Sunday, February 11, 2024

Senior Congress and Pentagon officials met. The Kurdistan Region Presidency delegation concludes its visit to Washington, 12 FEB

Senior Congress and Pentagon officials met. The Kurdistan Region Presidency delegation concludes its visit to Washington

After a number of meetings and interactions with top American government officials, the Kurdistan Region Presidency declared on Saturday that its delegation’s trip to the US had come to an end. The US assured its delegation that it will continue to help Iraq and the region, the President noted.



 Article:  "Vietnam's Rise as a Global Manufacturing Hub in the Era of Resilience and ESG Compliance

 Quote:   "Vietnam's cost-competitive manufacturing capabilities, expanding consumer market, and supportive policies make it an attractive destination for foreign investment. Despite challenges, Vietnam is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend and cement its position as a key player in the global economy."

Iraqi Dinar🔥 February 14th: The Date That Could Change Iraq's Destiny (D...

Sudanese spokesman: Negotiations with Washington are back ‘if nothing disturbs them’, 12 FEB

 Sudanese spokesman: Negotiations with Washington are back ‘if nothing disturbs them’

Baghdad – 964

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Yahya Rasool, on Sunday, confirmed the resumption of the Iraqi Supreme Military Committee’s meetings with the international coalition forces in Baghdad today, pointing to the continuation of these meetings continuously as long as they do not disturb anything.Sudanese adviser talks about ‘murder of US ambassador’: Tomorrow is extensive negotiations with WashingtonSudanese adviser responds to Washington: We won’t need you but officers are considering ‘combat loopholes’

Rasool said in a statement, the network received 964 copies of which:

The Supreme Iraqi Military Committee resumed its meetings with the international coalition forces in Baghdad on Sunday, February 11, 2024, to assess the military position, the level of danger, the operational environment and the capabilities of the Iraqi armed forces. Based on these meetings, a timetable will be formulated for a deliberate and gradual reduction to end the mission of the international coalition forces to fight ISIS and move to a bilateral relationship. As long as the talks do not disturb anything, the meetings will be repeated periodically to complete the work of the committee as soon as possible.


 Sandy Ingram   

 Vietnam is making major financial news.  Vietnam factory activity returns to growth status after the pandemic, tourist arrivals increased by 73.6% in January and retail sales are still growing for the 26th straight month.  The inflation rate is at a five month low of 3.7%.

  Overall Vietnam has green lights on all growth patterns...Vietnam knows precisely what to do to bring the value of its currency back into the line of profit ...

 We are not living a pipe-dream.  The IQD and the VND investments are real...Iraq is a small wealthy country...with gold reserves, oil and $100 billion in cash reserve.  They are making serious effort...It is safe to say that an appreciation of $0.10 or even $1.00 to 1 Iraqi dinar is not out of the question.

IQD Will Be Most Powerful Currency💣WB Praise Iraq🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

The end of the joint meeting between Baghdad and Washington to discuss the future of the alliance without announcing the details, 12 FEB

The end of the joint meeting between Baghdad and Washington to discuss the future of the alliance without announcing the details

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Political sources reported, on Monday, the end of the political security meeting between America and Iraq within the Green Zone to discuss the foreign presence in Iraq.

According to the sources to Al-Mawazin News, “the meeting in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leaders of joint operations from the side of Iraq, the US Embassy and representatives of the international coalition ended a little while ago.”

“The official statement on the details of the meeting may not be made public in detail due to the critical political position of the government on the foreign presence,” she added.
She pointed out that “the amendment of the Sufi agreement known as the framework was the most prominent of what was put forward as well as the details of the military presence of the international coalition and military cooperation.”


  Fnu Lnu 

  [Bank vs Redemption Center Rate Debate response]  

The law of one price...states that the price of an identical asset or commodity will have the same price globally, regardless of location...The law of one price takes into account a frictionless market, where there are no transaction costs, transportation costs, or legal restrictions, the currency exchange rates are the same, and that there is no price manipulation by buyers or sellers.

The law of one price exists because differences between asset prices in different locations would eventually be eliminated due to the arbitrage...The arbitrage opportunity would be achieved whereby a trader would purchase the asset in the market it is available at a lower price and then sell it in the market where it is available at a higher price.  Over time, market equilibrium forces would align the prices of the asset.  This should clear up the misconception of getting a better rate at a bank versus a redemption center, etc.... The rate will be the rate, no matter where, due to the law of One Price.  



