Monday, July 24, 2023

Iraq News Currency News Exchange Rates ZIM Dollar IQD GTH VND BY SANDY INGRAM


 A parliamentary committee is awaiting a meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region regarding the oil and gas law, which the Sudanese insist on approving

2023-07-23 04:55
A parliamentary committee is awaiting a meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region regarding the oil and gas law which the Sudanese insist on approvingShafaq News/ The Parliamentary Oil and Natural Resources Committee confirmed, on Sunday, that it is awaiting a meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, to resolve the final version of the oil and gas law, noting at the same time the insistence of the head of the federal government, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, to approve it as soon as possible.
Member of the Parliamentary Committee, Ali Saadoun Al-Lami, told Shafaq News agency, “The oil and gas law is one of the important laws that are in the interest of the country, and its approval has been delayed since the first session of Parliament.”
And that “disagreements between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region have delayed the approval of the oil and gas law in Parliament since 2007 until today.”
He pointed out that “the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee met with the presidents of the republic, ministers, and a number of heads of political blocs, all of whom have the intention to pass the law.”
Al-Lami pointed out that “the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee requested a meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, to discuss the law, and so far we have not received a response.”
He emphasized that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani insisted on approving the oil and gas law, which organizes and arranges the oil relationship between the center and the region.”
Al-Lami explained that “70% of the disputes have been resolved, and only a few remain, and the current dispute crippling the law is how to manage the oil fields in the Kurdistan Region. In the law, management is by the federal government, but the regional government has another opinion on that.”
The oil and gas law is one of the most important differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region, and the parties did not reach a settlement on it throughout the past four parliamentary sessions.
During the current parliamentary session, the political blocs are counting on reaching solutions to the existing differences and pushing for understandings that satisfy all parties to pass the law.

Warning Of Significant Risks Of Devaluation Of The Dinar Against The Dollar

Time: 07/24/2023 10:07:55  Read: 1,638 times  Lawyer Hazem Al-Rudaini, Vice President of the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq, warned today, Monday, of the rapid depreciation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar in recent days.

Al-Rudaini said in a statement, which Al-Furat News received a copy of, that "this matter portends an increase in the number of the poor and the unemployed, the rise in food and consumer goods, and its direct impact on the daily lives of citizens."

And he demanded, "The government and the central bank need to take quick steps to preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by providing it at all airports and selling it to travelers directly and without intermediaries, and following up the work of private banks that buy from the daily currency auction."

And the Central Bank of Iraq issued a statement earlier confirming that it continues to meet legitimate requests for the US dollar from the official and licensed outlets by it and at the official rate set for the beneficiary, which amounts to (1320) dinars to the dollar.

It is noteworthy that the local markets are witnessing a noticeable rise in the exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar, as it reached more than 1,500 dinars in the parallel market (the unofficial for selling foreign currency).    LINK

Al-Shabandar On The Dollar Crisis: Iraq Will Not Acquiesce, And Patience Has Limits!

Time: 07/24/2023 13:22:26  Read: 143 times  Soon, those concerned and everyone who is interested in the stability of Iraq will be sure that the dollar crisis is not primarily internal, and everything that is internal can be reformed, and that the government of the Sudanese brother is moving towards reforming the financial system in the country.

But let those who should know know that Iraq will not compromise on its sovereignty or dignity, and will not be part of the axes of conflict in the region and the world, and will not succumb to soft or hard pressure.    And he who hates him loses him, and patience has limits!   LINK

The Iraqi Parliament Discusses The Relationship In The "Significant Rise" In The Price Of The Dollar

2023-07-24 02:50  Shafaq News/ The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament will host, on Monday, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, regarding the significant rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar.

A parliamentary source told Shafaq News agency that the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament is hosting, this afternoon, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, in order to discuss the significant rise in the dollar exchange rate and the bank's procedures and plans to counter this rise.

During the past two days, the exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar increased dramatically, in the Baghdad markets, and in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, after Washington imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks.

In this context, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, a member of the Finance Committee, told Shafaq News agency, "The government tried to control the exchange rate, by reducing the dollar from 145 to 130, and was able to provide remittances to countries to which remittances can be sent."

Al-Kazemi added, "But there are other countries from which Iraqi merchants import, and the US sanctions prevent sending these remittances, which forces these merchants to obtain dollars from the parallel market, which leads to the dollar's price remaining high in this market, and with the recent measures of the US Federal Reserve not to deal with a number of private banks, this had an impact on the rise in the price of the dollar, to reach 155."

