Monday, December 4, 2023


Judy NotePrepare for the challenging days ahead. The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the World has torn them apart. Be who God wants you to be, not what others want to see. Remember that Heaven is always within reach. We can find our way to the Lord and His higher thoughts and ways by looking at life from a higher perspective.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Rumored Timeline:

  • Mon. 4 Dec. late afternoon: Global Currency Reset liquidity according to posting on Federal Reserve site.
  • Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court.
  • Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
  • 2030 was the deadline the Deep State Cabal planned to have their Digital ID Great Reset of non-asset-backed currency in place. Then they could have power over the Peoples of the World through controlling individual bank accounts, what people can spend and what they can spend it on.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Sat. 2 Dec. Wolverine: Very good news, guys. It looks like people are getting paid. Intel from Malaysia: The paymaster said spendable money will happen on Mon. 4 Dec. The Pentecostal Group is Tier 3, and one of their leaders has been paid and is ready to start distributing money on his platform. Two more leaders from other groups will also start distributing money on their platforms. Someone High Up told me it is definite that we are now closer than ever. We heard some rumors about 20 whales being paid from Columbia, and it looks like Reno started, but I CANNOT get this confirmed. I have huge Historic Bond Holders with huge clients that have up to 30 million boxes and they have not been paid. Contacts I have known have received notifications, and I am sure that person will not lie to me, as to what he will get out of it. That is all I can share. Isaac did come through and say we are close. The US treasury is one of Isaac’s clients. No matter how excited I get, there is no use saying it till “it happens.”
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RV Highlights: Reno started paying the paymasters last night at 12:00pm, they did not say exactly how many they paid, but approximately 20 holders from Colombia, it is the country that is most advanced. Panama expects money for now at night. From Nicaragua they say that everyone will have money deposited in the personal account by this Wednesday of next week. I am waiting for confirmation from Panama, I will continue to inform you.
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RayRen TNT: Last night a IMF Contact said that the window is still open to Mon. 4 Dec.
  • On Sun. night 3 Dec the price of Gold began spiking, hitting $2,108.80 on the KITCO chart as of 7:22 PM eastern US Time. This does not bode well for the U.S. Dollar and it is a signal that the people with REAL money, are going for safe harbor.
  • On Sun. 3 Dec. the website Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System posted the schedule: Mon. 4 Dec. 4:15 pm H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates; H.15 Selected Interest Rates.
  • On Wed. 6 Dec. China plans to announce the gold-backed Yuan to incentivize countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • This week China is going to float U.S. gold price to $2,500 to break the U.S. Banks.

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