Monday, July 24, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 07/24/2023

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning, everybody hope you had a great weekend.

Member: I wonder is it Iraq or US causing the delay to move forward???

Member: This would be as good of week as any for the RV.

Member: I’m beginning to believe the RV is just hopium

Member: We are losing more of the awake, than we are gaining of the asleep. Diminishing returns in action..

MZ: Looks like we have some salty folks, some happy folks and some in-between folks this morning…also some committed folks and some that need to be committed…lol

MZ: Sadly Mr. Trumptastic has passed.  It’s a sad day that another does not get to make the finish line. 

Member: Mark lots of supposed intel saying Rv happens in fall - makes me think dis- info?

Member:  A bunch of truthers are saying it's GO TIME!!! What have you heard Markz?

MZ: It was fairly quiet over the weekend. Finally got a message yesterday from a redemption contact that just said “working today” and nothing else.  Are they preparing for us or just doing stuff for wealth management?  I know in some locations they are setting things up after construction with cubicles ……that I find interesting

MZ: I’m sure you guys have seen that all over the news, on facebook ect….that many banks are switching to more “wealth management” services. 

MZ: On the bond side everything is still quiet. Its Monday morning so that is to be expected. Give it a little time. 

MZ: From Iraq: “The crisis of the rise of the dollar returns to the fore…and an upcoming parliamentary procedure”   We are starting to see this number…this parallel price of 1132 for the dinar against the dollar.  It is not trending there yet but is part of what they have been doing the last few days. I think they do this on purpose to mess with our heads. They are doing this in articles all the time. They list the rate one way…then in the same article its listed another. 

MZ: The important part is they are trying to get to the parallel rate. I have been told repeatedly that when they do they are ready for the big rate change. At least this is progress. 

MZ: Nader did a video where he said if it’s too hot in the kitchen-get out. I thought it was great. This thing is going to take however long it’s going to take whether we like it or not. If it’s to hot for you- sell it and move on. It’s going to happen with or without you. 

Member: If you quit- are you prepared to live with a lifetime of regret?

MZ: It’s going to happen guys. 

Member: what currency do you think will be in the first basket trying to spread it around don't want to put all my eggs in one basket

Member: Here is an old list…not sure if it’s still accurate:  1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe

Member: FedNow is supposed to be up and running in all the major banks. Is there something we need to do so we aren't part of this system?

Member: Fed now is not cabal. it's ISO20022

Member: It’s a transfer system…it can be used by white hats or cabal I guess…whoevers reset is the one that wins. 

Member: Let’s pray the gold backed/asset backed GCR reset wins. 

MZ: Fed now is not evil….it can be used either way..It’s a tool. 

MZ: Remember- there is purposely planted misinformation everywhere. Good news and bad news to keep us all hooked. Remember the fundamentals. Do you think the world can continue on with fiat money?  We have passed the Rubicon. It has to reset to commodities….they have no choice. 

MZ: You can keep driving yourselves nuts whenever they put out new rumors….and run around with your hair on fire….or settle in and watch.  

Member: I think the RV people rolled over and went back to sleep. Wake me when it’s time.

Member: Guess we are waiting on BRICS to implement their new gold backed currency. Hopefully it will make the US follow with USN’s. 

Member: So are we waiting for the BRICS currency to be released now? This should have went by now. Iraq needs to invest in clocks and calendars….

MZ: A long time ago before we started hearing it on the news…BRICS was designed to force the reset. To force the world to go back to sound money. This is totally what they are doing…backing money with commodities 

Member: Anyone have the list of the US states that applied for Brics? I know Texas did.

Member: Maybe Texas will be responsible for US joining bric's?

Member: I wish we currency holders could join BRICS

Member: Goldilocks said that were waiting on the Breton Woods 3 announcement that will help trigger it

Member:  U.S. Federal Reserve confirms July 27 meeting on Basel III endgame capital proposals for banks…could this be the trigger?

MZ: Many of my government sources seem to think it needs to be done before the release of this information. I don’t know yet . 

Member:  Mark, do you know when we are to expect the Bretton Woods III announcement? Is it necessary to go before we can go?

Member: You guys need to ask Goldilocks about Bretton Woods III – She is the one that made that announcement!  

Member: what happened to nesara gesara, the quantum Financial system?

Member: Most of us are still hoping that is all real. But no one seems to know.

 Member: I wonder if the delay has to do with D.C. politicians and deepstates? Trying to block this process?

Member: I do not think anything will happen until the cabal is arrested.

MZ: I still believe it all could happen at one time. 

Member: I listened to Julie Green yesterday. She said the 10+ days of darkness is coming. This wicked group will be removed.

Member: If they don’t want the big boys to load up, they should just RV now and have it done with

Member: Stay positive folks…do not quit. 

Member: Thanks Mark and mods for all the time you spend trying to keep us encouraged and ganging in there….We appreciate you.

Member: See everyone tonight. 


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