Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Iraqi Dinar RV Shmething Big Happening

Through two procedures, an economist confirms the possibility of solving the problem of disparity in employee salaries, 31 July

Through two procedures, an economist confirms the possibility of solving the problem of disparity in employee salaries

On Tuesday, economic expert Safwan Qusay confirmed the possibility of transforming some ministries into productive and income-generating ones and resolving the issue of the disparity in the salaries of some employees.

Qusay told “There is no acknowledgment of the ebb and flow pay scale, particularly at the level of a few bureaucratic services, and the public authority can’t reevaluate these services except if spending is diminished on a few different services or another window for incomes is opened inside the services of industry, exchange, culture, and water assets.”

That’s what he added “the previously mentioned services were beforehand ready to persuade their workers through their exercises, notwithstanding the chance of rethinking the issue of impetuses and attempting to acknowledge the deficiency in the compensations of the previously mentioned services by circulating plots of land to their representatives and opening new windows to utilize the jobless inside the important services.”

He said, “There is a need to reconsider the allocations of other ministries and work on compressing them, especially since the country has witnessed stability at the security level, as allocations were previously granted to some ministries as a result of the security conditions and an attempt to attract certain cadres to those ministries.” He was referring to the fact that “there is a need to reconsider the allocations of other ministries and work on compressing them.”

He brought up the chance of “the State leader’s Office completing exchanges between parts inside similar monetary designations endorsed by Parliament.”



Once a country re-denominates, they don't just recognize the re-denomination in country.  It's recognized throughout the world...Does it make sense that they're going to have a different rate exchange in Iraq instead of out?  ...You really believe that's going to happen?

 ...The poor people in Iraq are going to be like, wait a minute.  I'm changing 1,000s and all you give me is one new Iraq dinar note...only worth $3.21?  In the meantime if I just...went on a trip to...the United States that they would... exchange my old bank notes with the current exchange rate with the zeros on there giving me millions of dollars?  

Does that make sense to you?... No, once the re-denomination takes place it's worldwide.  You might still have the old notes...but you're not going to be able to exchange 1,000 dinars times a $3.22 rate. 

 That's not what happens.  They make the conversion to the new Iraqi denomination.  So if you bring them a 1,000..it's not 1,000 anymore, it's only 1dinar.  Then time the exchange rate of $3.22.  Here you go sir/ma'am, here's your $3.22...Just use a little common sense...You would have this huge rush of people coming out of Iraq with their currency with all the zeros...going to the United States...and swapping it and becoming millionaires and then going back in their country and buying the new bank notes with their millions of dollars.  Does that make sense

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Only 2 Days Left 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News Gur...

Government Advisor: Adopting budget schedules has become a reality and does not affect financial obligations, 30 July

 The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the budget schedules have become a reality, and issuing instructions is a procedural matter that does not affect financial obligations.

Saleh said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the legal basis for the current fiscal year 2024 is something that has been legislated and approved primarily, based on the provisions of the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2025, 2024 issued by Law No. 13 of 2023, which was published on June 26, 2023 in the Official Gazette."

He explained that "what is stipulated in Article Two/77 of the law includes the executive authority submitting the financial tables for the two fiscal years 2024, 2025 to enable the House of Representatives to approve them sequentially," noting that "this was achieved in the fiscal year 2024." He
pointed out that "the three-year federal general budget was implemented for the first time in the country, which was based in its approval on one of the articles included in the provisions of the Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, as amended, which authorized the work of a financial plan consisting of a general budget for three fiscal years."

He added that "the legal options available to implement the provisions of the federal general budget have become more flexible for the federal financial authority, in addition to the availability of the federal financial management law itself, which allows financial transactions even if any approval of the general budget formalities is delayed in principle, especially allowing continued spending or disbursement on investment projects approved in the three-year general budget as ongoing projects, as well as operational spending, or any financial transactions stipulated in the three-year general budget law."

He added, "Despite this, the adoption of the financial tables for the current fiscal year 2024, which were approved by the House of Representatives earlier this year, has become a reality, and issuing instructions for their implementation is a procedural matter that does not affect the obligations of the fiscal year itself, as these instructions are in all cases consistent with the emerging financial transactions when issued."

