Friday, December 8, 2023

Iraq renews its support for the OPEC Plus agreement and commitment to voluntary cuts, 9 DEC

 Iraq renews its support for the OPEC Plus agreement and commitment to voluntary cuts

On Thursday, Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister, Hayan Abdul Ghani, reiterated Iraq’s full support for the OPEC+ agreement and the decisions made on November 30, 2023.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Oil, Abdul Ghani led a meeting with officials from the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company SOMO. During the meeting, they emphasized Iraq’s support for an agreement to achieve balance and stability in oil markets.

“Iraq has announced that it will reduce its oil production to 4 million barrels per day from January 1, 2024, until March 31 of the same year, in line with the reduction program. The country’s representative expressed appreciation for the measures taken by the OPEC+ group to maintain balance and stability in the oil market.”

Ammar Al-Anbuki, the Director General of the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company, has confirmed that Iraq, being the second largest producer of crude oil in OPEC, will continue to support the efforts of the organization and its allies as per the Declaration of Cooperation in (OPEC+), in compliance with the latest developments in the oil market.

Al-Anbuki stated that the OPEC+ agreement and the voluntary reduction decisions made by both OPEC and non-OPEC producing countries are intended to tackle the challenges and changes currently faced by the oil market. These initiatives aim to minimize the impact of these changes on the market’s stability.

The Prime Minister’s Advisor summarizes the importance of activating the partnership between the Iraqi and Saudi private sectors, 9 DEC

The Prime Minister’s Advisor summarizes the importance of activating the partnership between the Iraqi and Saudi private sectors

Mazhar Muhammad Salih, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, highlighted the significance of establishing a solid partnership between Iraq’s and Saudi Arabia’s private sectors. In a statement on Friday, he emphasized that the economic geography of both countries lays a strong foundation for collaboration in the Gulf and Middle East regions. Salih also pointed out the economic benefits that this partnership can bring about.

Saleh informed the official agency that the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia holds a significant position in the Group of Twenty countries, which is the world’s largest group in terms of economic growth and prosperity. Moreover, the economic geography of Iraq and Saudi Arabia plays a crucial role in the region’s economies, particularly in the Gulf and the Middle East, where they have a pioneering economic role in managing the world’s energy market.

Saleh mentioned that the oil production of Iraq and Saudi Arabia is second to none, making both countries essential players in global oil production. Additionally, both countries occupy the top position in religious tourism, further increasing these two giant economies’ economic attraction and relative advantages. This leads to a high degree of economic interconnection, particularly in the industrial and digital investment fields, as well as other areas of economic progress.

He highlighted, “The identification of the strongholds of the two adjacent nations is a significant step towards merging markets and collaborating in economic and investment ventures. These pillars of strength have been acknowledged by the Prime Minister as crucial factors in shaping the partnership between our two nations.”

“The Kingdom has experienced stability and economic growth over the last half century, which has led to economic prosperity in two areas. Firstly, there has been high economic diversification outside of the energy sector, with a focus on manufacturing industry. Secondly, the Kingdom has integrated into the global economy, embracing the latest technologies and taking advantage of opportunities for economic progress.”

Saleh said, “It is well-known that Saudi Arabia holds a prominent position in ensuring the quality control of its products and all supplies related to production and development. Its production standards are considered among the best in the world.”

During his speech, he emphasized the importance of joint cooperation between Iraq and its neighboring economies. He mentioned that Iraq’s economic future is based on the Development Road Project and the Iraq Fund for Development, and that these projects need to be initiated to activate the national market. The goal is to achieve expected balanced benefits and interests that will benefit both Iraq and its neighbors.

The speaker ended by stating that given the factors mentioned above, it is unavoidable that the competitive market, investments, technological advancements, and knowledge transfer available in a large economy like Saudi Arabia would encourage the establishment of strong foundations for long-term strategic economic partnerships between the two neighboring countries.

It is necessary for the government and men in society to uphold the rights Islam has given women to live freely and with respect.



 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   22:00

Welcome, everybody. Tonight. It is Thursday, December 7th  and you're listening to the Big Call and you're listening to my voice cracking as I'm not feeling very well right now.