  Militia Man  

 There's evidence the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate is underway or is still on the table.  It exists and that's because of who said it.  We know Al-Alaq has said it and it's been referenced to one of his financial advisors...Saleh.  

  What I like about the Iraqi there's progress and there's been progress...The  bottom line is ever since Al-Sudani has taken the helm...things have progressed immensely.  

 Article quote:  " The World Bank praises electronic payment systems in Iraq the best in the region." 
 So they're praising Iraq as being the best in the region...  Article quote:   "The infrastructure of the electronic payday system and software systems in Iraq is among the best systems in the region according to the Iraqi central bank"

Why don’t you punish UAE banks as well? An Iraqi expert opens fire on Washington, 11 FEB

 Why don’t you punish UAE banks as well? An Iraqi expert opens fire on Washington

Baghdad – 964
The Iraqi economic expert, Manar Al-Obaidi, asked a group of questions about the file of American sanctions imposed on a large number of Iraqi banks, indicating that Baghdad is not the only one that deals with Iranian trade, but rather the UAE and Malaysia do so, as do some British banks and other economic bodies, and he suggested that Iraq attract Foreign advisors to participate in negotiations with Washington on a matter whose consequences appear to be significant.

America’s sanctions on Iraqi banks are based on “suspicion” and we need the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…a banking expert
Manar Al-Obaidi, in an interview with journalist Ahmed Al-Tayeb, followed by Network 964 :
There is always a question to be asked, why does the United States place sanctions on Iraqi banks? In fact, if we look at the surroundings of Iraq and neighboring countries, we find that many of them do not adhere to the sanctions.

The best evidence of this is the volume of trade exchange between Iran and the UAE, which amounts to $17 billion. Iranian oil is also sold to Malaysia and then transported to China, amounting to $29 billion.

Two days ago, a report was issued by the famous Financial Times newspaper, talking about two British banks facilitating money transfers to Iran, so the world is not completely controlled, and Iraq is not the only one not in compliance.

There is a gap in the political dealings with the American side. The Americans do not know the nature of the relationship with Iraq. Sometimes they say that they are with us, and at other times they are against us.

Today, any country in the world has economic relations with Iran, but why does the American side not impose sanctions on these countries, simply because these countries have lobbies led by businessmen under the principle of common interests, so I think that the problem with Iraq is the lack of a body that conveys the Iraqi point of view away from… The government side. If we look at the channels of communication between the Iraqi and American sides, the only channel is the official bodies.

I am not with the idea that there are no sound Iraqi banks. Certainly there are sound banks, just as there are banks that do not deserve to be called banks. But the problem with the banks in general is that they did not bring in foreign advisors capable of sitting with the US Federal Reserve and the US Treasury to understand the quality of the sanctions. imposed, and in fact there are banks that do not yet know why they were punished.

The impact of the sanctions did not stop on the sanctioned banks themselves. Rather, even the non-sanctioned banks no longer know what measures they are supposed to take to protect themselves from the sanctions. Here we must not just throw the ball in the government’s court, but rather the banking sector must create a team of foreign advisors that It has relationships with the Treasury and the Fed, going beyond the idea of ​​government communication.

Iraqi dinar 🔥big change happening this week 🔥Iraqi dinar latest update

An “accounting” delegation from the Kurdistan government arrives in Baghdad, 11 feb

 An “accounting” delegation from the Kurdistan government arrives in Baghdad

Shafaq News / A joint “accounting” delegation from two ministries and the Office of Financial Supervision in the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived on Sunday in the federal capital Baghdad.

The Ministry of Finance and Economy in the regional government said, in a statement received by Shafaq News, that “a technical delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government consisting of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Office of Financial Control of the Kurdistan Region arrived in Baghdad.”كوردســتانيات/وفد-محاسبي-من-حكومة-كوردستان-يصل-الى-بغداد



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY: A representative from the CBI is talking to us in great detail about the new coins they will be giving us with the new currency notes...He said to us once again, the process to delete the zeros is in the process.  It made us smile.  He said this process is occurring because the lower notes will not be needed if the rate wasn't increasing.  He said if the CBI didn't come out with these lower notes the monetary reforms would be a disaster.  He said that's why we need a change in our rate... 

 FIREFLY:      Big campaign to get citizens to trust the Iraqi banks starting today.

  FRANK:  This is the last part of the monetary reform education.  Congratulations!  