He added that "the Ministry of Finance had announced earlier this month the issuance of financial bonds (achievement bond) as a source of financing for the budget by borrowing from the local financial market worth 1.5 trillion dinars," stressing that "spending on operating expenses such as salaries, pensions, social care, debt services, and others is ongoing, in addition to the continued financing of ongoing investment projects and those under implementation."

He pointed out that "all of these activities are financial activities in which spending has not stopped, which is consistent with the legal work rules that came with the three-year federal general budget, with high flexibility, transparency, and governance."

He noted that "the instructions for implementing the general budget schedules for the fiscal year 2024 will touch upon some of the developments and partial financial transactions that have been newly created or adapted, and not the faculties of public finance, and that the financial activity in the country with its three pillars: revenues, expenditures, and deficit management is proceeding in a consistent and harmonious manner and in accordance with the objectives of the three-year general budget law, and that the executive and legislative authorities are in continuous communication and high coordination to ensure the achievement of public interests without interruption   link


 German Bonds

Confirming details to support the Gintel from July 23, 2024. Wow, do y’all remember my hilarious, funny camping story where you had to decode the campers going to the triple cabin extravaganza and the quadruple fun trip where we talked about the wet white-water rafting.

 If you haven’t seen that news from July 23, go back and decode that. It was wonderful, and packed with amazing things, I just didn’t have time to reshare in this. But during that segment, I shared with you that the Germans were yodeling, the German bond holders were yodeling happily. Happy Camper German Bond holders were being processed in Europe, and yodeling away.

You will also recall that I heard from my dear friend Tinka, who is a faithful Liberty Lounger, she’s been with us a long time, and she chimed in and said, “That fits in with what we are experiencing here!

\ A friend of mine who lives in Germany is very close to what's happening in Zurich! She told me two weeks ago that everything was being processed and settled, and I asked her how far along they were, how long it would take, and she sent me pictures of a boat party which took place on a big lake so apparently, she's not allowed to talk about it, but her pictures and photographs, that was answer enough for me”. Tinka shared that on July 24, so that’s really great news with the bond movement. And I’ve taught you all before that we have to see the German bonds paid out, then the Yellow Dragon Bonds, and then they start the groups, the bigger groups and platforms. So we’re pacing it right along. I also had a few things to say about the Yellow Dragon Bonds, swimming like the Loch Ness monster, so have fun with that.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Who Gets What 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News Guru U...

Article 140 raises controversy again.. Calls to delay its implementation and take into account the “sensitivity of the situation”, 30 July

 MP Mudhar Al-Karwi called, today, Monday (July 29, 2024), to delay the implementation of Article 140 in 38 villages in eastern Iraq, stressing that  the sensitivity of the situation must be taken into account .

Al-Karwi said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The Committee for the Implementation of Article 140 recently issued a decision regarding agricultural contracts in 38 villages located within the vicinity of Khanaqin District in Diyala Governorate. This is a sensitive issue and requires flexible procedures because hundreds of farmers have official contracts that extend for decades."

Al-Karwi called on the Prime Minister to “issue an order to delay the implementation of the decision of the Committee for the Implementation of Article 140 and to give an opportunity to review the contracts in the villages covered by a higher committee affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and the rest of the parties to avoid any injustice or unfairness that affects Arab farmers. The sensitivity of the situation must be taken into account and the matter must be done according to fair and just principles to avoid any confusion.”

He pointed out that "waiting is the most appropriate thing at the moment and agreeing on specific procedures that will lead to achieving justice and fairness for all parties and that no farmer will be wronged, especially since the residents of these villages have been living there for decades."

It is noteworthy that the Article 140 Implementation Committee, headed by Hadi al-Amiri, recently issued a decision regarding agricultural contracts in the villages of Khanaqin and returning them to Kurdish farmers.  link

GINTEL: "RV There Yet? :RG Paymaster detail", PART. 3, 30 JULY

 RG Paymaster detail

 So now some more Gintel. RG is in the house. You guys can go give him some love on the group chat. We’re going to share a tidbit that he shared with us. RG gives us a paymaster detail. He says, “A paymaster once told his group (where I'm in) that we don't need to worry about how much money we are getting when exchanging and redeeming, even if we only have 1 Zim bond note. The QFS knows where and on what you are spending your money.

