Friday, August 11, 2023

"Erbil urges Baghdad to abide by the constitution in enacting the oil and gas law", 11 AUGUST

 The Kurdistan government is concerned about the political crisis accompanying the federal budget law. Differences impede the inclusion of Kurdish rights in the draft oil and gas law, which is under discussion in Baghdad before its legislation in parliament.

The region’s cabinet emphasized the importance of adhering to “constitutional foundations” when drafting the oil and gas law in collaboration with the federal government, regional government, and oil and gas-producing provinces. In a statement, the council announced that it held a meeting in Erbil, the capital of the region, chaired by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and attended by Vice President of the Council, Qubad Talabani, to discuss “various agenda items.”

At the beginning of the first paragraph of its agenda, the Council of Ministers reviewed the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation’s visit to Baghdad regarding the preparation of a draft federal oil and gas law. The law would be created jointly between the federal government, the Kurdistan region, and the Iraqi oil and gas producing provinces, based on the constitutional articles related to the oil and gas sector.

Barzani emphasized the importance of drafting a federal oil and gas law in Iraq, based on the constitutional provisions related to the sector. The draft law should reflect the principles of the federal system in the country and receive approval from the federal government, the Kurdistan region, and the oil-producing provinces in Iraq.

It was stressed that agreements between the Kurdistan region and the federal government must be respected, particularly regarding the region’s constitutionally guaranteed rights.

The Council of Ministers emphasized the importance of enacting a law to regulate Iraq’s oil and gas sector, which should be in accordance with the principles of organizing this sector and the federal system of the Iraqi state as stated in the constitution.

The official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hawrami, announced that the government aims to protect citizens’ rights and ensure they receive their dues in relation to the approval of the oil and gas law.
During a press conference, he stated that the oil and gas law differed from the budget law. The region’s political parties’ differences affected the draft budget law, and the citizens’ rights were not fully included in the project due to these differences or the limiting mentality of the region.

He urged political parties to unify on the oil and gas law, which affects citizens. He warned against repeating budget issues due to political differences.

He emphasized that the political parties in Baghdad must recognize the rights of the Kurdistan region. Anything else will be unacceptable.
“We are currently in the initial stages of negotiation and aim to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with Baghdad,” he said.

The federal government relies on negotiations to resolve issues between Baghdad and Erbil, primarily related to oil and financing.

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, believes that passing the oil and gas law will resolve disputes between the central and regional governments.

During a televised statement, he criticized previous governments for neglecting the oil and gas file. He stated that correcting relations between the center and the region is often done by agreement on paper, but on the ground, there is failure and negligence.

He stated that the government of Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani has a new vision for the relationship between the center and the region.

According to him, Baghdad and Erbil are trying to solve the issues caused by the constitution, and the Kurdistan region must maintain the friendly relationship between the Kurds and Iraqis.

He said that the oil and gas law will resolve disputes between the two governments and contribute to oil export.

The Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Wealth Committee discussed the latest developments on the oil and gas law during a government meeting held in Baghdad two days ago.

Intisar Al-Jazaery, a committee member, reported that a meeting was held in Baghdad to discuss the oil and gas law with all concerned parties from the executive authority, as well as the governor of Basra, which is the first province to produce oil.

She stated to local news websites that all parties, including Kurdistan, submitted a draft oil and gas law. The draft included materials related to fair distribution and development of oil-producing and non-oil-producing provinces. She also mentioned investing in oil and petroleum in a sophisticated way in the coming years.

She explained that the draft was written to discuss its contents and potential developments, and it will be reviewed by the Oil and Gas Committee responsible for the file.

Al-Jazaery stated that the federal government will approve an oil and gas law to unify management in the Kurdistan region.

She pointed out that the Kurdistan region produces oil but receives salaries from the federal government, which controls all wealth, including the region’s.

According to her, the draft law will soon be presented to the House of Representatives. It will regulate all oil extraction and export operations through SOMO and contains many crucial articles.

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