Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The region responds to Baghdad’s call regarding the resumption of oil exports, 6 JUNE

The region responds to Baghdad’s call regarding the resumption of oil exports

The Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Regional Government discussed today, Wednesday, the latest developments related to the issue of resuming the process of exporting the region’s oil.

A statement by the regional government, a copy of which was received by Al-Furat News, was conveyed that Prime Minister Masrour Barzani spoke during the meeting and the negotiating delegation about the meetings, efforts and procedures for resuming oil exports, noting the continuation of meetings with the federal government with the aim of resuming the export process as soon as possible.

In this context, the statement indicated that “a delegation from the regional government and oil companies is scheduled to visit Baghdad early next week at the invitation of the Federal Ministry of Oil, to discuss finding a mechanism to overcome all obstacles that hinder the resumption of oil exports, which unfortunately have caused billions of dollars in losses to the governments of Iraq.” And the Kurdistan Region since the suspension of the export process in March of last year.
The meeting stressed the directives of the Council of Ministers to the negotiating delegation, which stipulate an emphasis on the serious position of the Kurdistan Regional Government in its endeavor to reach a comprehensive and balanced agreement as soon as possible and in accordance with the constitution, to resume the export of the region’s oil through a company. (SOMO) and depositing its revenues in the service of the public treasury, provided that this is achieved based on the constitutional foundations and taking into account the privacy and powers of the region. In this regard, the regional government is ready for dialogue and negotiation to reach an agreement.

On May 28, the Federal Ministry of Oil called on the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region and the international companies operating the fields located in the region to hold a meeting in Baghdad as soon as possible for the purpose of discussing and discussing the issue and reaching an agreement to accelerate the restart of production and resume the export of oil produced through the Turkish port of Ceyhan and according to the proven quantities. In the budget law.

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