 FIREFLY:  Sudani is not playing games with anybody.  It looks like he's working hand in hand with the US Treasury...Television now shows Rafidain Bank doing investigations on smuggling of the dollar...There's no end to the amount of corruption...

  FRANK:  Your corruption is amplified by Iran...that's why you have not had the new exchange rate or lower denoms...but it is really being curtailed...controlled...Pay attention to the leadership in your country removing the corruption...

iraqi dinar✅CBI Announced New Rate Of IQD Dinar Today 2024 / Iraqi Dinar...

The Advisor To The Association Of Banks Calls On Our Banks To Confront The American Banking Restrictions With Wisdom And Determination To Implement The Banking Reform Strategy, 11 FEB

 The Advisor To The Association Of Banks Calls On Our Banks To Confront The American Banking Restrictions With Wisdom And Determination To Implement The Banking Reform Strategy.

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, called on the banks to bypass the American banking restrictions by depriving 28 private banks of dealing in the US dollar, and to take all executive and technical measures to overcome the material and moral damage caused by these restrictions and the pressures of rumors launched by those who troll the murky waters with the aim of stopping the wheel of financial and banking reform that... Led by the government and the Central Bank, which yielded good results at the local and international levels during 2023.

Al-Nusairi referred to the directives of the Governor of the Central Bank, in his meeting with a delegation from the Association of Banks, to deal wisely and insist on implementing the strategy of the government and the Central Bank in banking reform, regularity and adherence to international banking standards, enhancing confidence in our national economy and banking sector, continuing to provide banking services and products to the public, and dealing in local currencies of countries with which Iraq has important trade exchange. With it, and securing local and international requirements to build solid banking relationships with solid global correspondent banks.

Al-Nusairi stressed that the strength and strength of the international rules and foundations on which the national economy is based, most notably the foreign reserves at the level of adequacy and within the standards in this regard, is the surest guarantee for overcoming the crises and challenges expected for subjective or objective reasons during 2024.

Al-Nusairi concluded his speech by stressing the strict commitment and cooperation with the Central Bank and the implementation of what was stated in its strategy in 2024, which focuses on the following axes:

First - Building a stable financial system that lies in accompanying financial electronic systems and the transition to the digital economy.

Second: Commitment to establishing the rules of compliance, risk management, transparency, and soundness of financial operations.

Third: Working to strengthen international relations, including establishing a network of relations with foreign correspondent banks.

Fourth - Establishing a Riyada Bank and redirecting work on initiatives to finance small and medium enterprises according to new standards and with international cooperation, with banks contributing to its capital and management. In line with the initiative of the Prime Minister (Riyada) and the establishment of the Loan Guarantee Company.

Fifth: Preparing, launching and implementing a financial inclusion strategy and developing it in joint coordination with the relevant authorities.

Sixth - Launching the national lending strategy, relying on the banks’ own financial capabilities to attract deposits and invest them in providing the best banking products to customers and contributing to development, with the support of the Central Bank and the government.‏

Views 114 02/09/2024 -


 Latest from Rod Steel ~ 2.10.24

My friend spoke to Patriot Rod Steel today, and he confirmed that he's spoken with some bond people and they have received funds.

More details from Rod:  "I was told the paperwork was just completed and the Admiral is going to release everything on Monday."

Rod continues: "The Iraq Government will reveal the new ‘lower denomination’ notes this week and then release the new Dinar Rate (4+) to be published in the Government Gazette on Sunday and then go on FOREX this coming Monday, the 12th". ROD

My very close friend vetted this information with two other contacts. One who is very close to the Admiral - as in working alongside him on a daily basis. And the second gentleman is extremely close to those on the Bond side who are clued into the details regularly. They both are in alignment with Rod's news also - so that's extremely encouraging. We also know that Mark is hearing similar stories. 

More from Ginger: I cannot give details because I'm sworn to secrecy, but allowed to say that the papers have been signed by people we know AND others have heard happy news from their group leaders on the T3 Bond side. I personally do not know of anyone in T3 who has liquid, spendable funds as of yet, but I'm extremely pleased with all of the news we're getting. I'm grounded and steady - remaining optimistic.  2.10.24

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

Iraqi Dinar Pegged to US Dollar, Time to De-Peg Amid Dollar Decline

How Did America Prevent Iraq From Joining The Belt Initiative And Signing The Chinese Agreement?, 11 FEB

 How Did America Prevent Iraq From Joining The Belt Initiative And Signing The Chinese Agreement?