In fact, I'm not feeling well enough to where I'm going to go first with Intel after Sue does her teaching And I need to get some rest. Sorry I have to sound like this and hopefully I don't cough in the middle of my intel.  But let's do this let's pray the call in.  So let's do the Intel segment now. Then you can go into yours and Bob can go into his whichever way you guys want to do it.   Okay   the intel that we received today is as follows.

We checked with one of the bondholders and he is saying okay, they get they have the funds in the Super Whales and the Whales with the big guys in tier 3. Those guys have the funds in their account. They can see it in their account but they have not had access to it yet -  They're looking to get their money and receive notification by email that they can go ahead and spend those funds.

The regular bond holders let's say  are not Whales but Super Whales  were told today -  that they're going to try to push it  through at 2am in the morning, Tomorrow morning.

And evidently  they had planned to do it this morning at 2am in the morning and were not able  to get it done. I don't know why it just didn't go,

Now what we are looking for so called, final green light  -  from Treasury, so that they can move through and we're waiting for the final green light from the Treasury. To get this done - we're waiting for the final green light from the Treasury. And we hope that tomorrow which is December the eighth very important day - We hope that that gets it done for all of us -

Lets see – what else  ---  what  we're waiting for is the release of all the funds and that's what gives us the opportunity to go in set our appointments – get the emails that we're looking for and we're looking to get those and set our  appointments and start ourt exchanges and redemption of Zim.

So if that happens at 2am tomorrow morning on the eighth – its a day that the China likes because they love the number 8 - that is a day that we would love too should it happen.

That's the final release is what we're looking to have happen. That's where we are at this point.

Today we had we saw that the Bank of Japan the National Bank of Japan which is there, which is their Central Bank crashed today.

About nine other central banks all central banks will crash. If they haven't already they will crash in the next few days. And that would include Germany, France - all the central banks in Europe because these banks were Rothschild banks.

So they're going to wipe all of those -out eliminate those just like our Federal Reserve is our central bank. And that is on its way out. Or it has been reported absorbed into our treasury, the US and the US Treasury.

So this is something that's happening right now, this week. And now do we have to wait for that to occur? Before we go, it’s hard to say – I don’t know that exactly but - this is something that is definitely happening. Some people were putting up with this has to happen on or before the 14th of December. Because on the 15th  traditionally -  Really, and it may not happen that way this year.  But Banker's  in Europe go on a one month holiday  from the 15th of December to  the 15th of January.

It's been a tradition for a  long, long time every year. This year, it could change what they do and it could - we will have to wait and see what happens

I’m trying to think if there's anything else that needed to be said right now but  I think that’s the majority of what I heard today – I think that’s it so - could tomorrow be the day.

It is quite possible that tomorrow is our big we've always liked the 8th  but we've been wrong so many times - because it hasn't been ready. We think the quantum financial system every thing is lined up – perfect time to do it - every single day it but we'll have to see whether that goes through or not tomorrow at 2 am - Bond holders -  and for any kind of shotgun start. – it should happen  for us

I’m excited about that  - there’s just not that much else that I'm getting that  is out there right now – that I’m hearing anyway.

So I'm gonna turn it over to Sue to do her teaching. We'll see where this goes  I’m going to tune out -

BREAK IN FROM BRUCE:  Hey Guys can I jump in for a minute

Ijust got a call from one of my major handlers -  We got a text saying  - it is finally over. We are going to receive our emails tomorrow. Oh it's done. Its done -  It's  blankity blank done  .

Repeat it one more time. Repeat it one more time. We're getting notifications tomorrow -  Don't look for them at 2 am – you might wake up to them. That is what he said -  So when it's done it's done  it is blankity  blank  done.  Alright guys, thank you,

Economic Thrills Is Vietnam Dong About to Exceed $2.80 Vietnam's Economi...


 Militia Man 

 Article  "...A campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to bustling the country." They're talking about the Iraqi dinar...They're not talking about the Euro ...[or] all the other currencies ...They're saying we're going to do trade in the dinar and it's going to be the gateway...

  Bilateral trade...Multilateral trade, Multilateral banking - all of these things show Iraq is going international...I believe I'm going to be 100% right.   The evidence is clear as day.

