Monday, October 9, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and joined by Field. 10/09/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and joined by Field McConnell. 10/09/2023

MZ:  Good Morning and yes, I am still in the US…..gotta love the airline system .

Member: Will I be able to give my two weeks notice soon Mark?

MZ: I think you will be able to notice this week…..we shall see. 

Member: I truly hope this new unrest in the middle east is not another delay tactic to stop the RV

Member: Mark, or anyone. remember Footforward, used to post on dinar recaps. al ooooong time ago her predicted this wouldn’t go till Israel attacked Iran

MZ: I don’t remember that but, if so, it’s probably this week. 

Member: for years, they have said Israel was last to clean up. I’m trying to be optimistic about this. Hopefully, credits come soon on this movie.

Member:  Kim Clement always prophecied that “RV” would happen when things seem at their worse... seems like it’s pretty bad lately!!

Member:  Looks like we got THE black swan event

Member:  It'd be a good time to go whilst the world is distracted.

MZ: Bond rumors are great…I have a number of contacts expecting announcements today and what they can expect and when on the “When they will have dollars front”…..nothing yet though on the specifics. A number are expecting updates after lunch today. 

Member:  our bond friends have been contacted to get ready- 2 days ago

Member: MM vid last night tells us it's going to happen sooner than later folks. Iraq needs this to happen and happen fast if they want to be international.

Member:  Is the billion dollars that Iraq asked the treasury for to pay their bills, Iraqs money that the US is holding? If it's Iraq's money why does the US still have it?

Member:  MM did an awesome update last nite. Explained the US Halt of the US $ to Iraq. 

MZ: “ Iraq Central bank warns Iraqi banks refusing USD withdrawals”  In other words if they want USD- let them have it so it does not cause runs on the banks. Part of that one billion belongs to Iraq that the US is holding. Iraq has to be positively livid  with the US government right now….

MZ: in lockstep- my Iraqi sources believe we are on the fast track …and this situation with Israel and Hamas will not cause more than a slight speed bump in the RV . I hope they are accurate. 

MZ: “Global oil prices soar after Hamas attack on Israel”  Oil prices after hitting a slump start to spike. It would make it easier for Iraq to revalue with higher oil prices. 

MZ: “Bank crash 2.0 incoming? I think banks are going down for 2-3 weeks”  Interesting article and It does look like we may have more bank collapses this week. Starting in the UK and possibly moving into the US. 

MZ: “Hong Kong halts morning trade? Looks to lower storm warning to midday”  So far it is still tanking

MZ: “ Why Britain is on the verge of a cataclysmic financial crisis”  Parallels emerge between 1987 stock market crash and 2023 bonds sell off. 

MZ: We are watching it unfold right in front of us. 

MZ: Forbes: “US dollar collapse –Shock: $8 Trillion predicted Fed inflation flip to spark a critical Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and crypto price boom to rival gold”  Some oof the biggest holders of bitcoin is the US government. 

Member: My bank closed Since Friday til tomorrow for TRANSITION

Member: Guess your gut stopped screaming Mark?

MZ: No- my gut is still screaming “What the heck?” right now as they are throwing curves but we did expect this…… US dollar collapse, Britain is on the verge of a cataclysmic financial crisis, Hong Kong halted morning trading…and Banking crash 2.0 happening….watch the fundamentals which say we have to reset….and we have to reset NOW. To me this is all a massive smoke screen or maybe a cover. 

Member: It has been said - it will happen in the middle of a total mess - so what we have now – fits

Member: Hard to discern the difference between Reality & This stupid Movie. So ready to be done with all this … stuff!

MZ: There is a great chance that this video will not be on youtube past the end of the day today…After talking with Field…I may have to remove it for safety…..

Member: Mark, thanks as always for all the latest news & updates

Field McConnell joins the stream about minute 20 today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions. 


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