Information / Baghdad..   The head of the organizing body of the popular movement for the Belt and Road, Hussein Al-Karaawi, said on Sunday that it was the United States that prevented Iraq from joining the Belt and Road Initiative and signing the Chinese agreement.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

Al-Karaawi told Al-Maalouma, “The American violations of Iraqi sovereignty are what stood against Iraq joining the Belt and Road Initiative and signing the Chinese agreement.”

He added, "The United States is the first enemy of Iraq and its people. It targets the Popular Mobilization Forces, which fought terrorism and defended the country's sovereignty."

He urged the government to "join the Belt and Road Initiative and sign the Chinese agreement."

The Iraqis are in a state of anger due to the American violations in Iraq, the methods of which have varied, including bombing the security forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces and assassinating national Mujahideen figures in cowardly ways. LINK



Frank26:   "LOL... ONCE AGAIN IT'S A LOT MORE THAN THAT!!!"...........F26

 Iraq increased its possession of the yellow metal to more than 142 tons


The World Gold Council announced today, Wednesday, that Iraq has increased its possession of the yellow metal to more than 142 tons.

The Council said in its latest table for last January, “Iraq maintained its 30th ranking globally out of 100 countries included in the table with the largest gold reserves and raised its possession to 142.6 tons from 132 tons, which represents 8.3% of the rest of its other reserves.”

He added, "Iraq ranked fourth in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, which possessed 323.1 tons, followed by Lebanon, which possessed 286.8 tons, and Algeria, which possessed 173.6 tons."

He pointed out that "the United States of America sits on the throne of the rest of the countries with the largest possession of gold in the world at 8133.5 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3352.6 thousand tons, then Italy came with 2451.8 thousand tons, while Bosnia and Herzegovina came at the bottom with 1.5 tons."

The Council stated, "Iraq announced the purchase of gold in the year 2023, amounting to approximately 12.25 tons."

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council is based in the United Kingdom and has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change. Its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.   LINK

URGENT INFO The Central Bank of Iraq Shake Up BY SANDY INGRAM

Iraq Loses Compensation And May Pay $380 Million In An International Dispute Case, 11 FEB

 Iraq Loses Compensation And May Pay $380 Million In An International Dispute Case

Economy  02-11-2024 | 06:01  Al-Sumaria News – Economy  One of the Kuwaiti companies that owns a dispute case with Iraq announced that it was able to obtain a new opportunity to sue Iraq, after the international arbitration panel in 2021 closed the case that the company filed against Iraq, and even obligated it to pay compensation to Iraq worth 5 million. dollar.

However, the Kuwait Public Warehousing Company announced today, Sunday, that the annulment committee at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes accepted its appeal against the previous ruling of the arbitration panel and partially canceled it, adding that the committee announced that the original ruling issued in 2021 was partially canceled, and as a result of this decision, we will have the opportunity to resubmit our claims before the Kuwaiti Public Warehousing Company. The arbitration panel again.

In 2021, the arbitration panel at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank Group rejected a lawsuit filed by the Kuwaiti company to recover more than $380 million that it said it lost in Iraq. The panel also ordered the company at that time to pay more than five million dollars to Iraq for the costs related to this case. .   LINK



As I see it, we are waiting for some public announcements to come forth including the following

1.  Public announcement of the USN on the gold and asset standard

2.  Public announcement of the new USN notes money supply

3.  Public announcement of USN bills paid

a.  Iraq has a trust problem with the US

b.  they need to see items 1-2 and three above publicly announced So they can go forward

4.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international Dinar rate

5.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international data rate published in The Gazette 

6.  Public announcement of Nesara

7.  Public announcement of Gesera 

8.  Public announcement of Biden gone

9.  Public announcement of trump's return

10.  Private announcement of RV notifications including 800 numbers  and starlink 

a.  Private announcement of tier 3 liquidity and spendable

b.  Private announcement for liquidity of all tiers

11.  Public announcement of the following

a.  Social Security increase and change of system

b.  Reclamation monies

c.  Debt forgiveness jubilee 

d.  Other funds as applicable 

We should begin to see these flowing out in the soon coming immediate future

There are other events that are important such as the stock market crash, EBS,  and the new financial system. I have chosen not to include them in the list above, but those things are coming and we should pay attention to real events that are about to and very soon begin to unfold. 

