Saturday, January 13, 2024



Most of the news is all about whether or not the US forces should leave Iraq.
Yes, the CBI is still working on tactics to bring the parallel rate into conformity and stability.
Of course the Iranian backed politicians, especially backed by Nori Al-Maliki will find any reason to push the agenda of getting rid of US forces.
He wants a third term and a dictatorship.
I don’t have to remind you of what happened in 2004 with the ISIS invasion and so, if the forces did happen to pull out, ISIS would not be their biggest worry as the Iranian militia would certainly move in and fill the gap.
We would experience an invasion of Iraq all over again and so this would end the SECURITY part of the needed security and stability Iraq needs to move ahead with the currency reform.
Yes, it would kill the process for very long time.
But in today’s article they show that the US forces are not going anywhere soon as the prime minister Al-Sudani and the Kurdistan president Barzani both request the forces to remain.
I would not worry about this.
So, of course I asked this question in my conversation with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call.
I was also told not to worry about it and it is just pressure and talk from the Iranian back politicians.
We also talked about, of course the monetary reform and where it stood.
I was told it would take some time, maybe weeks or months even for the currency swaps to take the needed effect in leveling out the parallel black market rate for the dollar.
But my contact seemed very optimistic that the plan now in place could move this rate quicker than expected even.
But I was warned not to expect instant success as there is still a period of monitoring it for wide swings, in other words it needs to be stable.
Again I asked what rate the CBI wants to bring the parallel rate of the dollar down to?
I was told at least around the “official” CBI rate.
They are driving to have them match very closely.
In consultation with the IMF this is what they are now mandating and is in the plan.
When this is reached and stable, the committee will be notified to begin the process of deleting the zeros and move ahead with it.
I will always stand by the prophetic word too as I trust God’s Hand to work this for us.
We can see that there has been more progress towards currency reform in the last 12 months than in the twenty years combined.
So go figure what is happening.
It is a new year and all the prophets tell us that in 2024 it is going to be the year of the breakthrough.

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