Friday, February 23, 2024



It has been a long journey for all of us, some of us have been in this for 30 years. A person I know has been in this since the 1960s when she heard about this, more than 50 years ago. It boggles the mind how many years people have waited for this to happen.

We can’t get any info from Reno, Zurich or other platforms because everyone is under NDA and that is a good sign. No one is talking. I tried to talk to Whales and they are under NDA, and yes, they have been blessed.

I think there is not going to be an announcement, I think it is a process, I think people will just get paid, and they will sign an NDA, and then we will know about it. They will probably celebrate with their family and their platform. I do not think we will all celebrate together as we wanted to. 

I have been told by a good source that we may celebrate by tomorrow Fri. 23 Feb.

There are some things I cannot tell you. I know people are suffering, about to lose homes, living in cars, severe health issues, like me.

I want to let you know that it has started and I am just waiting for a call to release.

My personal opinion is that we will get appointments next week.

Bondholders need to get paid first and then currency holders. Historical bond holders will go last after the currency holders.

That is about it guys. It has been very stressful for me guys.  I am going to the Gold Coast. I can’t go today, due to a glitch in the system, but I will go tomorrow as I have been invited to a summit to be a guest speaker and will be back on Monday.   There is nothing more I can tell you. Take care guys, Wolverine.

Wed. 21 Feb. Wolverine Whale Movement (of funds) Happening

19,905,635 #XRP (10,751,673 USD) Transferred From #Binance  To Unknown Wallet. 18,544,887 #XRP (10,016,690 USD) Transferred From #Binance  To Unknown Wallet. 

Someone Knows Something Huge Pump For #XRP. …

“The QFS is connected to 108 banks, is active in 14 countries and the platforms are ready to allow transfers. We are ready. God bless.”

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