And on the procedures of the Finance Committee in this regard, Al-Kazemi confirms, "There will be a hosting of the governor of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance during the next week, to find out the real reasons for the inability to control the parallel price."

Last Wednesday, the US Treasury imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks in a crackdown on Iran's dollar transactions.   LINK

"How You Can Be on the Winning Side of AI" BY MARKET ANALIST Louis Navellier (INVESTOR PLACE, NASDAQ), 24 JULY

Like any new technology, many people are excited about the promise of artificial intelligence.

But there are also many who are frightened…

Geoffrey Hinton, one of the “Godfathers of Artificial Intelligence,” announced back

 in May that he quit his position at Google after 10 years so he can “freely speak out about the risks of AI.”

And speak freely he did during his “exit interview” with The New York Times.

In the article published on Monday, May 1, Hinton says he had helped create a monster and is no longer as comfortable pushing boundaries on AI development without regulations in place.

“It is hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using [AI] for bad things,” he says.

That same day, executives at IBM Corp. (IBM) said they expect to freeze hiring for jobs that they believe AI could do. In an interview with Bloomberg, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna estimates that up to 7,800 jobs could be affected by the freeze.

Then in the evening that same day (it was a busy Monday!), during his company’s earnings call, Chegg, Inc. (CHGG) CEO Dan Rosensweig said:

In the first part of the year, we saw no noticeable impact from ChatGPT on our new account growth and we were meeting expectations on new sign-ups. However, since March we saw a significant spike in student interest in ChatGPT. We now believe it’s having an impact on our new customer growth rate.

The online education company’s shares tumbled a massive 48% the next day.

And that was just one 24-hour-or-so stretch.

With AI, we’ll see more wild news like that out next week… and the week after that… and every week after that.

That’s why, on Thursday, July 27, at 7 p.m. Eastern, I’m sitting down with my fellow InvestorPlace analysts – Eric Fry and Luke Lango – for the AI Impact Event to discuss the AI assault on jobs and businesses, among many other topics.

The fact is… the AI Revolution is just getting started – and early movers stand to profit if they act on the right opportunities.

There is a lot to unpack –so you’ll want to be sure to be there on time. Reserve your spot for our event now by clicking here.

Most businesses – and investors – will lose big time.

But a few will emerge wealthier than ever.

That’s because AI can be a powerful tool for businesses that figure out how to use it correctly.

As investors, we have the opportunity to be on the winning side.

In today’s Market 360, I’ll share one of the companies that will likely be one of the AI winners. Plus, I’ll share the sector I expect to come out of the AI race on top. 

One of the Market’s Newest Unicorns

When folks think of unicorns, they typically imagine a mythical horse with a single horn on its forehead. But in the world of investing, “unicorn” is something completely different.

To Wall Street, a unicorn is a privately held startup company with a valuation of $1 billion or more. It’s called a “unicorn” because this status is a rare feat. In order to become a unicorn, a company must have an innovative idea, a clear vision for growth, and a solid business idea. Companies like Meta Platforms Inc.(META), Alphabet Inc. (GOOG), and Airbnb Inc. (ABNB) are all former unicorns.

Currently, according to the private company analysts at CB Insights, there are about 1,200 unicorn companies worldwide. But what I find particularly interesting is that, of these companies, about 100 of them are in the AI space – including one founded by two ex-Google employees.

A couple years ago, two Google engineers, Daniel De Freitas and Noam Shazeer, led a team to build the technology called Language Model for Dialogue Applications, or LaMDA. Unlike most other language models – machine learning software that can predict the most likely next word in a sentence or answer to a question based on a user’s input – this technology was trained on dialogue allowing the bot to have conversations.

However, Google felt this technology could damage the company brand with its knack for misinformation and toxic language. So, in late 2021, De Freitas and Shazeer left Google to turn their vision into a reality.

Thus, Character.AI. was born.

Now, this technology is a little different from OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which uses a question-and-answer model, as it is an open-ended conversation model. Instead, Character.AI allows folks to chat with the reasonable likeness of almost anyone, dead or alive, real or imagined. It is important to note that, sometimes, the chatbot answers incorrectly.

In fact, when you first go to the website, you are greeted with the following message:

The very first point made when you get to their website is that everything Character.AI says is made up. The bot is just what its name suggests: a character for entertainment.