 Article quote 'They're preserving the foreign cash reserves of Iraq in the central bank so  it's a benefit for the country thus they will control the movement of speculators on the black market putting pressure on the  dollar circulating on the parallel market and unofficial outlets.'  The black market, parallel market, the illicit market, whatever  you want to call it is going bye-bye.  

Iraq’s Financial Crisis: Parliament Member Reveals Loss of 35 Trillion Dinar, 8 DEC

 Iraq’s Financial Crisis: Parliament Member Reveals Loss of 35 Trillion Dinar

On Thursday, Mohammed Al-Nouri, a member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Finance Committee, disclosed the disappearance of a staggering 35 trillion Iraqi dinars in printed currency, shedding light on the challenges besieging Iraq’s financial system. The revelation, made to the Al-Sumaria satellite TV channel, underscores the prevalence of smuggling, which accounts for 60-70% of the country’s financial activity.

Roots of the Financial System’s Failure

The roots of the financial system’s failure, according to Al-Nouri, lie in the dominance of certain parties and the quota system within financial institutions. The lack of electronic automation and final accounts in banks exacerbates the issue. With more than 73 private banks, Iraq’s banking system is under considerable strain. Al-Nouri stressed the urgent need for an independent financial system to restore economic balance in the country.

Government Banks and the Central Bank

The government banks, Al-Nouri said, find themselves tied down by the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister’s Office. Mismanagement at the Central Bank has had a detrimental effect on the dollar exchange rate and the budget. The United States’ Federal Reserve plays a decisive role in Iraq’s monetary policy, with funds being provided only with American approval.

Smuggling and Its Impact on Revenue

Al-Nouri also highlighted the rampant smuggling in Iraq under the current government, which has turned the country into a hub for drugs. The smuggling of imported goods such as cigarettes, gold, mobile phones, and alcohol has severely affected the country’s revenue. Dollar sales in Iraq are insufficient to meet the country’s needs due to smuggling, which necessitates stricter control of open and party-dominated ports.

Economic Impact and Dependence on the United States

The loss of the Iraqi dinar has inflicted significant economic damage, suspending small projects and construction loans. The Iraqi economy is heavily reliant on the United States, with sanctions from the U.S. Federal Reserve causing a surge in the exchange rate. The financial dealings have been further affected by missiles targeting Ain Al-Assad base and the embassy. The shocks to the economic system underline the urgent need for reform and greater control over financial institutions.

Iraq’s Prime Minister Calls for Justice following Attack on U.S. Embassy, 8 DEC

Iraq’s Prime Minister Calls for Justice following Attack on U.S. Embassy

In an unequivocal denouncement, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani of Iraq, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has called for the relentless pursuit and justice against those behind the attack that targeted the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. The assault involved projectiles fired at the embassy, marking a significant escalation in a series of similar incidents.

Unacceptable Attacks on Peace and Stability

Al Sudani was firm in his stance that such attacks on diplomatic missions are unjustifiable and unacceptable, irrespective of the reasoning or delusions that might lie behind these disgraceful acts. He stated that the perpetrators are a detriment to Iraq’s stability and security and present a distorted image of the Iraqi people’s will. This misrepresentation does not echo the national decisions that have been formally expressed by the Iraqi government on several occasions.

Lawless Elements Undermining Iraq

The Prime Minister referred to these groups as lawless elements that do not represent Iraq’s will. He warned against actions that undermine Iraq’s stability, internal security, and political reputation. These activities, particularly when they target secure locations safeguarded by international law and conventions, are deemed  terrorist acts. Al Sudani’s stern words come in the wake of an assault on the US embassy in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which has been the target of numerous attacks recently.

Defense of Iraq’s Sovereignty

Al Sudani reaffirmed that the Iraqi security forces and government agencies, each within their jurisdiction and duty, will continue to protect diplomatic missions and uphold international treaties. The Prime Minister vowed that the offending elements would face relentless pursuit and resistance in defense of Iraq’s sovereignty and the stability achieved through a long history of significant sacrifices. He also highlighted the presence of roughly 2,500 US troops in Iraq and about 900 in Syria, part of efforts to prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group.