Hold the line and stay steady. Lock your faith into the Word of God. What is about to happen is biblical and we should understand that. 

See you on the other side. The other side is the Promised Land. Are you truly ready?

Locked and loaded !!!!!!!

Subscribe for more:

IQD VND Rate Vietnam's Growth Iraq's Stream of Income IMPORTANT #iqd #vnd by SANDY INGRAM

Experts Determine Ways To Control The “Parallel Dollar”, 11 FEB

 Experts Determine Ways To Control The “Parallel Dollar”

Economical  02/11/2024   Baghdad: Haider Falih Al-Rubaie  Specialists in economic affairs have identified a number of factors that would control the exchange rate of the parallel dollar, stressing that granting the private industrial sector financial and administrative facilities could lead to moving the wheel of production and reducing imports that are financed with the parallel dollar from the black market.

Stressing the importance of doubling loans that would establish a production base capable of meeting the local market’s requirements for goods and materials.

Economic calls have increased remarkably, demanding that loans and credit facilities granted by banks to the private sector be directed towards activating and increasing production processes, indicating that these facilities exceeded 50 trillion dinars last year 2023, but they did not contribute to increasing gross domestic product rates, stressing at the time He stressed the importance of building more bridges of trust between investors, businessmen and companies with government and private banks with the aim of facilitating the granting of loans directed towards increasing local production.

The specialists' calls come at a time when the government has intensified its efforts to eliminate the rise in exchange rates in the parallel market, which has greatly affected the movement of buying and selling goods and materials in the local markets. Following a package of decisions that contributed to closing the gap that occurred earlier between the official and the parallel dollar,

A government source revealed earlier that electronic cards were issued to small merchants with a ceiling of $100,000 per month.

The new government step was met with economic welcome, which emphasized the importance of this measure in eliminating the significant rise in parallel exchange rates and reducing the jumps in the green currency, in addition to its importance in covering the prices of imported goods at the official dollar rate, thus achieving great stability in the local markets.

Economist Manaf Al-Sayegh said during his talk to “Al-Sabah” that “a large part of the solution lies in establishing a large production base capable of meeting the requirements of local markets and blocking the path to import operations that require huge sums of money from the dollar,” pointing out the necessity of “developing a strategic plan that begins with In the form of stages that include the significant qualitative advancement of the industrial and agricultural sectors, which constitute the backbone of the national economy.

Al-Sayegh also urged “the importance of the strategy including real steps to reform the banking and financial system in the country, and adapting it in a way that can be parallel to what developed countries have achieved in banking transactions, as well as moving towards reforms related to the trade balance, which can stimulate the movement of local production and exports.”

National economy, thus significantly reducing the demand for the parallel dollar, pointing out that creating a balance between exports and imports is an important step to revitalize the national economy and enable it to achieve growth in all its sectors, thus diversifying sources and significantly reducing dependence on the oil sector.

In turn, economic expert Dr. Nabil Al-Marsoumi explained in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that the decline of the dollar index against the Iraqi dinar is on its way to decline, pointing to the seriousness of the monetary authority in diversifying currency reserves, as well as expanding the circle of payments from other currencies, not to mention simplifying Brief access to the electronic platform.

Al-Marsoumi stressed the importance of resolving problems related to trade with neighboring countries, by finding other ways to trade with those countries in order to find a close price between the official and parallel dollars.

The Governor of the Central Bank had confirmed in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency “INA” that “the indicator of the success of monetary policy in any country is controlling the general level of prices and reducing inflation,” explaining that “inflation has now decreased significantly compared to the beginning of 2023, which...

“It indicates that foreign trade is covered by the official rate and that foreign financing operations are taking place smoothly, and all importers and traders can obtain and control the dollar at the official rate.”

Al-Alaq pointed out that “the Central Bank’s following of the rules and principles of external transfer in accordance with the conditions and requirements it set and its insistence on implementing them has prompted many hesitant merchants to enter the platform for selling foreign currency, especially since its use is easy and safe and it provides them with the dollar at the official rate.”

Al-Alaq pointed out that “the Central Bank confirms the possibility of meeting all requests for the dollar, whether personal, commercial, or any kind, as long as they are valid and legitimate.”