 When and if most of your funds goes to projects that assist humanity and you are running out, more will be deposited, and you should just carry on and not even think about scarcity as there will be an abundant flow of money to whoever to do good with it.” Isn’t that beautiful?

Sam Adams1776 replied: “That sounds wonderful!”

RG: Yes, and exactly how it should be and what I'm taking as gospel truth.

Said paymaster is highly connected with folks in charge of all of this. But, we'll find out the truth at our appointments.

And I just want to give RG a shout out, because the Celestial Alliance told us the exact same thing. And this has been taught in previous Chronicles. So, for us to have the Celestial validation, and then a real live person validating that as a paymaster in the know, I just could not be more excited.

I also explained to you last week that the Admiral in Reno was heard to have said, “I am QB1” meaning the ball is in his hands to make a score. His work will give liquidity to CMKX, farm claims and other groups/platforms. I heard that two larger church groups have been paid, but this piece here is not vetted by me – so chalk it up to a rumor.

Breaking Hidden Exchange Rates In Iraq Big News For Investors

In the presence of Al-Sudani.. 3 files bring the framework together at the nightly negotiating table, 30 July

 The Coordination Framework, which includes the Shiite forces forming the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, is scheduled to hold an important meeting on Monday evening, with the attendance of all its leaders, in addition to the Prime Minister.

A leader in the framework told Shafaq News Agency, "The Coordination Framework will hold a meeting in an hour from now, in the presence of its leadership and the Prime Minister, to discuss a number of important topics and issues on the political scene."

The leader added, "The meeting of the framework leaders will discuss the issue of   the position of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and agree to set a record date for holding the session to elect the president."

He explained that "the meeting will also discuss the file of forming local governments in the provinces of Diyala and Kirkuk, in addition to discussing with Al-Sudani the file of the Turkish incursion into Iraqi territory."

Despite the passage of more than 8 months, the Sunni political forces have not succeeded in agreeing on an alternative candidate for Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi .

The parliament failed five times in a row to resolve the issue, in light of the division between the political parties in supporting one of the candidates for the position, namely Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, the candidate of the Progress Party, and Salem Al-Issawi, the candidate of the Sunni parties (Sovereignty and the Azm and Al-Hasm alliances), who obtained the majority of votes during the last parliament session .

A few days ago, the Azm Alliance, led by Muthanna al-Samarrai, warned the Shiite forces against continuing to obstruct the election of the Parliament Speaker .

The leader of the coalition, Haider Al-Mulla, told Shafaq News Agency, "The talk about achieving a Sunni-Sunni consensus is an attempt to obstruct the election of the Speaker of the Council of Representatives. Throughout the life of the political process in Iraq, there has been no consensus or agreement on choosing any of the three presidencies."  link


 PART. 2

It's all part of keeping this big reveal in the shadows, keeping these groundbreaking facts close to the chest. At just the right time, we know this will all be revealed to the masses. On the positive side, we in Tier 4B can go before the Gazette details are made known. I actually prefer this scenario, due to the fact that this expectation would further keep the huge news sequestered so it's truly a "Private Exchange" for us; and the world won't let on to what's truly going on - yet - until it's time to go public. This is still very much a possibility.

Misinformation is so needed right now. But facts are, Reno is still quiet - on Alert, but not on High Alert YET. This isn't bad news considering we know of other hot spots where the news is favorable. I just want to be balanced and fair and not hurt people with forced - or false - expectations - and if something is a rumor, I'll tell you if it’s a rumor, according to my best understanding.

While some Tier 3 groups still haven't gotten paid, there's plenty of rumor that some indeed have. We have confirmed that the Paymasters have long since been funded - but what we're waiting on is for their people in their groups to be funded. Listen to Chronicles of an Ambassador Part 11 and 12 Gintel to get a stronger handle on what this means - so you're intellectually able to decipher between facts and fiction from the Guru News Network. Details matter! I'm actually leaning to the fact that action IS happening in certain pockets of the world and things are intentionally being kept quiet. When things change with Reno, I'll let you know - as that does remains a clear indicator.

