Friday, August 16, 2024




Gem Finch, [16/08/2024 12:29 PM]

First R&R  - new information today the money from BC and Divorce Decree or Death Certificate parent’s spouse there were four areas traded as bonds.  The other thing is interest we paid on mortgages and bank loans for cars or whatever?  And for some of the older folks so older people will get a pretty big chunk – now for those in the currencies and Zim and those with Zim  - we will get our R&R put into our QFS accounts.   They should tell us that and how much it’s going to be before the total from the exchanges are added.   When it comes to the QFS  - so the Quantum Card thicker than a CC and has three chips  but we never carry that around with us and we only use it to move funds into your primary and secondary accounts, from the QFS account.    You can move to three different banks.   You don’t use it for anything else  - it’s not a CC /Debit card and you don’t ever want to lose it.

Access to the QFS we will get the R&R into that account and know what that is before the other funds are added.  Now here is the other thing to access the QFS they’ll use a biometric finger or thumb print and username and password all of which have to be written down and all other passwords at that exchange.   And a five digit  ID number and a new email address all you have to add to access your QFS accounts.   So this is backed by the New UST  - Bruce is saying gmail is a safe email.

We know when the R&R is happening for us  - but for non-exchanges because this goes to anyone 28 years and older and the green card holders you need to have had your card for 18 month minimum.  Say your 55 or younger – but this will be deposited directly into your bank account.   They know what your bank account is because of the Ssecurity you had to use  and this all starts on Monday 19th August and could take up to 7 days to show up and you’ll know when you have a deposit  - email/phone call or online notification.  And for the older folks its substantial – but for the younger ones under 35 that says you won’t quit your present job for 10 years or stay employed part-time  - retirement age maybe working or not, many of them don’t even want to retire, so these people we want to get in MedBeds and their lives restored.

Now Monday 19th  - what we are hearing is the Nesara /Gesara is supposed to be announced.  Either by Justice Clarence Thomas or Gen Mike Flynn, one of those two.

What about the new USN – US New Note Treasury Note.   The USN supposed to be coming out around Monday.   I hope it get’s announced as Asset Backed but it might not be announced as Gold Backed.   Nesara and Gesara and R&R is part of that – so we should get an announcement on Monday   -   NOW MEDBEDS now if you are a Zim Holder and you have priority so those should be rolled out in the first three days of Next Week and that IS BIG FOR US. 

When you go in for your exchange  - you mention then about your need for the MedBed  - but you might have to mention about your particular issues and then they enter that info a computer and for all those we want to get to the MedBeds for our loved ones immediately and they also want us to be around to see the longevity of our Projects, and to get Age Regressed is important but of course we retain our wisdom – just we’ll feel and look maybe up to 40 years younger.

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