Monday, December 4, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ. 12/04/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another week of hoping, wishing and Praying…….

Member: Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Member:  Hey Mark!! Give us some good news!

MZ: Remember News starts later on Mondays……should have more news by tonight 

MZ: Normal for Monday it is still fairly quiet. But today at 4:15 pm the Fed will have a meeting on “FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES” This does not pop up on their calendar very often but today they are discussing foreign currency exchange rates at the Federal Reserve at 4:15 pm.  . 

MZ: Could this be what we are looking for?  It’s possible.

MZ: Mr. C has not been paid and everything is very quiet so far today. Bond contacts in Europe have not seen money moving yet today. 

MZ: There is still high hopes and expectations from the West Coast and Reno for this week.

MZ: Still hearing from groups that the leaders have been paid and just waiting for permission to distribute.  

MZ: “India holds the key to a global shift away from SWIFT”  They are bringing their UPI interface . (Unified Payments interface) platform up to speed to move away from the SWIFT system.  This is more de-dollarization….this is part of the reset happening in front of us. 

Member: When does the financial fiscal year end?

MZ: Its different for different countries. Iraq’s is Jan 1. That is why many people are looking for it by that day. 

Member: The US fiscal year started October 1st.  Iraq is hoping to have totally quit using the US dollar by Jan 1st as well. 

Member: Iraq has a Holiday Dec 10th and Dec 22, 25, 31. Also Iraq has election on Dec 18th.

Member: I wonder if the best time to do this is when Congress is out for the holidays?

Member: I have some interesting info. was on the telegram RV channel, rv highlights and heard a podcast on there from a Latin American gentleman. Said he was trained in the RV and QFS for 3 weeks in Zurich.

Member: I’d like to share a story with everyone…This weekend I talked to a friend who works at Regions bank…They said they are already trained on the QFS. 

MZ: People keep saying that nothing is happening…but some banks are telling us things are happening….

Member: I was watching 60 minutes they were talking about the Quantum Computers.

Member: Good morning, Mark Z! Did you review the Dinar Recaps? Someone on there stated that the Iraqi Dinar Set New Rate $1.28 to $1.45 Today 2023 (past Sunday).

MZ: That’s not what any of my contacts are hearing. 

Member:  the rate is still 1312/$1

Member: I was at ATM getting cash the lady behind us, she said to get as much money as we could. she stated that they are going to close all banks 10 to 30 days. her sister is overseas sent the info,

Member: There are reports that many troops are now being deployed. 

MZ: Yes there were reports that 2000 military troops were put on Active status last night. And that the military will take of their families to “hunker down in place” . with another 7000 put on stand-by. This was allegedly from a military person. But other military contacts think this information is highly suspect. 

MZ: I know a number of military contacts that have been put on stand-by but, those numbers don’t really match. 

Member: How do we hold on to faith when everyday is a groundhog day?

MZ: The problem is we are trying to pick the timing of this historic event. We are looking at all the pieces and trying to guess the timing. If you study historic fiat cycles you know its going to happen. You know the fiat system is coming to its end. We are still very much expecting a new gold standard…or a standard tied to precious metals. 

MZ: You are watching it happen….all the greatest economic voices tell us it is coming….it is not a groundhog day even though we are not across the finish line yet. 

Member:  I am starting to get a little nervous. We should’ve been celebrating long ago.

Member: Don’t be nervous- it will happen at any moment. Everyone will be so glad they stuck this long wait out!! 

Member:  Your watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Praying it happens by Christmas…..

Member: While we wait for the RV learn a new hobby, ex: learn a instrument, crochet, painting go do something you always wanted to do. It helps to focus on developing your inner self &makes the wait easier

Member: stay positive, everyone.


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