Saturday, February 3, 2024



  A LOP is the removal and deletion of the zeros...There's no difference between them.  It's removing the zeros off the currency.  I've challenged all these people million times, show me proof.  Show us an article where it says the deletion, removal or lopping of the zeros is coming off the exchange and not the actual currency...

 Even with Kuwait 90% of their budget is on the sale of oil.  Where Iraq gets hurt and Kuwait doesn’t, if the oil prices dropped.   That’s what happened at the end of 2019 and 2020.  Their [Iraq’s] …economy was going to crash.  They had to devalue the currency and it saved them.  With Kuwait, that’s not going to happen.  Their Wealth Fund is something they can fall back on…Iraq cannot do that…Iraq is going to get there no doubt about it…We want it to go up in increments and keep the same currency we have…

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