Like OpenAI and Google, De Freitas and Shazeer do have plans to train their system with larger amounts of digital data to sharpen the skills of their AI conversationalist. But this could take months and millions of dollars.

Now, in regard to being a unicorn, Character.AI. achieved that status in late March after raising $150 million in a recent funding round, putting the company at a $1 billion valuation. What’s interesting is that this came just two weeks after the Silicon Valley Bank crash, which upended the world of venture-capital-funded startups.

When asked what impacts the Silicon Valley Bank crash had on Character.AI, Shazeer said the crash had “no impact on fundraising” and that “all our cash is safe.” And with their latest fundraising announcement, it’s clear VC investors are continuing to show interest in the AI industry.

Sector Benefiting From the AI Interest

When it comes to AI, it’s not just AI companies that are on the receiving end of investor interest. There’s a whole other sector that’s benefiting from a connection to AI: semiconductors.

The iShares Semiconductor ETF (SOXX), which tracks semiconductor stocks, is up over 30% this year as I write this. Compare that to last year’s 34.7% decline.

And the semiconductor sector continues to benefit immensely from the big AI push this year in large part because the amount of data processed and stored by AI applications.

And chip stocks are only part of the story…

As you’ll hear when you watch Eric, Luke, and me at 7 p.m. Eastern onThursday, July 27, the AI Revolution is just gearing up… and there are many profit opportunities to grab hold of.

During the AI Impact Event, we’re going to spill the beans on everything AI.

We go live Thursday, July 27, at 7 p.m. Eastern.

Make sure you reserve your seat for our event by going here.


Louis Navellier's signature

Louis Navellier

Louis Navellier, who has been called “one of the most important money managers of our time,” has broken the silence in this shocking “tell all” video… exposing one of the most shocking events in our country’s history… and the one move every American needs to make today.



June 2012
The Central Bank decided to adopt some of the landmarks and images to be placed on the new currency after the deletion of zeros.
The agency received a copy of the Central Bank’s book, which included cultural and historical landmarks and images to be placed on the currency with the implications of the nearby to the minds of the public and the culture of the Iraqi.
According to the book:
The paper currency included a number of monuments and images, the most important, a picture of the bridge of the imams and the significance of the significance of high value if the bridge reaches between the two sides of the Tigris River and on both sides of the observers Imam Musa Kadhim (p) and Abu Hanifa Numan (Raz).
200 dinar-The book of the bank entitled to the Directorate Nation for issuing cabinets: that this image allocated to the highest class of the new currency,
a category (200) dinars and two hundred dinars on the back of this paper put a picture of the school Mustansiriya in Baghdad.
100 dinar – He added the central bank: (100) dinars, one hundred dinars, pictures of the Zouaiya area in Baghdad, one of the ancient areas in which the bridge was built suspended one of the achievements of the Iraqi state .. Iraq is one of the leading countries in the construction of this type of bridges and shows in the picture building the Central Bank of Iraq , In addition to the building of the University of Baghdad, which is the oldest scientific institution in Iraq in the second half of the twentieth century, while on the back of the paper image (Zaqora), one of the features of the Iraqi architecture at the dawn of history.
50 dinar -The book of the Central Bank: (50) dinars (fifty dinars) picture of King Claudia one of the most famous kings of the dynasty The second pillar (the twelfth king) is the god of growth and fertility, while the back of the paper included a picture of the fortress of Ahkaydir, an archaeological fortress dating back to the Abbasid period and the unique defensive fortresses in a desolate area such as the one built there. This fortress is located to the southwest of the city of Karbala. central bank :
25 dinar – In the face of the paper of the category of (25) dinars (twenty five dinars) put the image of King Hammurabi receives the law .. This son is the father of the spiritual father of human legislation as he wrote the rules governing the life and transactions in his famous Muslim either the back of the paper has included a picture For the agriculture of Kurdistan Iraq contributes with the men in the preparation of the field of agriculture.
10 dinar – The Central Bank: Put on the face of the banknote of the category (10) dinars (ten dinars), the image of the dinar Arab Islamic and represents this dinar, which was minted under the Umayyad state The Islamic state that strikes inside the state is one of the features of the state Sovereignty and economic independence, while the back of the paper has placed a picture of the lighthouse of humpback in Mosul, one of the distinctive features of urban in our beloved Iraq.
5 dinar – In the category of (5) dinars (five dinars) has placed on the face of her paper a picture of a total waterfall on the Iraqi Kurdistan, a reference to the interest of the state water and its sources in addition to interest in tourism and the environment either the back of the paper has been placed a picture of Nakheel Iraq is a sign and property for each land The central bank said in writing:
In line with the best applications and global experiences, decided to stop the basic features of banknotes of the categories (25,000,10,000,5,000) dinars Currently in circulation in the new series (25,10,5) dinars for the public a thousand with it as it was imprinted in his memory.
(Mnt Goat – so the new smaller notes of 5,10 and 25 are replacing the 3 zero notes of 5,000, 10,000 and 25,000 accordingly. This is a 1:1 RV in Iraq. I said within Iraq, did you hear me? In addition they are also issuing a 50, 100, 200 dinar notes of smaller category. Remember they already issued the 50 notes way back in 2015 in the anticipation the reinstatement was going in January of 2016)
The Bank pointed out that it is keen to choose designs for coins that are general and comprehensive and have a positive impact on all the Iraqi people. The coins are shown on the map of Iraq and highlight the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The map shows a circular area to stabilize the coin coin category.
Of the coins included: there are 4 new coins a 250 and 500 fils, 1 and 2 dinar
2 dinar coin – first category (2) dinars, a picture of (Deir Mti), a historic and spiritual site located in northern Iraq, and taken by the Iraqis from various sects and religions a place of tourism and tourism.
1 dinar coin – While the category (1) dinars picture taken from the fact that the displacement of the Faily Kurds was designed by the Ministry of Culture.
500 fils – (500 fils) was placed on a modern dam on the Euphrates River. It was intended to highlight the importance of water and its storage and organization in Iraq.
250 fils – In the category of (250) fils, pictures of the Kut dam were placed on the Tigris River for the same purpose. ) Fils, a picture of the Lion of Babylon symbol of strength and violence of the Iraqi nation.



