Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sudanese will stay a week in America. A source from Baghdad and another from Washington reveal the agenda, 13 APRIL

Sudanese will stay a week in America. A source from Baghdad and another from Washington reveal the agenda

Baghdad – 964

Sudanese Prime Minister Mohammad Shia will spend a week in the United States, including talks with President Joe Biden, and a tour of 3 states, two Iraqi and U.S. sources said.

The Iraqi government source confirmed to the 964 network  that the Sudanese will hold meetings with businessmen, and will be accompanied by Iraqi bank officials.

Iraqi bankers who have obtained the US visa hope to cancel or ease sanctions on Iraqi banks, and expect to hear something about this when they attend a meeting at the Treasury Department headquarters, knowing sources said.

Politically, there is no change on the Sudanese agenda, and the political file will remain to turn the military mission of the US forces, within the framework of the international coalition, into a “security partnership” with Washington that includes armament and training, and the file of differences between Baghdad and Erbil will be on the table.

However, there has been a slight change, and Sudan will discuss with Biden the possibility of an Iranian response to the bombing of the Tehran consulate in Mezzeh.

A source told 964 that Biden will clarify the red lines related to the Iranian posse against Israel.

The US press does not expect a “stormy response from Iran against Israel,” and CNN said Iran may be content with Security Council sanctions, while circulating information on “Israel’s acceptance of an Iranian response that can be accommodated if limited.”

US diplomatic source for 964 network:

The Iraqi prime minister’s plane will land in Washington on time on Sunday, April 13.

Sudan’s visit lasts a week, and includes 3 US states.

We learned that an important part of the government delegation will be dedicated to senior officials of the Central Bank and bank managers, and will have technical meetings at the Treasury Department.

Iraq has been a mediator for recent days in attempts to calm down and rein in Iran from retaliating after bombing its consulate in Syria. There was a communication between Minister Fuad Hussein and his Iranian counterpart, and Tehran has received a message in this regard.

I don’t think the Iranian escalation against the backdrop of the bombing of the consulate in Syria’s Mezzeh neighborhood, will take much space in the Sudanese-Biden meeting, but they will discuss the matter, and the (US) president will clarify the red lines in this crisis.

Iraqi government source for the 964 network:

Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani will put the file of activating the framework agreement at the top of the visit schedule.

Through this visit, Iraq seeks to move from the security and military side with Washington to cooperation in various other fields economically and politically.

The Sudanese will work to rebalance and strengthen the partnership between the two countries, by committing to cooperation and strengthening bilateral relations in various fields such as the economic, financial, educational and development aspect.

Another file that the Sudanese is seeking to discuss is the issue of building strong economic partnerships between Iraq and the United States, especially in the areas of trade and investment.

Aqeel Abbas – political and academic researcher, for the 964 network:

Sudan’s visit to Washington is carried out in accordance with the Strategic Framework Agreement, which includes 8 areas of cooperation between Washington and Baghdad, namely military, security, economic, political, cultural, and other cooperation.

The most prominent files that will be firmly on the table is the file of arming and training Iraqi forces by the American side.

The talks will also focus on protecting U.S. missions in Iraq, and the role of factions and Iran in the country.

Washington will express concern about the leak of some advanced weapons from Iraq to Iran and will discuss this file and ways to reduce this.

The visit will be different, especially in the energy file, and the Iraqi delegation will include Iraqi businessmen in order to hold talks with American businessmen on such files.

During the meetings with officials, the Prime Minister will focus on the economic aspect, as this will serve his ministerial program and electoral political project.

The forces of the Iranian framework and side support this visit because it will show American support for the Sudanese government, and this serves them at all levels.

Bank reform is the most important file for the American side, and the Sudanese government has taken many steps regarding this file in implementation of Washington’s calls and demands.

Nasser Duraid – Political Analyst, for 964 Network:

According to the information available so far, the details of the agenda are more related to the Iraqi side than the regional situation.

Iraq will discuss several files, most notably the issue of banks punishable by Washington, as well as the possibility that Iraq will play the role of mediation between Washington and Tehran.

Problems between Baghdad and Erbil will be on the table of talks by the American side.

Washington will discuss the presence of factions in Iraq that are working to target US bases and control their movement by the Baghdad government.

All visits between Baghdad and Washington after 2003 have not changed any reality in Iraq because they are no more protocol.

The coordination framework forces hope that the Sudanese government will be accepted by the US side.

The visit does not discuss the truce between factions and Americans in Iraq, but will discuss Iran’s role and impact in Iraq

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