As this situation unfolds, the world watches closely, hoping for a swift resolution that upholds Iraq’s sovereignty and maintains international peace and security.

Iraqi Dinar-Currency Swaps and Positive Signals for Iraq's Currency Reva...

Kuwait Central Bank implements measures to rein in Dollar use in Banks and Exchanges, 8 DEC

  Kuwait Central Bank implements measures to rein in Dollar use in Banks and Exchanges

According to this policy, the exchange rate of the dinar is determined based on a specially weighted basket of currencies from countries with significant commercial and financial ties to Kuwait

The Central Bank of Kuwait has communicated to local banks that it will not cover dollar purchases directed to exchange companies if such acquisitions are intended for speculation or investment purposes, reports Al- Rai daily quoting informed sources. The Central Bank emphasized that it will consistently supply any quantities of the dollar directed towards meeting the needs of customers engaged in money transfer operations.

Sources elucidated that the Central Bank has informed local banks that they are permitted to continue procuring dollars to fulfill transactions with their customers, a practice that remains unchanged. However, banks are now required to ensure that the dollar amounts acquired from the Central Bank for exchange companies are primarily aimed at fulfilling the needs of their customers exclusively. Any shortfall in this regard must be independently covered by the bank. It was further explained that any purchases of dollars by banks or exchange companies for investment, commercial, or speculative objectives must be covered by the bank or company’s own Cooperaresources.

This can include utilizing its existing stock of the currency or acquiring it through the open market or other alternatives distinct from the Central Bank’s facilities.

The Central Bank is positioned to cater to the foreign currency needs of banks, aligning with the approach taken by other central banks in the region that adhere to a fixed exchange rate with another currency. Highlighting Kuwait’s exchange policy for the dinar, the sources emphasized its objective of maintaining the relative stability of the dinar’s price against other currencies. According to this policy, the exchange rate of the dinar is determined based on a specially weighted basket of currencies from countries with significant commercial and financial ties to Kuwait.

The sources underscored the effectiveness of the Central Bank’s policy in achieving a notable degree of relative stability in the dinar’s exchange rate against major global currencies. link

No vacation until the end of the year.” The Minister of Finance issues a directive to the employees of the Budget Department, 8 DEC

 No vacation until the end of the year.” The Minister of Finance issues a directive to the employees of the Budget Department, 8 DEC

 Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, today, Friday, December 8, 2023, directed the employees of the Budget Department to continue official working hours on Fridays and Saturdays until the end of the current year 2023.

The ministry stated in a statement received by Al-Sumaria News, “Minister of FinanceSublime spectrumI directed the continuation of official working hours for Budget Department employees on Fridays and Saturdays until the end of the current year 2023.  link



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

FIREFLY:  Did you see this [sends video]?  ...They are talking about how the dinar is about to become stronger.  Then a commercial comes out  talking about how strong the dinar is already and will be even stronger very soon...It's about the strength of the dinar, telling them to use it for everyday things and will only get stronger and stronger. [Watch video below] 

FRANK:  You better be ready Iraqi citizens! In my interpretation of it...This is part of the monetary reform education they are teaching the Iraqi citizens that they will soon have value added to their currency...

Iraqi Dinar Advertisement Reported To Be Playing On Iraqi TV Right Now.



Frank26:  "THE END".................F26

The Issue of a Homeland"... a campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to building the country


 Encouraging the local currency and dealing with it in light of the current economic conditions that the country is experiencing is an important issue, especially with the government’s intention to “strengthen” the Iraqi dinar against other hard currencies, especially the dollar, as well as seeking to present it first in order for it to be a “homeland issue” in a way. Real.

In the government’s will to encourage dealing in the dinar in all daily transactions, the call emerges for it to be a gateway to building the country again, and to strive to strengthen and advance the Iraqi economy, and to reduce dependence on other foreign currencies, so that according to government directives, it is constant and the rest are variables, so that the dinar is a gateway to sustainable development. And prosperity at all levels.




Naguib Sawiris: We are negotiating with government agencies to build an entire city outside Baghdad

12/7/2023   Baghdad

Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ora Developers Group, said on Thursday that the company is negotiating with Iraqi government agencies to build an entire city outside Baghdad with very huge investments.

