Thursday, June 20, 2024

Demand to prevent the new American ambassador from entering Iraq, 20 JUNE

  Demand to prevent the new American ambassador from entering Iraq

Information / Baghdad.

A member of the popular legal movement, Ahmed Shahid al-Shammari, called for preventing the new US ambassador Tracy Jacobson from entering Iraq because of what he described as her blatant interventions.

Al-Shammari said in an interview with the Information Agency that "the new US ambassador Tracy Jacobson is undesirable popularly, indicating that the blatant US interventions are aimed at destabilizing Iraq."

He added that "the US administration is still continuing its interference in the internal affairs of Iraq in various security, political and even economic fields, and is trying to use the file of terrorists again to provoke the Iraqi street," calling on the government to Prevent the entry of the new ambassador to Iraq and accept her as ambassador to her country in Baghdad.

Calls began to be made to the Iraqi Government and the Presidency not to accept Jacobson as the United States ambassador to Iraq because of her statements, which are blatant interference in the internal affairs of Iraq. 

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