Tuesday, February 20, 2024



1 John 3:17

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV continues. It is what you don’t know that can cause you some stress and anxiety. Even I sometimes want to rush the RV process and I have to step back and relax. I have to ask myself if the CBI is following the 2011 Dr Shabibi and IMF plan. As long as they are following it, I am very happy and so should you. As we all know Iraq is NOT working on our timetable as their newly formed government is sometimes very slow to act (remember Speedy Gonzales).

So, just today another article came out from the CBI telling us about yet more steps in the RV/Reinstatement process are about to be implemented. The news could not get any better, aside from having the reinstatement itself. 

I want to fully explain it in detail to you and why I feel excited today and what we should look forward to soon.

I wanted to continue with the list below and add each month if anything changes. So, in February as part of the Banking Reforms we find we have added a couple new items. These new developments along with the others listed, push us even closer to the RV/Reinstatement. So today we chalk up yet more major events are about to occur.  

  • We know they are completely out of Chapter VII sanctions since December 2022, and so why not treat them as such?
  • We know they want the Iraq funds (nearly USD 115+ billion) released from the NY banks and put in their custody to do what they want with it. They are tired of being bullied by the U.S. with their own money.
  • We know they have plans for yet more Sovereign Funds to invest their reserves.
  • We know they are making agreements now for “currency swaps” for trade with Iran, China, Turkey, Kuwait, Emirates, and many EU countries as Iraq will no longer be using any US dollars in Iraq as of January 1st 2024.
  • We know that the IMF is now working on the final stages of pulling together agreements to build a new basket of six (6) currencies to re-peg the IQD.
  • More pressure from Iraqi economics advisors to the government to use a “basket” of currencies for the new dinar peg. This is the IMF plan of 2011 all along.
  • We know since January they have undertaken a massive “de-dollarization” program and told it should have taken 6 years but they decided to do it in 1 year (2023). Why such a hurry?
  • We know the value of the IQD right now does exceed even pre-1991 era but still at 1/6 of a penny for a rate? The value won’t go up, its already there. Get it? Why is it being suppressed? Iraq needs to see a rate reflecting the TRUE VALUE. What is holding it back?
  • We know Iraq now pumps 2/3 more oil than in pre-1991 era.
  • Iraq also has announced 132+ tons of GOLD reserves.
  • We know they are pushing this year alone, more than any other year since 2005, for the passing of Oil and Gas law. Why?
  • We know for a FACT that it is the U.S. through the Treasury Dept. direction that will NOT give sign-off to allow the reinstatement. Why?
  • Finally, the CBI has told us many times already that January is the most opportune time to reinstate for accounting purposes, since it begins their new FISCAL year (for accounting purposes).
  • Imminent World Trade Organization full accession
  • The Central Bank of Iraq is heading to cancel the electronic platform and the currency auction soon.
  • Banks will be responsible for financing foreign trade directly through the dollars they own and not from the CBI reserves.
  • Banks will be fully responsible for auditing invoices and transfers, which is the practice globally.

Please just be patient! The reinstatement is coming and I firmly believe from what we now already know and are about to witness is a major part of the Banking Reforms that everything else was geared up to support over the past 10 years. Iraq is about to get out of the sanctioned mindset altogether and return to common global banking practices of how they will be doing business with the rest of the world going forward.


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