Saturday, September 16, 2023

"It's settled." Iran confirms: Rail link with Iraq is intended for the transport of tourists and visitors, 16 SEPT

 "It's settled." Iran confirms: Rail link with Iraq is intended for the transport of tourists and visitors

Economy News - Baghdad

The Iranian ambassador to Baghdad, Mohammed Kazem Al Sadiq, confirmed on Friday that the railway link project between Iraq and Iran is intended for tourism and visitor transport.

Al-Sadiq said in an interview with the official Iraqi News Agency that "there is a serious will from the leaderships of Iraq and Iran to implement the railway link project, and the steps and operations of the launch of the rail link have begun."

He added, "The matter has been decided that the project will be for religious and natural tourism and the return and return of visitors and travelers between the two countries."


Next week, an “important decision” will be issued by the federal government, which calls for optimism


The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, Masrour Barzani, expressed on Thursday his optimism about reaching fruitful results after the visit of the region’s delegation to Baghdad.

Barzani said in an interview with reporters in Baghdad, "Next Sunday, the Iraqi Council of Ministers session will be held, and many of the topics that were discussed are likely to be subject to a final decision." 

He added, "I am optimistic and hope the results will be good." 

He continued, "We came to Baghdad to protect all the interests of the people of the Kurdistan Region in accordance with the constitution and to collect all financial dues. There was a discussion about the procedures so that we can, with the Prime Minister, provide support to the political parties to reach good results." 

He pointed out, "We are waiting for the Cabinet meeting to be held next week, and I am optimistic that we will produce good results."    LINK

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