Monday, October 2, 2023

Operation Against Terror: Successful Air Strikes in Northern Iraq, 2 OCT

 Operation Against Terror: Successful Air Strikes in Northern Iraq, 2 OCT

In an escalating effort to eradicate terror activities that threaten international security, a significant air operation was recently executed in the northern regions of Iraq. The operation was successful in achieving its primary objective – to target and eliminate sites associated with terrorist activities. This event underlines the ongoing global attempts to combat terrorism and neutralize threats to national and international security.

Operation Details and Impact

This air operation meticulously targeted sites associated with terror activities, leading to the successful destruction of these targets. The operation was carried out in the northern regions of Iraq, a location known to harbor various terror groups. The precise location of the operation or the entities responsible for carrying out this operation haven’t been explicitly specified. However, the aftermath of the operation clearly signifies a significant blow to the terrorist organizations operating within the region.

It’s worth noting that, during the operation, the utmost attention and sensitivity were given to the safety of civilian life, property, environment, and the protection of historical, religious, and cultural assets. This operation showcases the commitment to fighting terrorism while upholding the sanctity of innocent lives and preserving cultural heritage.

Global Efforts Against Terrorism

The operation in Iraq is a part of a larger global effort against terrorism. The Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners, for instance, have been striking ISIS targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq. Their actions demonstrate that contending with Daesh and other terror groups remains an ongoing international mission. The coalition continuously exerts pressure on senior terrorist leaders and their associates across multiple networks to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle their structures.

In one such instance, between February 2 and February 8, 2018, the coalition conducted 41 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. These ongoing operations underscore the international commitment to defeating terrorism and preventing such groups from regrouping and threatening citizens worldwide.

Terror Organizations and Designations

The Department of State in the United States and several other leading nations have designated various groups as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). These designations expose and isolate the said organizations, denying them access to the U.S. financial system and creating significant criminal and immigration consequences for their members and supporters. This strategy complements the law enforcement actions of other U.S. agencies and governments.

For instance, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), responsible for a 40-year terror campaign against Turkey that resulted in over 40,000 deaths, is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union. Similarly, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force (IRGC-QF), was designated as an FTO in 2019. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its aliases have also been included in these designations.


The recent successful air operation in northern Iraq is a testament to the relentless global efforts to tackle terrorism. It reinforces the commitment to neutralize threats to national and international security, targeting terror sites while ensuring the safety of civilian life and cultural assets. These operations, along with the strategic designation of FTOs, are crucial tactics in the ongoing global fight against terrorism. As the world continues to witness terror activities, such operations are essential to maintain peace and security.

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