Sunday, June 2, 2024


  Fnu Lnu  

Much has been made of the number 90 Trillion. This is the alleged number of Dinar at large...I do not believe this number is valid and here's why.  1) There are always casualties such as fire & natural disasters. 2) We know there has been an effort, for years, to coax three zero notes out from under mattresses, with some success. 3) We know stolen Dinar have been recovered in very large amounts recently. 4) Here's the biggie: I saw a video some years back, where a jet was seized attempting to leave the country, and it was stacked from floor to ceiling with coffin sized cases full of Dinar.

It had to be trillions. Much to my surprise, the jet was eventually cleared to take off.  However, it was no surprise to hear the jet was registered to Nuri Al Maliki. The jet landed in Zurich Switzerland where it was then seized and the Dinar confiscated. Some may remember an article stating that Switzerland repatriated a large number of Dinar to Iraq but the article was scant on details. When one considers all these scenarios, it would seem that there is far less Dinar in circulation that 90 trillion. It may well be half that amount. IMHO.

There is NO NEED for an NDA, whatsoever, unless you were a participant in the Private Placements, which were concluded in 2011.  The only people who otherwise hold NDAs are bank presidents, branch managers, and of course any of the three letter agencies necessarily involved, such as the UST...

There are several regiments to float a currency: FREE FLOAT - The currency's value is determined solely by supply and demand in the market...MANAGED FLOAT - Similar to a free floating...but a government intervenes by buying or selling its own currency to minimize fluctuations.  

CURRENCY PEG - The currency's value is pegged to a basket of currencies or to another country's currency. EUROPEAN SNAKE [In The Tunnel] - Beginning in mid-1972...Each country agreed not to allow its currency to fluctuate more than 1 1/8% up or down from an agreed central exchange rate.

  I doubt they still call it "The Snake" but that is the method used to if one wishes to participate in the IMF baskets...

The Dinar will use the European Snake method of floating the currency because it only allows for a 1 1/8% fluctuation up or down thus providing the maximum stability. The currency will open with it's permanent value, more or less, and then over time, it may be allowed to adjust one and one-eighth percent either way...

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...