Friday, December 8, 2023

Baghdad Is A Cash Cow...And The Regional Government Steals The Camel With What It Carries, 8 DEC

Baghdad Is A Cash Cow...And The Regional Government Steals The Camel With What It Carries

Today 19:59  Information/Exclusive:  The suffering of Kurdish employees continues as the regional government, which is controlled by the Barzani family, enjoys the good things of the southern governorates, amid a sharp rise in poverty rates as a result of; The Kurdistan government is stubborn in releasing employee salaries and not explaining the main reasons for this crisis, despite the continued seizure of oil export revenues and border crossings.

Otherwise, the central government in Baghdad decided to send money to the region, in clear violation of the law, in order to solve the crisis of employees’ salaries, whose voices reached the capital in massive demonstrations demanding their financial entitlements, which the Kurdistan government seized, according to observers.

*Continuing violations.

Speaking about this file, Member of the House of Representatives, Jassim Al-Moussawi, accuses the Kurdistan Region of not adhering to the decisions and controls of the central government so far, while he stressed that the salaries crisis is a defect within the Kurdistan government and Baghdad has no relationship with it.

Al-Moussawi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The crisis is not new today, but has been present for ten years until now,” noting that, “With the full money being sent to the region during the last period, we noticed the continuation of the crisis of employees not receiving their salaries.”

He continues, "The Kurdistan government bears responsibility for not finding appropriate solutions to the crisis despite its continuation for many years," pointing out that "the salaries crisis is a defect within the regional government and the Baghdad government has nothing to do with it."

He explains that "one of the reasons for the crisis is the failure to give salaries at the correct timing to employees," adding that "the Kurdistan region continues to not adhere to the decisions and controls of the central government until now."

*Clear and scandalous takeover!

For his part, political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili wonders about the legal and constitutional basis on which the government continues to send money to the Kurdistan government, while he stressed that despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now.

Al-Ugaili said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “There are many unresolved financial problems with the regional government,” noting that “Kurdistan has not committed to implementing the budget provisions and the new government’s controls regarding controlling oil revenues and border crossings.”

 He continues, "Continuing to send money to the region without reaching final solutions to the financial problems between the two parties is a great risk to the government," pointing out that "sending money in light of the region's non-compliance with government controls is another violation of the provisions of the general budget."

He added, "Despite the numerous meetings, the data indicate a lack of transparency in the negotiations with the region," adding that "despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now."

It should be noted that the Kurdistan government continues to refrain from performing its duties by refraining from handing over the salaries of the region’s employees under the pretext of not sending them from the central government, while it still continues to illegally seize oil export funds, as well as revenues from border crossings, and despite the government sending The federal government received more than 2 trillion Iraqi dinars in payments in the previous period. Ended/25/Y  LINK

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...