Sunday, July 7, 2024


  πŸ’’ Here's an update from Around The World 🌎. This info is coming from my friend who's connected to Mil and he's also been in the Camper Event for over 21 years. He prefers to stay anonymous.

This is going to include information referencing South America & also Mil Movement. (Having already listened to Chronicles of an Ambassador Part 12 will really help you assimilate what's here.)

πŸ’’ Trusted Friend: I asked him what's the latest from Reno because he's got the (real) Admiral's team on speed dial. 

· A: As of right now, no response.  Not sure if that's good or bad. (πŸ”ΉGin - it's likely not bad news because of how much they need to cloud the timing. Those who know what's happening aren't talking and that's the goal.) 

· His contacts in Brazil whom he personally got involved in currencies (Camper Event) have informed him they've not been called in, nor have they been funded. 

Furthermore, these men haven't heard anything new from their channels in Brazil. 

· WORLDWIDE look at Mil. Three areas of concern are Chyna/Taiwan, Israel/Lebanon & NorKo/SoKo

·Moreover, Russia is giving surface-to-air missiles to countries, which will prove to be a game changer

·Israeli forces are getting pounded by two Marine Expeditionary Units. 2000 Marines involved, Air, Sea & Land Capability. 

·He explained further that there's no way we can legally get involved unless a US Force is attacked, which would then result in a Declaration of W@r. False Flags should remain on everyone's radar. Also keep in mind that an emergency proclamation such as this could cancel an election. 

·My friend remains hopeful, but after being involved in this so long, he remains dubious, especially being aware of sources who are suspect.  ;

·His son's unit has just been called to deploy. First Sargent presumed they will be going to either Israel or Chyna/Taiwan. 

·Another MEU heads to NorKo/SoKo


πŸ’’ Ginger: There are a lot of moving parts. This is why I'm conscientious to remind you that we must look at the entire scope of Geo Political, Geo Mil Engagement and not merely Geo Financial (banker's chatter). All of this, combined, tells the story more accurately of where we're at. 

I also put you in remembrance of the times I've explained that the so-called Truthers who made assertions that 'there was absolutely zero military action going on in the world right now', have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. 

- Gin Gin signing out and heading back to my perch at 40K foot πŸ˜‰ 7.5.24 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

 πŸ’’ Exciting update posted by Mike Bara on July 4, 2024 

πŸ’’Mike Bara: UPDATE

 Exchanges are taking place at major banks with branch managers and wealth managers. Dinar, Dong and Rupiah are being exchanged. Zim and Bolivar can only be exchanged at Redemption centers. The rates on Dinar are $2.93 as of today, $2.21 on Dong. No rate on Rupiah. 

Exchange has taken place, and 10% of monies are spendable today. Currencies were set up in separate accounts. New debit card issued for new funds. No NDA. Recipient will return in "72 hours" (Monday) to finish the process. This implies rates will be public when Forex goes live or shortly thereafter. Also implies funds released on Monday will be gold backed. We are very, very close.

πŸ’’ FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LISTENED TO GINGER'S CHRONICLES OF AN AMBASSADOR PART 12, this will make some sense to you. This fits with her Gintel πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

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