Saturday, May 4, 2024

" Iraq's transition to the international stage." BY JACK STRAW VIA TWITTER, 4 MAY

 Iraq's transition to the international stage

The Iraqi government has successfully wrapped up numerous strategic and developmental initiatives, notably including the completion of the Grand Al-Faw Port and Karbala Refinery. They've also initiated the Basra-Shalmaja railway project to bolster connectivity with neighboring Iran. Further, the government is steadfast in its commitment to advancing the Development Road project, envisioning Iraq as a pivotal hub for global trade between the east and west. Additionally, plans are underway for an integrated network of main roads, overpasses, and bridges aimed at alleviating traffic congestion and streamlining travel from the southernmost regions to the north. In the realm of energy, Iraq has sealed contracts for its fifth licensing round and partnered with the renowned French company TotalEnergies for the implementation of four substantial oil, gas, and renewable energy ventures. The launch of the sixth licensing round underscores the government's dedication to curbing the harmful practice of gas flaring. All the pieces are aligning for Iraq's transition to the international stage. The new salaries remain undisclosed, and the flow of black gold into Turkey has yet to commence. Why is that? Because they have not revealed an internationally recognized exchange rate. Rumors suggest it could be set at $3.90, but nothing has been confirmed.

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