Friday, April 12, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and the Codeman. 04/12/2024

MarkZ Update – Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy FriYay!!

Member: Hello all you wonderful people!

Member: Any RV news today Mark????????

Member:  Mark, do you truly believe this has started and there’s no turning back?

Member: Do you think we will walk away with liquid, spendable money when we exchange our currencies? None of this 1% now, 9 % then and $90 % later?

MZ: I have been told repeatedly that we will walk away with free and clear spendable money. They need liquidity in the markets and they need us to start spending.

Member: Given the chance I will personally throw some serious liquidity into the system on day 2 of the RV. I have a house calling my name!

Member: What if a person refuses to sign the NDA?

MZ: First , I am very much convinced at this point that short of Zim- you are not going to have one. But let’s just say we do and you don’t want to sign it? My guess is you will just get a lower rate.

Member: DOW Down – Gold breaks $2400 and Silver at 3 year high. All good signs!

Member: Got an appointment with a wealth manager today at chase just waiting on the RV

Member: Vietnam has started working on joining BRICS. While currently participating in the BRICS+ dialogue, Vietnamese authorities are addressing the issues related to joining.

Member:  I wonder will the VND Revalue concurrently with the IQD, or will it Revalue shortly after?

Member: It seems to me we may have to wait until the Iraqi PM returns from his visit to the US?

MZ: It’s possible. If I were him I would like to be in my own country when it happens. But, there are several Iraqi contacts that seem to think he is going to announce it the day before he comes here. He is supposed to be in the US in 3 days.

Member: Sudani looks to be coming to the US on the 15th. We hear the last of the bond payments are on the 22nd.

MZ: That is why I think it more likely to happen toward the tail end of the 22ndto see our new rate. But Iraqi contacts think Sudani is going to announce it in Iraq before he heads to the US on the 15th…. I hope they are right and I am wrong.

Member: And  Next week, the World Bank and the IMF are meeting in Washington DC for their Spring Meetings 2024. This year, the meetings will be compressed between 17th and 19th April, with some ancillary events happening between Monday 15th and Friday 20th. A lot is happening next week.

Member: Interesting fact… April 15th the sinking of the Titanic!

Member: There is a rumor that NESARA will be officially announced this Monday April 15th?

Member: There is another rumor that the new US republic has joined BRICS.  Not the US corporation….but the Republic………hope its true.

MZ: “Zimbabwe reports positive transition to new currency”  It is coming along well and is tied directly to gold.

MZ: “Chinese Yuan officially overtakes US dollar”  they are talking inside of Russia for foreign exchanges and foreign transactions. The Chinese yuan is the top traded foreign currency in Russia.

Member: Thank goodness for BRICS. I think they are forcing the Reset to happen worldwide

MZ: “Gold and Silver entering the exponential phase”  By Egon Von Gaertz. . And Gold Telegraph has been insightful lately. Gold is at an all time high even with the majority of fiat currencies. Follow the road paved in gold. Years of financial mismanagement is bubbling up to the surface. If you slowly pull back the systems layers it leads to gold. Revaluations happen to coincide with resets. Enjoy the show.

MZ: This is key…..”Revaluations coincide with resets”  and the whole system will reset to commodities. Gold will be in the captains seat with this reset. It’s happening before our eyes. It is unavoidable and will happen.

Member: QQQ Mark are you assuming that you will be given the Contact numbers or email for us to make our Appointments around the globe???

Member: That is what he has said for the last few years. I don’t think it has changed?  

Member: To all of us who are waiting on the RV is like driving through a thunderstorm… you have to go through it to get to it

Member: Will you have a show tonight or are you traveling?

MZ: There is NO SHOW TONIGHT . I will be traveling……But I hope to have a normal podcast tomorrow morning.  Then head to the event in Tennessee tomorrow.

Member: Safe travels Mark…..and everyone have a wonderful weekend.

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.


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