Tishwash:  Parliamentary Finance: Tomorrow we will host the Governor of the Central Bank to discuss the rise of the dollar

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Youssef Al-Kalabi, announced today, Sunday, that his committee will host tomorrow, Monday, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to discuss the reasons for the dollar’s rise against the dinar.

Al-Kalabi wrote in a post on the “Twitter” platform, which Earth News viewed, “Tomorrow, the governor of the central bank before the Finance Committee, and after that we will present our report to the Prime Minister on his eligibility or lack thereof to face the dollar crisis.”  link


Tishwash:  Al-Shabandar on the dollar crisis: Iraq will not acquiesce, and patience has limits!

Iraqi politician Izzat Al-Shabandar confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq will not succumb to soft pressures, and the dollar crisis is not internal.

Al-Shabandar said in his tweet to him on Twitter, followed by {Euphrates News} that "soon, those concerned and everyone concerned with the stability of Iraq will make sure that the dollar crisis is not primarily internal, and everything that is internal can be fixed," noting that "the government of the Sudanese brother is moving towards reforming the financial system in the country."

And he added, "Let those who should know that Iraq will not compromise on its sovereignty or dignity," pointing out that "Iraq will not be part of the axes of conflict in the region and the world, and will not succumb to soft or rough pressures and be defeated by those who hate it, and patience has limits."   link

Coffee with MarkZ 07/24/2023

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning, everybody hope you had a great weekend.

Member: I wonder is it Iraq or US causing the delay to move forward???

Member: This would be as good of week as any for the RV.

Member: I’m beginning to believe the RV is just hopium

Member: We are losing more of the awake, than we are gaining of the asleep. Diminishing returns in action..

MZ: Looks like we have some salty folks, some happy folks and some in-between folks this morning…also some committed folks and some that need to be committed…lol

MZ: Sadly Mr. Trumptastic has passed.  It’s a sad day that another does not get to make the finish line. 

Member: Mark lots of supposed intel saying Rv happens in fall - makes me think dis- info?

Member:  A bunch of truthers are saying it's GO TIME!!! What have you heard Markz?

MZ: It was fairly quiet over the weekend. Finally got a message yesterday from a redemption contact that just said “working today” and nothing else.  Are they preparing for us or just doing stuff for wealth management?  I know in some locations they are setting things up after construction with cubicles ……that I find interesting

MZ: I’m sure you guys have seen that all over the news, on facebook ect….that many banks are switching to more “wealth management” services. 

MZ: On the bond side everything is still quiet. Its Monday morning so that is to be expected. Give it a little time. 

