Friday, September 15, 2023



 [via PDK]   We are painfully close…Lots of expectations for Sunday and Monday and those meetings on HCL agreements and with the US Treasury. Things are really appearing to be lining up perfectly. All eyes at this point are on the Sunday/Monday meetings in IRAQ…on HCL and they say they are addressing the exchange rate of the dinar…we will see what comes of those. . .

[via PDK]  Question:  Do you think it will RV before the 20th.   MarkZ Answer:   My gut says around the 20th…but sources say they believe it will be sooner. Getting all positive news – nothing negative.  Comment:  We are fixin to be blessed.  MarkZ:   I agree with you. Sudani said he was going to address the exchange rate and the strength of the dinar. He is telling us…now we just need to see it happen. 

[via PDK]   “US Treasury discusses with CBI foreign trade in three currencies other than the dollar”  This is the US Treasury representative in Iraq and sitting down with Alaq.  Of course they are working with the CBI and working through some things...They also discussed all the tremendous efforts Iraq has done to modernize their banking system. They can now track money laundering, bad guys ect… I am still hearing there are Fed Reps and State Dept Reps there as well as World Trade Organization Reps as well.  ...I am hearing out of Iraq…That they are finalizing that rate change...I still believe everything is in place and they just need to flip a switch.
[via PDK]   Groups are positioned and ready…agreements are done…people are all in place…The US Treasury is in Iraq…all we are waiting on is the switch pulled. 
[via PDK]   I am continuing to hear very positive stuff.  The consensus is from my Iraqi contacts…that they are looking for a worldwide announcement of a rate change somewhere around the 20th or 21st. That does not mean we are waiting until then. That means that is when it should be announced to the public. We should hear something before then based on what I am hearing right now. Let’s hope this is accurate. I don’t think I have ever heard this much hype before…It’s almost overwhelming…In a positive way.

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