THE BEAUTIFUL - How many times have I begged you to watch for the bigger events from your 40K perch and look way beyond what the GNN is "saying"? Well, the facts are - we could be here, on the precipice of larger global political events. We're able to confirm military and law enforcement movements which point to things getting spicy. I'm honestly thinking the next three weeks could hold a lot! Plus we’ve even gotten those hints from Skipperoo, our military ops informant fellow, because he said all the time, “Logistics don’t lie.” And he said “Things are heating up!”

Celestial Alliance confirmations - Kudos to you, Liberty Lounge Family! They are literally calling y'all the "Eagle Eye Tribe" and they loved the visual object lesson

we gave to you all in our silly "Ginger’s Liberty Lounge Farm Treehouse" story, looking circumspectly with your super bionic binoculars! You have earned high praise for your diligence, for watching out for and searching for what's true, and using your intuition and honing your discernment. Much to share on this topic, but it'll have to wait for another Chronicles teaching - too much to type, but it'll be worth the wait - I guarantee it!

More to add to your positive rumor table - It's said to be a Week To Remember, and global events are leaning to this plausibility.

No one can deny my stalwart confidence in the military med beds - listen to Chronicles of an Ambassador Parts 4, 5 and 6 to learn more.... But we're also getting more confirmation in real life of their presence and distribution and readiness for roll out. I've not been given permission to say a lot more... But Do Not Doubt their reality.

In closing, thank you for being the kindest, the smartest, the most engaging, the most hilarious, the most caring, the most faithful, the most loyal, the most deciphering and the most powerful and prayerful people on Telegram!! No one is like you, GLL!! YOU make it a pleasure to serve you & your servant leadership team brags about you often!..TO BE CONTINUED

SANDY INGRAM: One Million IQD at 80 Cents Equals How Much in Profits and Taxes?

Urgent Al-Sudani visits Tehran today, 30 July

  Urgent Al-Sudani visits Tehran today

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani will visit today, Tuesday, to participate in the swearing-in ceremony of the new Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian, which will take place in the Islamic Shura Council {Parliament}.

Foreign delegations will continue to arrive in Tehran from yesterday until the remaining hours of the swearing-in ceremony of the ninth Iranian president.

It is worth noting that the implementation ceremony of President Masoud Pezeshkian’s decree was held the day before yesterday, Sunday, and the text of the fourteenth presidential decree was delivered to the president-elect by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

According to Article 121 of the Iranian Constitution, the President of the Republic must take the constitutional oath before the Glorious Word of God and in the presence of members of Parliament, members of the Guardian Council, and the head of the judiciary in the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

The swearing-in ceremony of President Masoud Pezeshkian will be held in the Islamic Consultative Assembly on Tuesday evening, and according to Alireza Sharifi, the executive deputy of the parliament, more than 70 foreign delegations from different countries will participate in this ceremony.   link


 RV There Yet? Gintel

100 Million speculators in this Camper Event out of 9 billion people in the world. This is a tiny percentage of people who are involved in this. What a blessing you and I have been chosen by God to participate in this life-changing event!

The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful -- Here's your Gintel for the weekend July 21, 2024

THE GOOD - Let's review some facts, which I've confirmed from real, live people that we trust. Boots on the ground types. Everything I'm sharing is from my own

digging and my dear friends who are gracious enough to feed us very trustworthy information.

We've confirmed that Iraq's in-country rate is indeed in the range of $3.60 - $4.00 (vetted from Iraq)

We've confirmed that German Bonds are paying out. More excitingly, this is confirmed by my German friend in Germany whose friend's GBs have been processed.

We have also confirmed that other European Bond contacts are extremely excited and confident that they will be finished by end-of-month, according to their group leaders. This is coming from multiple sources. Stay calm and guarded because the pace of events still remains to be seen.