MZ: From Iraq: “The crisis of the rise of the dollar returns to the fore…and an upcoming parliamentary procedure”   We are starting to see this number…this parallel price of 1132 for the dinar against the dollar.  It is not trending there yet but is part of what they have been doing the last few days. I think they do this on purpose to mess with our heads. They are doing this in articles all the time. They list the rate one way…then in the same article its listed another. 

MZ: The important part is they are trying to get to the parallel rate. I have been told repeatedly that when they do they are ready for the big rate change. At least this is progress. 

MZ: Nader did a video where he said if it’s too hot in the kitchen-get out. I thought it was great. This thing is going to take however long it’s going to take whether we like it or not. If it’s to hot for you- sell it and move on. It’s going to happen with or without you. 

Member: If you quit- are you prepared to live with a lifetime of regret?

MZ: It’s going to happen guys. 

Member: what currency do you think will be in the first basket trying to spread it around don't want to put all my eggs in one basket

Member: Here is an old list…not sure if it’s still accurate:  1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe

Member: FedNow is supposed to be up and running in all the major banks. Is there something we need to do so we aren't part of this system?

Member: Fed now is not cabal. it's ISO20022

Member: It’s a transfer system…it can be used by white hats or cabal I guess…whoevers reset is the one that wins. 

Member: Let’s pray the gold backed/asset backed GCR reset wins. 

MZ: Fed now is not evil….it can be used either way..It’s a tool. 

MZ: Remember- there is purposely planted misinformation everywhere. Good news and bad news to keep us all hooked. Remember the fundamentals. Do you think the world can continue on with fiat money?  We have passed the Rubicon. It has to reset to commodities….they have no choice. 

MZ: You can keep driving yourselves nuts whenever they put out new rumors….and run around with your hair on fire….or settle in and watch.  

Member: I think the RV people rolled over and went back to sleep. Wake me when it’s time.

Member: Guess we are waiting on BRICS to implement their new gold backed currency. Hopefully it will make the US follow with USN’s. 

Member: So are we waiting for the BRICS currency to be released now? This should have went by now. Iraq needs to invest in clocks and calendars….

MZ: A long time ago before we started hearing it on the news…BRICS was designed to force the reset. To force the world to go back to sound money. This is totally what they are doing…backing money with commodities 

Member: Anyone have the list of the US states that applied for Brics? I know Texas did.

Member: Maybe Texas will be responsible for US joining bric's?

Member: I wish we currency holders could join BRICS

Member: Goldilocks said that were waiting on the Breton Woods 3 announcement that will help trigger it

Member:  U.S. Federal Reserve confirms July 27 meeting on Basel III endgame capital proposals for banks…could this be the trigger?

MZ: Many of my government sources seem to think it needs to be done before the release of this information. I don’t know yet . 

Member:  Mark, do you know when we are to expect the Bretton Woods III announcement? Is it necessary to go before we can go?

Member: You guys need to ask Goldilocks about Bretton Woods III – She is the one that made that announcement!  

Member: what happened to nesara gesara, the quantum Financial system?

Member: Most of us are still hoping that is all real. But no one seems to know.

 Member: I wonder if the delay has to do with D.C. politicians and deepstates? Trying to block this process?

Member: I do not think anything will happen until the cabal is arrested.

MZ: I still believe it all could happen at one time. 

Member: I listened to Julie Green yesterday. She said the 10+ days of darkness is coming. This wicked group will be removed.

Member: If they don’t want the big boys to load up, they should just RV now and have it done with

Member: Stay positive folks…do not quit. 

Member: Thanks Mark and mods for all the time you spend trying to keep us encouraged and ganging in there….We appreciate you.

Member: See everyone tonight. 



 Domingo 23 Julio 2023

20:31 P.M. Hora TEXAS USA
Texas Snake : Dice
— Se le ha aconsejado al banquero que tenga a todo el personal capacitado en el proceso de cambio de divisas para estar disponible de inmediato a partir de mañana Lunes 24 Julio 2023, mientras que no tengo más documentación que su llamada telefónica WELLS FARGO BANK debe pensar que estamos en la cúspide de este movimiento muy pronto.

Sunday 23 July 2023 8:31 p.m. Time TEXAS USA
Texas Snake: Says
— Banker has been advised to have all staff trained in the foreign exchange process to be available immediately starting tomorrow Monday July 24, 2023 while I have no documentation other than your phone call WELLS FARGO BANK must think we are on the cusp of this move very soon.
Greetings Hernan

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...