Monday, July 1, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 07/01/2024, 1 JULY

 Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 07/01/2024

Member: ​​Gooooood mornin patriots it's very important n exciting times. keep your head on a Swivel and stay calm

Member: Welcome to July

Member: hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Member: Hope Mark has some RV news today.

MZ: there are some things out of Iraq that should make us feel good today.

MZ: “The President of Iraq approves the 2024 budget schedules” Rashid approves a number of laws including the 2024 budget tables.  My contacts over there are saying they got the budget tables posted in the Gazette…but did not get a new rate.

MZ: They let us know that they figured the budget of 2024 on an average price of a barrel of oil at $80 USD. This is progress.

MZ: What I am hearing from Iraq directly is that the process of deleting the zeros is moving forward. When they talk about the deletion of zeros…..the plan is to increase the value then delete the 3 zero higher denomination bills from circulation….and release the lower denominations.

Member: (From dinar Guru) Mnt Goat:   I...asked [my CBI contact] how the rate of the dinar would be determined in the future...I was...told that “you know and I know that the rate of the dinar is now being artificially suppressed”...I was told that Iraq is in a much better situation now prior to the 1990 embargo and so why not have an international rate again with at least a rate equivalent to the late 1980’s prior to the invasion...

MZ: Makes sense to me. We all know it is being suppressed.

Member: Has sthere been any chatter about the US applying to join BRICS?

MZ: No- not the US….But lots of chatter about Turkey ….and them explaining why they are pursuing membership with BRICS.

MZ: “Why does a NATO member want to join BRICS?”  Turkey wants their say in the emerging world. The way the G7 and G20 is set up now…Turkey has very little say in things. If you were an asset rich country –why would you want to be part of that G20 system? So turkey is looking forward to moving to a group with a more diverse economic system

MZ: “Japan to launch new bank notes on July 3rd.” This is the first design change in 20 years Seems there are a number of nations doing this. Is it because of counterfeiting? Very cool looking…If you move them the picture is 3D.

MZ: Many countries are doing this. Is this in preparation for something?  This would be a grat way to reset the system. If the US decides to release a “new design “ of currency. Then all the illicit dollars out there running around the world cannot come back. Suddenly all the cash sent off in planes to Iran…or billions in bales sitting in caves or warehouses or safe rooms or buried in barrels in Central and South America from the cocaine or meth trade….will be worthless.  It cancels the dollars held by terrorists, human trafficking….ect….

MZ: With so many countries doing this….we were always told all nations would release new bills when the reset and release Nesara/Gesara. So this is another good sign.

MZ: “US banks dumping exposure to $2,500,000,000,000 market before inevitable losses hammer balance sheets report- June 30, 2024” Small and medium banks are trying to dump all their commercial exposure. Record foreclosures about to happen on commercial properties.  This is a ticking time bomb.

Membr: Are you hearing anything new on Zim rates.

MZ: I am hearing instead of $30 or $50 million on a $100T note…it could go as high as $50-$60 per $100T note. That made me feel good.

Member: I always thought of Zim as the “wild card” to RV……but any rate will be wonderful .

Member: so no bank or bond news today?

Member: Usually Monday morning s are slow for that. Reno is still asleep and Banks are in meetings…….maybe something tonight?

Member: mark, called Wells Fargo and asked if they were doing the Dinar exchange and they said yes. I asked for a phone number or address and they said they could not tell me if I didn't have a code.

Member: Is it a coincidence that the UK elections are being held on 4 July? Many don't get it, due to trades holidays

Member: This is definitely happening! I feel very certain. Just a question of when

Member: Just remember Kim Clement's prophecy.. when America is at her lowest and Strange July.. Strange July. Pray.

MZ: Slowly, Slowly, SUDDENLY

Member: I wish each of your dreams and aspirations realized in the next few days

Bob Lock and StacieZ join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.

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