Sawiris explained during a press conference to announce the delivery of the first phase of the “ZED Sheikh Zayed” project that work is underway to determine its size during the current period on an area of 55 million square meters.

Sawiris added, “Our work in Egypt cannot be stopped due to the presence of a large number of employees, and the increase in unit prices has certain limits and will stop, which erodes the company’s profits.”

The CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ora Developers Group confirmed that some units were sold at a price of 5 million pounds, and their prices have now risen to 15 million pounds with the start of delivery.

Regarding the idea of heading to the Saudi market, he stressed that other projects cannot be implemented externally in addition to another project in the Emirates that requires investments of 15 billion dollars.

He pointed out that "the government's facilities for developers are somewhat weak. We offer the company to the government, but we ask them for more, in addition to allowing the sale of units in dollars inside and outside Egypt." LINK

Iraqi Dinar🔥Big Massive Update About Iraqi Dinar RV Exchange Rate Announ...



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

 FIREFLY:  Did you see this [sends video]?  ...They are talking about how the dinar is about to become stronger.  Then a commercial comes out  talking about how strong the dinar is already and will be even stronger very soon...It's about the strength of the dinar, telling them to use it for everyday things and will only get stronger and stronger.  [Watch video below]

  FRANK:  You better be ready Iraqi citizens! In my interpretation of it...

This is part of the monetary reform education they are teaching the Iraqi citizens that they will soon have value added to their currency...

Baghdad Is A Cash Cow...And The Regional Government Steals The Camel With What It Carries, 8 DEC

Baghdad Is A Cash Cow...And The Regional Government Steals The Camel With What It Carries

Today 19:59  Information/Exclusive:  The suffering of Kurdish employees continues as the regional government, which is controlled by the Barzani family, enjoys the good things of the southern governorates, amid a sharp rise in poverty rates as a result of; The Kurdistan government is stubborn in releasing employee salaries and not explaining the main reasons for this crisis, despite the continued seizure of oil export revenues and border crossings.

Otherwise, the central government in Baghdad decided to send money to the region, in clear violation of the law, in order to solve the crisis of employees’ salaries, whose voices reached the capital in massive demonstrations demanding their financial entitlements, which the Kurdistan government seized, according to observers.

*Continuing violations.

Speaking about this file, Member of the House of Representatives, Jassim Al-Moussawi, accuses the Kurdistan Region of not adhering to the decisions and controls of the central government so far, while he stressed that the salaries crisis is a defect within the Kurdistan government and Baghdad has no relationship with it.

Al-Moussawi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The crisis is not new today, but has been present for ten years until now,” noting that, “With the full money being sent to the region during the last period, we noticed the continuation of the crisis of employees not receiving their salaries.”

He continues, "The Kurdistan government bears responsibility for not finding appropriate solutions to the crisis despite its continuation for many years," pointing out that "the salaries crisis is a defect within the regional government and the Baghdad government has nothing to do with it."

He explains that "one of the reasons for the crisis is the failure to give salaries at the correct timing to employees," adding that "the Kurdistan region continues to not adhere to the decisions and controls of the central government until now."

*Clear and scandalous takeover!

For his part, political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili wonders about the legal and constitutional basis on which the government continues to send money to the Kurdistan government, while he stressed that despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now.

Al-Ugaili said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “There are many unresolved financial problems with the regional government,” noting that “Kurdistan has not committed to implementing the budget provisions and the new government’s controls regarding controlling oil revenues and border crossings.”

 He continues, "Continuing to send money to the region without reaching final solutions to the financial problems between the two parties is a great risk to the government," pointing out that "sending money in light of the region's non-compliance with government controls is another violation of the provisions of the general budget."

He added, "Despite the numerous meetings, the data indicate a lack of transparency in the negotiations with the region," adding that "despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now."

