Thursday, November 9, 2023

Middle East Crisis: The Declining Influence of the United States, 9 NOV

Middle East Crisis: The Declining Influence of the United States

In the past three decades, the United States’ influence in the Middle East has seen a steady decline, despite its economic prowess. The recent attack on Israel by Hamas and the consequential retaliation has amplified this reality, with American diplomatic efforts yielding minimal results. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, referring to the situation, stated it as a ‘work in progress’. The persisting attacks on American targets in Iraq and Syria by Iran’s proxy groups have further mired America into a complex Middle Eastern quagmire.

The ‘Octopus’ Expansion: Iran’s Expanding Influence

The Iranian government’s anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiments have spearheaded its influence throughout the Middle East, creating a situation often referred to as the ‘octopus’. This expansion poses a significant threat to global peace and security, especially when aligned with other rivals of America such as Russia and China. The Iranian government’s unchanging stance of confrontation with the USA underscores the need for a comprehensive strategy to counter it.

The Counter Strategy: An International Coalition

Countering the Iranian government is not solely the responsibility of the United States. The establishment of a strong regional or international mechanism to curb the destructive behaviors of the Islamic Republic is essential. This coalition could focus on political and diplomatic weakening of the Islamic Republic at the regional and global levels, as well as cooperation and pressure on regional governments, including Iraq, to deal more seriously with the Islamic Republic’s proxy groups.

The Gaza War: Diplomatic Challenges for the United States

The situation in the Middle East has further been complicated by Israel’s retaliation to Hamas, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting calls for a ceasefire. The crisis has exposed the limited influence of the United States in the region, with minimal support from friendly Arab governments, NATO ally Turkey, and Israel. The American clock is ticking, but skepticism lingers regarding the pace of diplomacy to give Israel the time to rout Hamas.

The Biden Administration: A Passive Observer?

The Biden administration’s response to the crisis has been marked by attempts at face-saving measures and compromise, but with limited success. The administration’s portrayal as a passive observer of war crimes has been met with skepticism. The U.S. has significant leverage in weapons sales and diplomatic cover, but these are yet to be seriously considered.

The crisis in the Middle East has underlined the complexities and challenges of American diplomacy in the region. The diminished influence of the United States, the entanglement with Iran’s proxy groups, and the resistance to American efforts to prevent further escalation in the region call for a comprehensive and strategic approach. As the crisis continues to unfold, the resolution lies within the Biden administration’s diplomatic dexterity in the Middle East.

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