Friday, December 8, 2023


 Militia Man 

 Article  "...A campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to bustling the country." They're talking about the Iraqi dinar...They're not talking about the Euro ...[or] all the other currencies ...They're saying we're going to do trade in the dinar and it's going to be the gateway...

  Bilateral trade...Multilateral trade, Multilateral banking - all of these things show Iraq is going international...I believe I'm going to be 100% right.   The evidence is clear as day.

 Article quote 'They're preserving the foreign cash reserves of Iraq in the central bank so  it's a benefit for the country thus they will control the movement of speculators on the black market putting pressure on the  dollar circulating on the parallel market and unofficial outlets.'  The black market, parallel market, the illicit market, whatever  you want to call it is going bye-bye.  

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