Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Al-Hakim and Al-Khazali in the Eid sermon: We support Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington and hope for its success, 11 APRIL

  Al-Hakim and Al-Khazali in the Eid sermon: We support Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington and hope for its success


Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, said today, Wednesday, that the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Washington is important and we hope that it will be a success. The leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, also expressed his hope that the visit will enjoy Iraqi support and consensus to enable the government to facilitate dialogue and negotiation.

Al-Khazali during the Eid sermon, followed by Network 964:

The position of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, and the coordination framework, is clear in not agreeing to the continuation of the foreign military presence.

The Prime Minister's upcoming visit to Washington is important, and we hope that the visit will be a success.

There is international will, planning, and action that created the terrorist organization ISIS, and the Iraqis are able to complete their security and political sovereignty.

Al-Hakim during the Eid al-Fitr sermon, followed by the 964 network:

There is an upcoming visit by the Prime Minister to Washington and a meeting with the President of the United States of America and senior officials there. We believe that this visit is important and must have Iraqi support and consensus to enable the government to facilitate dialogue and negotiate the future of Iraqi-American relations, which are taking on new dimensions according to the ongoing discussions, dialogues and negotiations. .

Iraq wants to establish a strong partnership with all countries of the region and the world within the framework of mutual respect and common interests, while respecting its sovereignty and preserving its independence by all, and in a sound atmosphere that enables everyone to make the right and fruitful decisions.   LINK

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