It should be noted that the Kurdistan government continues to refrain from performing its duties by refraining from handing over the salaries of the region’s employees under the pretext of not sending them from the central government, while it still continues to illegally seize oil export funds, as well as revenues from border crossings, and despite the government sending The federal government received more than 2 trillion Iraqi dinars in payments in the previous period. Ended/25/Y  LINK

A Deputy Reveals The Loss Of 35 Trillion Dinars And Determines The Extent Of Smuggling, 8 dec

 A Deputy Reveals The Loss Of 35 Trillion Dinars And Determines The Extent Of Smuggling

Special Sumeria  2023-12-07 | Source: Alsumaria News  1,377 views  Today, Thursday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Muhammad Al-Nouri, revealed the loss of 35 trillion Iraqi dinars in print, while noting that the volume of smuggling reached 60-70% and cannot be controlled

Al-Nouri said during his speech to the program (Openly), broadcast by Al-Sumaria satellite channel, that “more than 35 trillion printed Iraqi dinars do not exist inside Iraq, knowing that there are only two neighboring countries that deal with Iraq in dinars, and more than 3 months ago, 4 trillion Iraqi dinars were entered from the category of Iraqi dinars.” The (50),” pointing out that “Finance and the Central Bank raised the issue of bonds to control the issue of the Iraqi dinar, and they only collected one trillion.”

He added, “The control of the parties and the existing quotas within the financial system is what established the failure of the Iraqi economy, and there is no country so far that relies on paper accounts, and there are no final accounts in banks, no electronic automation, and more than 73 private banks except Iraq,” noting that “the system "The financial system must be independent in order to achieve economic balance within the country."

He continued, “Government banks are shackled by the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister,” noting that “the Central Bank is a failure and does not aim for real management, and the control of some parties over its decisions affected the price of the dollar, and its biggest mistake was pricing the dollar in the budget at 132 thousand compared to 100 dollars because Iraq lost more than 9 trillion, and the difference between it and the market became high.”

Al-Nouri noted that “the American Federal Reserve is responsible for monetary policy in Iraq and does not give money except with American approval, and whoever imagines that Iraq is in economic control is dreaming.”

He pointed out that "Iraq has become a source of narcotic drugs under the framework government, and the volume of smuggling has reached 60-70%, and more than 20 outlets in northern Iraq are not controlled, and the import of (cigarettes, gold, mobile phones, and alcohol) does not benefit Iraq because of this matter," indicating that " The volume of dollars actually sold inside Iraq does not cover the country’s needs due to smuggling, and these operations must be limited by controlling open ports and some ports controlled by parties.”

He pointed out that "the loss of the Iraqi dinar caused a lot of damage and as a result many small projects and construction advances stopped," stressing that "the Iraqi economy is completely linked to the United States and we were receiving 3 payments of the dollar now only one, and the US Federal Reserve sanctions caused an explosion in the exchange rate." He deals with us according to the missiles that fall on the  Ain al-Assad base and the embassy.”

Al-Nouri continued, "The government has no solutions and no bold decision to manage the crisis. The Central Bank must open the horizon to the rest of the banks and merchants and deal with the countries from which Iraq imports their currency, such as Iran, Turkey, China and others, and move away from absolute dependence on the dollar."

Regarding the government electronic transformation, a member of the Finance Committee confirmed that “the government does not have a database through which it can transform to the electronic system,” explaining that it “failed to control the ports because they are outside the borders of the state and under the control of some neighboring countries and armed factions.”  LINK

Frank did a good job some where is 1 to 1 IQD #iraq BY NADER FROM MID EAST



   [via PDK] 

  A banking story:

  A friend of mine in New Brunswick in Canada and is a dinar holder walked into one of the Scotia banks and asked a manager if they were Basel 3 and ISO 20022 compliant. He replied that they were…

 My friend went on to say that he was a dinar holder and asked the manager if he knew anything about the upcoming currency exchange/RV. 

 The manager said that his staff is trained and ready for it. They are just waiting for the word...So there is a bank manager in Scotia who knows about the RV, is trained and ready for it….

  A member story:

  Former US congressman at a function in North Carolina this past weekend…They point blank asked the politician about some of the banking changes and if he owned any foreign currencies and was he familiar with the revaluation ?  

The former congressman said absolutely. I have some. I bought the currency and it is absolutely real...when asked by our community member (who I have great respect for) he said (when asked about the dinar) I have some and we are expecting it. This is somebody with a high level of knowledge from the inside.

  Comment:  I saw where the World Bank basically acknowledged the imminent revaluation of the IQD.   MarkZ: ...I did a deep dive this afternoon and reached out to boots on the ground over there and Well-Holy crap its confirmed.

