Thursday, June 20, 2024

An Employee At The Agricultural Bank In Maysan Was Arrested And Seized 131 Million Dinars, 21 JUNE

 An Employee At The Agricultural Bank In Maysan Was Arrested And Seized 131 Million Dinars

Posted On 06-20-2024 By Sotaliraq   The Federal Integrity Commission announced the implementation of an operation during which an employee at a government bank in Maysan Governorate was arrested for seizing an amount of 131 million dinars from one of the bank’s customers.

The Authority said in a statement that “the Authority’s Maysan Investigation Office formed a working team from its staff,” explaining that “the team that moved to the Agricultural Cooperative Bank / Maysan Branch was able to execute an arrest warrant for one of the employees because he, in collaboration with other employees of the bank, seized more than From (131) million dinars from a customer’s account in the bank.”

The authority added in its statement that “the process of withdrawing the amount from the customer’s current account at the bank took place without his knowledge, after forging his signatures and seizing his funds deposited for the accused’s account, in conjunction with other employees,” noting that “the process was carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article (316).” of the Penal Code.”

She confirmed that “a formal arrest report was prepared for the operation, and it was presented with the accused to the judge of the investigative court competent to look into integrity issues in Maysan to issue the appropriate decision.”  LINK

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