Saturday, September 9, 2023

British Report: Türkiye Is Suing Iraq To Pay Compensation Of About One Billion Dollars Because Of The Region’s Oil, 9 SEPT

 British Report: Türkiye Is Suing Iraq To Pay Compensation Of About One Billion Dollars Because Of The Region’s Oil

Posted On 09-09-2023 By Sotaliraq    A British report revealed, today, Friday (September 8, 2023), that the Turkish government filed a lawsuit against the Iraqi government before an American court, demanding that Baghdad pay it compensation amounting to $956 million, refusing to pay any compensation to Iraq.

According to a report by the London-based Middle East Eye website, about the problems between Turkey and Iraq regarding the export of Kurdistan region’s oil through the port of Ceyhan, the Turkish government filed a lawsuit before the District Court for the District of Columbia in Washington, DC, against the Iraqi government, demanding that no compensation be paid to Iraq. Rather, Baghdad should pay compensation amounting to $956 million to it.

Turkey says, according to the report, that with the interest rate set by the International Arbitration Tribunal in Paris calculated for the compensation that each of the two countries must pay to the other, the amount that Iraq must pay to it becomes greater than what it must pay to Iraq.

According to the site, Turkey believes that Iraq will receive compensation amounting to $2.6 billion after calculating interest, while Turkey will receive $3.5 billion.

Five months passed on (August 25, 2023), since the export of oil from the Kurdistan and Kirkuk region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan was halted, which came after the decision of the international arbitration panel in Paris, which caused huge losses, amounting according to estimates to 5 billion dollars.

The export of oil from the Kurdistan region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan to abroad was stopped on March 25, in response to a decision issued by the international arbitration panel in Paris based on a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi authorities against Turkey.   LINK

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