Monday, September 25, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 09/25/2023

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Happy Monday everyone!

Member: I know I say this every week….but may this be the RV week we have been waiting for. 

Member: Let's see what happens in this last week of September.

Member: Remember It’s also the last week of the third quarter and the last week of the 2023 fiscal year……

MZ: There are a number of articles and comments that we are to expect some kind of announcement out of Iraq on Tuesday…on how they plan to handle the exchange rate. Perhaps this means they are still fighting the rate in the parallel market…or perhaps it is our full blown revaluation. But we are expecting some kind of announcement on the value of the Iraqi dinar to the US dollar. 

MZ: “ Iraq will restrict all internal transactions to Iraqi Dinars next year.”  This was just yesterday our of Rueters. This is all part f the de-dollarization and the belief that the dinar will be worth more than the dollar….

MZ: We continue to get interesting articles on BRICS. “Brics will change the world…slowly” . I believe it will be slowly, slowly, slowly…SUDDENLY.  BRICS has become a juggernaut until it gets where it wants to go. We are watching the world change right in front of us…

Member: Follow the yellow BRICS

MZ: I like that one. 

MZ: Bond rumors are very quiet for me this morning. I am waiting for updates but have not heard from them since Friday. They have done a good job cracking down on any leaks in that community. And cracking down on any leaks from groups and group leaders as well. 

Member: If they signed NDA’s- They are being quiet for a very good reason. 

Member: Whatever happened to Isaac? He quit posting

MZ: I guarantee you the same thing that happened to 99 % of other bond holders…They have been silenced on leaks. 

Member: Sure been a lot of gurus saying it's done ???

Member:  I read Iraq entry into the WTO on October 4th. Possible EBS October 4th. coincidence

Member:  why would they "announce an EBS" weeks in advance? That kind of thing will not be announced, it would come by surprise.

Member:  Does the QFS have the gold and money in it and READY to go forward??

Member: Fox news was discussing debt forgiveness of loans, mortgages and credit cards over the weekend NESARA !!!

Member:  Bank story , Saturday afternoon I went to pick up Pizzas and there is a Wells Fargo in the Plaza, and noticed it was Packed with cars . Never anyone there, just Packed. !!! People coming in and out!!

Member:  I heard on a podcast yesterday that the QFS has officially taken over all bank accounts as of last Friday. 9/22/2023

Member:  Did you all hear the rumor from Wolverine say that London announcing the Quantum system at midnight?

Member: both Nader and Militiaman had good videos last night

MZ: Yes they did….

Member:  Nader indicated that we should see something this week

MZ: Yes he is very hopeful we will see something this week. This coincides with a number of articles and clips coming out of Iraq. 

Member:  That Nadar video of Sudani leaving NYC with an escort and then landing back in Iraq with Red Carpet....sure looked like he was a man on a mission that was accomplished and was celebrating!!!

Member: MilitiaMan said oil might go as high as $150 a barrel.

MZ: Yes…there is a good chance we will see that. Militiaman talked about this article..”Deposit of 250 Billion dinars by Rafidain Bank in the account of the ministry of finance of the  Kurdistan region”  There was a tremendous amount of progress over the weekend in the Kurdish region …agreements, funds , money and actual deposits.

MZ: MilitiaMan said the money is in the budget to spend but they have been holding off distributing that money……why?  Would they hold it off if they knew the dinar was about to have a new value???

Member:  I feel bad for some of the ppl in Iraq as some have not been paid for a month or two. Some teachers are even on strike until they get their money

Member:  I listen to Nader and MMan every day so exciting what Iraq's Sudani and team are doing

Member: When do you head back to Pueroto Rico Mark?

MZ: I head back the first week of October. I really hope to have exchanged by then. I know we don’t know the exact timing…but, it sure feels good this week. 

Member:  You are watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods for all you encouragement……see you all tonight 


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