitution, and to authorize the Minister of Finance to negotiate. And the final signature on the above project.”

He continued, "The draft law on the Republic of Iraq's ratification of the air services agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved and referred to the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of the constitution."

Views 73   Added 03/19/2024 -


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