Thursday, January 18, 2024



[via WiserNow]  

 So today we heard that there was an in country rate on the dinar little over $3 - That's in country - for Iraq. But our rate is going to be - remember what...Dr. shabibbi maybe said back in December of 2012 at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting, when Bluestar asked him what he thought the rate on the dinar would be to the dollar and Dr Shabibbi  said that it would be over sixteen - Well, we're well over that, and we should be in good shape In terms of  what they offer us... Do not be surprised, though, make sure you're sitting down when you get offered a quote unquote contract rate on the dinar.  Because I know it's going to be very amazing. And I've heard of these rates before and I've been keeping up with them. It's gonna blow your mind...  

  • Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through  Fri. 19 Jan. It could happen tomorrow Wed. 17 Jan. or Thurs. 18 Jan, likely tomorrow, and then go to apt. by Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • Tier 3 Bond Holders in Reno, Geneva and Miami had stations to go through for their bonds.
  • Tier4b will not have stations but will have various people sitting down with us, one to verify your currency, one to do Zim, others would be handling your other currencies.
  • They want us to be in and out of our appointments in 30 min.
  • If you have other bonds take them with you to the Redemption Center.
  • Have one, preferably two photo ids, proof of where you live like a gas bill and organize your currency by denomination.
  • Word today was there was an in-country rate for the Dinar of over $3. Our rate at the Redemption Center will be higher. You could be offered a Contract Rate on the Dinar.
  • The Dong rate is way higher than we thought.
  • The Zim rate was on par with the USN.
  • Zim Holders have priority for the exchange and for the Med Beds.

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