THE BAD - I'm kinda surprised how really hush hush things are on the heels of Iraq's WTO accession meetings. Dang! They don't want to squeak a leak, do they?! I feel your angst and your distress in the waiting. I get it. I shared recently with the family in GLL Chat that I try to be truthful. I think I might have been the only person on these pages who said I actually thought Iraq might not announce their rate before the WTO meeting on July 18, although I wanted very much to be wrong. I felt they would take time to put their final steps in motion for the official announcement to the world of their new rate. Lots of gurus suggested that Iraq had to have it done before July 18, 2024. And here we are.... Still waiting... I'm glad I at least gave many of you that cautious expectation for those of you who cared to ask for my thoughts on that topic. My own reflection on that - gut feeling - assisted me greatly in the days following that monumental meeting on Thursday. I've felt settled. At peace.

I'm totally understanding as to why Iraq has to be so secretive! Let's remind you of these key factors: Their new rate is in the budget which has been published (secretly) in the June 23rd edition of their national Gazette. While some good guys refer to it as "the lost papers" - we like to think of it as the "hidden papers" (intentionally). It's not just being hidden from the Iraqi citizens, it's being hidden from Parliament and the international community as well. It's all part of keeping......TO BE CONTINUED





The Ministry of Commerce discusses with World Bank representatives a strategy to support entrepreneurship and establish local companies.


 The Private Sector Development Department at the Ministry of Trade held a meeting (remotely) with representatives of the World Bank to discuss a strategy to support entrepreneurship, owners of small and medium enterprises and start-ups to advance the local economic reality.

The ministry stated in a statement that  "the meeting discussed the basic pillars of the entrepreneurship system that will be evaluated by World Bank experts through surveys and the application of laws specific to these projects, in addition to holding discussion sessions with project owners and presenting recommendations on policies for each pillar."

The statement explained that "the meeting came out with several recommendations aimed at developing the Iraqi private sector to advance the local economic reality," referring to "the pioneering role of the Private Sector Development Department in providing support to owners of small and medium enterprises, which is part of its tasks."

On the other hand, the Investment Committee of the General Company for Central Markets at the Ministry of Trade held its periodic meeting to discuss its investment projects plan, and the circulars received by the company related to investment projects in Baghdad and the governorates, including the recommendations of the Ministerial Council for Social Services regarding the Iraqi Construction Council, as well as the mechanism for compensating contractors.

The statement added that "the meeting urged the follow-up committees to complete the tasks assigned to them and prepare reports and correspondence to the relevant sectoral authorities to ensure the speedy completion and opening of these projects and set a time frame for their completion and submit periodic reports on the completed work."




We knew Abadi was involved the entire time behind the scenes! Iraq announces internally that they are ready to finally sign the oil and gas law into parliament within the next few days. The moment that happens, expect an all out war optically in the Middle East with Israel, Iran, Turkey as well as other neighboring nations. 

Now that the SEC is freeing BNB Tiger, Cardano and other cryptos, look for XRP to break free soon as well, then the Dinar!! 




Israel is getting ready to focus their ire on Iran. Iraq is about to take center stage! The troops start to leave in September. We are seeing the end of corruption worldwide. 

Everyone needs to rise up against evil and finally start working together! 




So Sudani/Abadi have now demanded a timeline for the US troops to start leaving, giving them until the end of next year. This was the edict Israel was waiting for in order to strike. 

Notice in the articles Iraq says they are a part of the new international development bank. That means BRICS, which means they’re part of it now and they just haven’t admitted it yet. 

And they’re telling you in the comms that the timeline for completion is September. Don’t shoot the messenger. We’re just letting you know their true plans so you can prepare accordingly for your new lives. 




Now that Iraq is meeting in Washington and Netanyahu is wanting to go to DC, you have to figure that Israel is involved behind the scenes in these meetings planning their attack on the Iranian proxies. 



Funny how America and Iraq copy each other. Dems and Rino’s going nuts because President Trump is safe and will lead to their exposure and demise. Similarly, Maliki in Iraq is going nuts trying to stop the reforms and ascension into the WTO, because he and his bastard goons know this is the end of them and their corrupt ways forever. 

All Sudani needs to do is go to the border and talk to our military and tell them what’s up and let them go into parliament and pull out all the corrupt goons and this all ends. He is smart and most likely this will be his next course of action. 