  I guess they said to back off of Iraq as everything is settled and will soon be importing in a massive way.   I am very tickled to find out this is accurate... I have verified that there was a slip of the tongue on Iraqi television about the dinar revaluing. But stay calm…it has not occurred yet. We do not know the timing. It could be a day or a week…but, this is absolutely huge.



“Encouraging and dealing with the local currency under the current economic conditions in the country is an important issue, especially with the government’s tendency to “strengthen” the Iraqi dinar against other hard currencies, especially the dollar, as well as seeking to present it first in order to be a “issue of a homeland” in a real way.
They are telling us once again they must complete the currency reform first as in integral part of rebuilding the rebuild the economy and the country.

Today we also read in the news from Iraq that a government source revealed the arrival of shipments of dollars to the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI), indicating the arrival of other shipments in the coming days.
So, they are already progressing on the new policy of importing dollars via the banks and not from the CBI reserves.

This way the banks are stakeholders in the use of the dollars and will suffer most if they are abused.
This practice also eliminates the middle man, the black market as the banks will manage the dollars and be responsible for adhering to the “official” CBI rate.
It is all just one step away from the elimination of the program rate currency auctions altogether.

Another interesting article from Baghdad Today titled “US CENTER: US WITHDRAWAL FROM IRAQ MEANS THE “END” OF THE DOLLAR“.

The American Lowe Foundation for Political Studies revealed on Wednesday (December 6, 2023) the reasons that it said “to prevent” the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq under any circumstances, stressing that the withdrawal would mean the “end” of the dollar and US hegemony over the world.”
The center explained, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today”, that “the US government and during the past fifty years, after the abolition of the currency budget in gold (1972 by the Nixon administration), was keen to keep the value of the dollar high through” military and political control over the sources of wealth in the world, the most important of which is oil, ” stressing “This is the reason behind the defense of American presidents, whether Democrats or Republicans for Washington’s policy in Iraq and the Middle East.”

This article is not saying that the de-dollarization in Iraq is bad but the withdrawal of armed forces to protect the oil and enforce US policies.

But we can see this is going to happen like it or not.
We as investors can clearly see the path leading up to the reinstatement of the Gold standard someday very soon.
Okay so my resent conversation with my CBI contact told me that negotiations with Turkey went very well and they decided that the use of the Euro may be a good alternative to the dollar.

As you may know beside Iran, Turkey is the second largest trader with Iraq.
I was also told that by mid-December it is planned to begin the sway-out of currencies and the newer of the lower denominations will appear.

This would mean a new program rate in-country of about 1:1 but my contact could not (or would not) give me a definite rate.
My contact is just as excited as we all are as the Iraqi people will finally get what they too have long waited for.
They will get their economy moving.
It means more jobs, rebuilding schools, churches, hospitals and electricity 24/7 once again.
Yes, these are VERY exciting times but this is the important part not us getting rich.

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 12/08/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Morning and Happy Friday everyone

Member:  Nader had good video today….As did MilitiaMan

Member: Nadar gave Frank26 credit for doing an amazing job on his podcast. Says its 1 to 1 somewhere in Iraq. 

MZ: Yes Frank did an awesome job ….and the 1 to 1 is expected to go higher. We do not know the exact timing but do know they are pushing for total de-dollarization around Jan 1st. And we know that the IMF slipped up and talked about the dinar revaluation coming and how Iraq is suddenly going to be great “importers of goods” 

Member: I wonder when the 1 to 1 rate will be international , on forex and available for us to exchange???

Member: 1 to 1 Kurdistan region. THE 1 to 1 is in Iraq. We get different rate on forex…imo

Member: Frank 26 said when it happens, he will be dressed in all white w white gloves & hat - just like the Monopoly man

Member: BRUCE said “It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankety blank done!”  and possible notifications today

MZ: We know it’s really close for sure. 

MZ: Here’s a little ad that has been rolling all over Iraqi television lately. (Shows the ad without sound) Talking about the dinar and how great it is. They are running ads talking about the future of the dinar. That ad is running on Iraqi television. 