Telegram post

Forwarded from Tressy Trek Chat:

If you remember, all of the times, I have said this over and over – it’s back to back, so who cares if he comes back into office within 30 minutes after we start the RV? The money has to move first – that has been told to be for five years, so the RV has to happen first or Trump cannot come back. 

We’ll get notification, then immediately after,  they’ll announce the aspects of Nesara and then it’ll go “back to back” from there, within minutes or hours, but people have to stop caring about the order of events because it’s back to back. 

OK my advisor said within 72 hours everything would happen. He also told me the government would flip over night. Hopefully that helps.

Responding to comments on Misinformation video 02/10/24 BY PIMPY

Al-Mandalawi: These are the decisions of the House of Representatives regarding Iraqi sovereignty, 11 FEB

Al-Mandalawi: These are the decisions of the House of Representatives regarding Iraqi sovereignty

Saturday 10, February 2024 21:09 | PoliticalNumber of readings: 298

Baghdad / NINA / Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, today, Saturday, directed the formation of a parliamentary committee to follow up and support the government’s negotiations to end the missions of the international coalition forces.

Al-Mandalawi directed the Legal, Security, and Defense Committees to submit a report in the next session regarding the request submitted by the representatives regarding the proposed law to remove foreign forces from the country, stressing that “the House of Representatives will approach the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces/Prime Minister, to host those concerned in the General Command of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Foreign Affairs during the current week./End 5



   I've heard this story a zillion times - It [the Iraqi dinar] used to be $3.22 so if you adjust for inflation it's going to be much higher.  If that was the case do you understand how much higher the Kuwait dinar would be

 It's around the same as it was 7,8, 10, 20 years ago. 

 You don't see them go, 'Hey this year we raised a whole other dollar because of inflation.'   No.  That's just ridiculous.  I've heard that all before.  It's not adjusted based on inflation...There is no currency exchange out there right now that you can find that's even remotely close to $4 let alone $7...

Iraqi dinar is pegged to the US dollar.  If the dollar starts to lose value because the interest rates are being cut, then is this the time for Iraq to de-peg away from the dollar?  

...No, you just don't do it.  You have to weigh the pros and the cons of it.  Yes I would like to see Iraq de-peg from the US dollar but I also want to make sure they are set up to do so before they do that...Sure the value of the dollar is going to drop, should Iraq de-peg itself and be independent and make their own decisions with the possible risk of it losing value instead of it gaining value?

Iraqi Dinar - Iraq has set the stage for Develoment Road & Kuwait Dinar ...BY MILITIAMAN

After They Were Boycotted By A Session To Discuss The US Attacks. Al-Jamali: Budget Partners Are Not Partners In Sovereignty, 11 FEB

 After They Were Boycotted By A Session To Discuss The US Attacks. Al-Jamali: Budget Partners Are Not Partners In Sovereignty

Earth News / MP Ali Turki Al-Jamali, on Saturday, attacked some political blocs who did not attend the deliberative session “Discussing American Attacks,” indicating that they are budget partners are not partners in sovereignty.

“Budget partners are not partners in sovereignty, so it doesn’t matter to them to attend today’s session,” Al-Jalmali said in a post on X-based platform and followed by Earth News.



 The next phase is the most difficult...most dangerous phase...You need a team...You realize how  Earth shattering decision you're going to make in front of strangers that you don't know. 

 That's why I told you to create your  team.  If you don't have the energy, desire, strength, will, knowledge to create a team right now don't worry about it, when the  blessing occurs they'll be looking for you.   You must make the proper decision on who is going to help you.  These are powerful  decision that you have to make with your team because it'll affect you, your children's children's future.   

We're in the Venturi effect (a narrow opening and you're trying to squeeze a lot through it). 

 You know how you put your finger on a hose and you can squirt it much further?  That's the Venturi effect.  We're having a Venturi effect with intel.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Plans Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar rate up...

Senior congressional and Pentagon officials met. The delegation of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region concludes its visit to Washington, 11 FEB

 Senior congressional and Pentagon officials met. The delegation of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region concludes its visit to Washington

I’m lShafak News / The presidency of the Kurdistan Region announced today, Saturday, that its delegation concluded its visit to the United States of America after it held a series of meetings and meetings with senior government officials in America, and the presidency pointed out that its delegation received American confirmation of continuing support for Iraq and the region.سیاسة/التقى-كبار-مس-ولي-الكونغرس-والبنتاغون-وفد-ر-اسة-اقليم-كوردستان-يختتم-زيارته-الى-واشنطن