Tuesday, July 18, 2023



Guys we are closer than I can say at the moment. It is all confidential hush-hush things are quiet right now but everything is looking good. That’s all I can say.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

we have information that says we are in a window… We’ve been told by some of our redemption center people that this could happen at any time


[via PDK]

For the implementation of the budget…I am still waiting for an update out of Iraq. My last report on Saturday afternoon was they were expecting the “go” yesterday on the budget. It is already approved…just needs to be put into affect with all the money moving where it is supposed to.  My finance contact over there thinks this is a serious key piece before they change the rate. So we are watching it. There is a lot of pressure from the Iraqi people on the government to release these budget funds……this is a good thing.

…My finance ministry connection in Iraq is very excited. We are getting reports that they did indeed put the budget into effect today. And we will see those articles  all over the papers tomorrow morning.  He says this was an enormous, key piece that needed to be done before they could change the value. Overall still positive stuff. Nothing negative. I don’t have a great idea on timing but they still are looking between the 15th and the 18th…If this is accurate tomorrow should be a wham bam day…

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Iraq has been destroyed and war torn. They are going to need the IFC (International Financial Corporation)…Their main business is taking countries to the private sector.  It’s phenomenal.  Anybody that says, ‘This will never happen.  Is not going to happen.  It’s a scam.’  They’re misled.  That’s all there is to it.  This country is going international…


Everybody’s…focusing on releasing of the the budget monies.  They are under the assumption that releasing the budget monies brings forward the rate change.  I’m sorry but it doesn’t work that way.  There’s other steps that have to happen that introduces the rate change.

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