Thursday, September 14, 2023



This period we finally have a breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news about the currency reform and why it has been stalled.
On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced new steps in the issue of the dollar exchange rate crisis, and said that these steps would “break down” the parallel market.
Al-Sudani spoke about the currency market file during a meeting with a number of news media professionals held at the government palace, indicating that “the dollar issue requires reform of the banking and financial sector, and is linked to taxes, customs, and fees to protect products and economic policies.
Al-Sudani stated that the existence of “the parallel market is linked to a number of commercial operations, including trade with Iran,” and in this regard, he explained that merchants cannot send money legally in light of the American sanctions on Tehran, “which forces them to deal with the parallel market.”
The Prime Minister confirmed that “the Iranian side informed the government in the last meeting to stop dealing in the dollar, and to replace it with the euro, the yuan, the dirham, the Iraqi dinar, or the Iranian toman,” and revealed that there is “a mechanism that the Central Bank of Iraq and its Iranian counterpart are working on to prepare a plan to regulate this trade.”
Al-Sudani said that the new mechanism with Iran “will break the back of the parallel market,” while he explained that other problems associated with the parallel market relate to the trade in tobacco, gold, and medicines.
The central banks in Iran and Iraq are working to establish a mechanism to regulate trade and payments in exchange of currencies (Iraqi dinar and Iranian toman) instead of U.S. Dollars to eliminate the parallel market altogether driving up the price of the dollar.
Yes, eliminate the dollar altogether and no need for the parallel market.
Like cutting the head off the snake!
I bring you this news today since I believe this has been the problem all along with the parallel market.
Yes, they have told us before they had a solution but here, we sit today and still the black market is not yet under control.
Will this new solution solve the problem?
I firmly believe that if it does, we may very well see the second change in the rate we have been waiting for of 1000–1132.
But remember that Rome was not built in a day and this new Iranian-Iraq trading policy will take a period to get underway and then to bring the desired results.
So, let’s hang in and see what happens.
It won’t be long so let’s not exaggerate either.
The Coming Re-Education Process
Simply put, the CBI will tell the citizens about how the process will work for the redenomination.
It will include these steps as outlined to me many years ago:
1. The turning-in to the banks the older three zero notes in exchange for the lower denominations;
2. The deadlines for the exchange window, just like they did with the turning in of the old Saddam Hussein notes in 2004;
3. Showing the citizens the actual new lower denominations and coins;
4. Pointing out the security features on the new notes.
5. Explaining the resetting of the ATMs
The CBI site itself will then list the newer notes as legal tender.
Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?
I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros.
So we then will know that this project is VERY close.
I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret.
It will be in the news media all over Iraq.
So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs.
The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet.
How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?
On Sunday, the economic expert, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, revealed the main reasons behind not launching the 2023 budget yet.
Doesn’t this seem really strange that the budget was passed months ago and yet they still have not distributed the funds for all the projects to rebuild Iraq?
Are they waiting for a new rate?
I believe they are.
Members of Parliament are getting wise to covert actions of the US government to break (not help) the Iraqi economy.
Remember actions speak louder than words.
So who’s holding back the reinstatement?
I quote from today’s article- “Many parliamentary members are now accusing the United States of America of waging a conspiratorial war to destroy Iraq’s economy.
The Iraqi government, when it talks with the American side within the diplomatic framework, must bear in mind the criterion of it’s strength and try to obtain advanced and modern technological technologies that benefit Iraq.”
Many members are quoted as saying “America is leading the policy of economic conspiracy during the current period; to destroy the Iraqi currency and the exchange rate,” stressing “the necessity of referring to this war and not leaving it.”
We need to see a change in the U.S. policy for Iraq and this change is NOT going to occur until we have a change in the current Biden/Obama puppet corrupt administration.
So, when will this happen, if it will happen prior to 2024?
Folks, it is all coming to the surface and playing out.
September is going to be huge, but it will continue through the end of the year into the early part of 2024.
Congress is now back in session and this week it their real first week of work in the committees.
Did you see all the exposure and whistleblowers that came forward during these months, the prophesied three-month period of exposure (June- August) that so many of the prophets talked about?
We witnessed amazing exposure of corruption and lies at the highest levels of government and three letter agencies.
This will also will continue but now we enter the fall period.
Remember the “fall” will happen in the “fall”.

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