Monday, September 18, 2023



  Hey, Alaq, how clean is the CBI floor?  'It's dinner time.' ...I never thought I'd see the CBI floor so clean.  Iran, Iraq, U.S. Treasury meeting with the CBI?  Why would you let the wolf back in the chicken coop? ...Iran said we promise [to be good].  Whoa!  How clean is that floor at the CBI Alaq?  'Spotless'  

[CBI put out a RFP-Request for Proposal tender]  

 SHANGDODDLE:  It appears to be the government of Iraq is seeking contractor bids for the purchase of machines used to count, sort and packet currency.  IMO that would be for the new currency in the lower denominations in the new small category notes...

 FRANK:  This is fantastic.  Then an article comes out and says, " This tender will be accomplished by October 22, 2023".  October 22nd is simply the time limit parameters of this tender...You think it's going to take until October the 22nd?   No.

 Why would Iran be at the CBI governor's office dealing with international issues?  I think you know why.  They can't steal anymore.  The floor is spotless.  It's dinner time.  Something is about to happen.

You have Iraq, Iran, the CBI official, US Treasury all in one room that doesn't make any sense unless you have have interest in changing the exchange rate and adding value to the Iraqi currency because there's security and stability in Iraq and it's all because Iran finally conceded, 'we give up'. 

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