Friday, March 15, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/15/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning mark Mods & Z-Family

Member: Wow- we are at another weekend already. Is this the one?????

Member: Give us some great Friday news mark! All week has been leading up to something!

​​Member: Evidently there were 8 news articles from sudani telling his people that a new rate is basically coming!!!

MZ: I have heard absolutely nothing negative. The wonderful article I shared last night should really have us feeling good. 

Member: My bank sent out an email and said they are doing some major updates before April 15th (RV before then?)

Member: Got a message from my bank saying on the 17th at 1:00 am to 5:00 am there will be no service for all transactions. 

MZ: Over the weekend- especially in Europe the final transition to 9020022(or whatever it is)  goes live. A lot of expectations for massive banking changes over this weekend. My bank even notified me that some services will be down overnight on Sunday. 

MZ: “Fed’s nightmare scenario becomes more likely”  Because of inflation it does not look like there will be a rate cut anytime soon. Perhaps a rate increase coming? But inflation is not going away. 

Member: Rumor is that the Chinese Elders have paid ALL Debts globally at this point in time. So Im resting in fear.

Member: FRANK26 got news last night that the citizens were given a rate and a date!!

Member:  Mark does it really matter if Iraq RVs at $1.32? Our rate is going to be very different and much higher than their I. Country rate. Is that correct thinking?

Member: $1 USD / $1.32 IQD = .76 cents USD per IQD

Member: I'm thinking the .76 is actually happening in country they doing it by adjusting commodities

Member:  Mark is our RV going to be taxed?

Member:  Frank 26 thinks we will pay taxes on the RV.

Membeer: Noone knows for sure…..but I kept receipts to prove it’s a long term investment so lower taxes – if any…..

Member: Mark posted this a couple of times….. So no taxes on the exchange???   Read this from the US state Dept, on Iraq:  Go to section 6 Financial Sector:  The last sentence says “There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange.”

MZ: I am still hearing it is untaxed but we don’t know for certain. I have set aside extra currency to cover a tax if there is one. 

Member: Is the US is holding the RV back???

Member: How much dinars does the treasury hold and will it influence the rv happening 

Member: Trump had said the UST holds Billions in IQD…Enough to pay off the national debt and then some. If they would just do it. 

Member: I think I remember hearing they hold 35 Billion IQD? 

Member: So do we just go to the bank or wait for an email?

Member: once the new rate is on the Forex you can call any exchange back and make an appointment. No one needs to contact you.

Member: Recaps, Chronicles, and all the gurus including Mark will also announce it. You will not miss it. 

Member: Easter is Mar 31. Maybe we will see the RV by then and they will open the St. Germaine trust……fingers crossed. 

Member: It's hard for me to be optimistic anymore. We are told good things everyday but nothing really happens.

Member:  Faith is the only thing that will get you through tough times.

Member:  Envision the way You Want the World to Be! We are powerful creators! Very powerful! Let’s bring this in, and start our living our Lives

​​Member: If you are watching the world news of Brics, you know it’s going happen, if you watch what’s happening here, you know it’s happening. Have good day, it’s happening

Mod:  BREAKING NEWS: MarkZ's WEEKEND email address: Don't Write Me@NeverOnWEEKENDS.Com

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Gurus join the street today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions. 

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