Member: Rumors:  Billions of dollars arriving in Iraq and the new TV ad promoting the Dinar?? All amazing.. I think it’s our turn in the next few days

MZ: “Iraqi bank has received shipments of millions of dollars-Source” This is for foreign transactions. The different banks need it for importers…..but this will soon change…as they become international and ascend to the WTO. 

MZ: “Putin makes rare visits to UAE, Saudi Arabia to talk strengthened relations and Israel-Hamas war”  This is showing up mainstream….

MZ: “Bank CEO’s bring Basel battle to congress”  They do not want it. It is being forced upon them and they are coming up with every reason why they don’t want it. Suddenly they are going to have to back their money with sound assets. 

MZ: The bank of Japan- while not collapsed is certainly shaky. “Japan PM Kishida resigns as ruling party faction head amidst fund scandal” . Their banks are hitting troubled waters. 

MZ: Something happened that is huge…. Something earth shattering  happened this week. China and OPEC and Saudi Arabia and the UAE very quietly signed an agreement to use the gold backed Yuan /gold backed Renimbi for oil purchase instead of the petrodollar. 

MZ: So this gold backed Yuan is now the new reserve currency for OPEC and oil producing nations. This happened very quietly and the news is refusing to report this. They are doing their best to hide this fact. This is enormous. The petro dollar has died this week. This is a enormous blow to the US hegemony. We are going to watch this play out quickly. 

Member: Rumor has it that banks are telling credit card companies they will no longer need there serves after midnight on Dec. 14. 

MZ: I don’t know where they get that information but, I am hearing something similar from 2 banking sources. 

MZ: All the pieces and parts are coming together and we are seeing it in the real world. 

Member: I am wondering  when we exchange will we be paid out in Green backs? New rainbow script? Or digital currency? Also, will we be able to spend it right away or do we wait until the full reveal of new money to all?

MZ: As we understand it- we will be paid out in the new rainbow /asset backed currency and yes, we will be able to spend it right away……as we have been told. If we do not get in new asset backed currency we will all have to move money quickly and secure it and make sure its safe. 

Member: Get tangible assets like gold, silver, land ect……..anything but keeping it in worthless fiat. 

Member: Dr Scott Young explained the diff between the two resets. he said the brics squashed them. watch his series

Member: Mark do we know if the new rainbow currency for the US has been printed?

Member: Many say it has been printed and is already in banks……just not released to public yet….hope its true. 

Member: I Went To My Local Bank Yesterday And While There I Mentioned I Can't Wait Until We Have Gold Backed Currency She Had A Secret Smile

Member: I am thinking it will not happen until Jan 1 and the start of the new year. That makes sense to me. 


Member: May all our dreams come true so we can help make dreams if others come true.

Member:  MarkZ Thank you for everything for do for this family of wonderful and special people


Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information. 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 



The Kurdistan Democratic Party confirmed that the political atmosphere has been prepared to hold local elections in Kirkuk on their scheduled date, pointing out that these elections will pave the way for activating Article 140 of the Constitution.
Party member Wafa Muhammad said, in an interview with Al-Masala, that the local elections in Kirkuk will be held on their scheduled date, December 18, and the Election Commission is ready in preparation, stressing that the federal government is determined to hold them.
He added that the Turkmen component fears losing seats in Kirkuk Governorate, pointing out that the Turkmen forces have submitted requests to the Commission and the Court to postpone the governorate elections.
He continued that if the Kurdish parties obtain 8 seats out of the 15 seats allocated to Kirkuk, they will obtain the position of governor, pointing out that the local vote will pave the way for activating Article 140 of the Constitution.
Earlier, the Commission’s spokeswoman, Nibras Abu Souda, stated that the provincial council elections will be held in 15 electoral districts, each district representing one of the governorates, indicating that the election law gave Kirkuk Governorate a special paragraph that includes auditing the voter registry and determining the categories covered to ensure the success of all requirements. Elections for the governorate.
Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution stipulates a mechanism that includes three stages, the first of which is normalization, which means addressing the changes that occurred in the demographic composition of Kirkuk and the disputed areas during the era of Saddam’s regime and after it, the second is the population census in those areas, and the last of them is the referendum to determine what their residents want.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...