The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.

 That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September. 



US Treasury Takes Action Iraq's Currency Revaluation Finally Announced -...

"This is why I am telling go exchange ASAP and don’t wait" BY MNT GOAT, 30 JULY


..First let me say that the three zero notes are not being obsoleted after the deadline in Iraq is over to turn them in. No one EVER said that! These notes will be used for “interbanking of international transactions” in the background where large sums of cash must be transferred. 

The CBI told us this many times in articles. Yes, eventually these notes will become obsoleted but we will be way out of this and exchanged by then. Get it? This is why I am telling go exchange ASAP and don’t wait. 

This three zero note currency of Iraq is not something you are going to hold on to and watch it grow for the future. This investment ends when the RV happens. Get it? This is not a stock investment. Get it? But the CBI did tell us there will “probably” be at least a 10 year use of these notes by the banks for this purpose. How does this concern you. Simply put it doesn’t and so why are you so worried about it?  

Next, the CBI very distinctly told us this procedure of the Project to Delete the Zero is NOT a lop. In the articles back then, they described what a lop is and how it is used in times to relieve the stress on a currency due to hyperinflation. So, does Iraq have hyperinflation?

 They are averaging now about a 3-4% inflation rate with the highest of 9% when they did the de-dollarization in 2023. So, the tool of the “lop” does not apply. Get it.....

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/30/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Morning Patriots. Hope everyone has a great day today!

Member: Hello fellow RV’ers……may this be the week we have been waiting for

Member: I think the good guys are finally getting things done!

MZ: RV news has been quiet after a very busy weekend from Iraq. 

MZ: Nothing on HCL yet …but our last update yesterday  is it looks like it will go within days.

MZ: Bond folks have just disappeared.  I have been trying to get something out of them…but go straight to voicemail… I take it as good news. 

Member: If I signed an NDA and would lose my funds if I talked……I would avoid you too Mark…lol….just saying…. 

Member: I wonder- Are the bond holders being pain in Fiat currency??

MZ: Some groups I am familiar with have suddenly started doing some humanitarian work. I believe something is moving and something is happening. 

Member: Didn’t bond folks go to Las Vegas to redeem?

MZ: I havnt found anybody on the bond side that goes to Vegas. A lot of bonds are being handled in Europe….in Columbia, In Brazil, in Asia

Member: And of course in Reno. 

Member: Wasn't Iraq supposed to release lower denominations in July?

Member: When has Iraq ever done anything when they said they would????  Never.

MZ: “US National Debt hits 35 Trillion” I believe this year alone we have already added $2.5 Trillion in debt. A full third of our national debt has been added in the last 4 years. This is unsustainable and will cause a crash. 

Member: The Debt goes up 1 trillion every 100 days. Can't go on forever.

MZ: For all of those who are convinced they can keep kicking the can –fiscally speaking…..History tells us it will crash. Fundamentals always win the day. Fundamentals are telling us it will reset. 

Member: Voltaire: Fiat always returns to its intrinsic value of zero. 

MZ: And its “Any Moment” at this point. 

MZ: “ From  one of my favorite investors- Harris Cooperman:    “We are positioned for a Financial and Economic Crisis”   Some of the leading economists are preparing for it…..It’s not just us crazy internet gurus talking about this….Many worldwide are talking about the need for a reset….an impending gold backed reset with gold backed currency….Nations around the world ….and the BRICS countries are collecting gold for this. ……

Member: Mark any opinions of the Fed holding Iraq hostage with Bank Sanctions

Member: Mark Vietnam passing law to use only digital currency will that affect us

Member: Do you see JP Morgan Chase going bankrupt kicking this off?

Member: In July's fading sun, dreams wane, RV's promise drifts, a fleeting flame. Hours slip like sand through hands, Hopes and plans, a thinning strand

Member: Or hope burns eternal

Member: In a world of chaos, find your light, Amid the madness, shine so bright. Hope blooms in the darkest hours, Strength within, a wellspring of power. Keep your dreams close, let them soar.

Member: This world needs a miracle. 

Member: Thanks to all…have a wonderful day. 


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut