Thursday, September 28, 2023



 Thursday I'm guaranteeing you the auctions change.  That's the CBI announcement.  That's the 28th...that's their banking Friday.  That means they automatically go into offline...  I wouldn't go crazy looking for something on Thursday but let me tell you, official implementation date is Thursday per the CBI.  Whether we see it Friday, Saturday I cannot promise you that...I'll also tell you this, this is very damn close...

What does Sudani come out today and say?  He says, 'Hey everybody I am announcing to you we are going to have a special holiday.  We are going to have our very own Independence Day and that will be October 3rd'...Iraq has never ever had an Independence Day.  Citizens of Iraq, I'm hearing from boots on the ground, are beyond themselves. 

They're doing away with the auctions January 1, 2024.  But as of this Thursday...the implementation of how you do the auctions are completely's dinars from here on out only...

  There are only two things left to do on this laundry list of things for us to get to the bank.  What are they?  Change the exchange rate and release the lower that point, shortly thereafter if not simultaneously.  I have the opinion it'll be on Forex internationally.  They'll have an internationally exchangeable currency.  That is when we go to the bank...I would not be surprised if something special happened very quickly.

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