Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-5-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 56:36

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Tuesday September 5th and you're tuned into and listening to the big call - appreciate everybody tuning in don't know what our reach is tonight. All I know is last Thursday's call we got out to 78 countries and 14 and a half million listeners. And that was because we were tied in - they gave us permission to tie into the Starlink satellite system. However, the Starlink system was very busy being utilized for what it was designed for. So our reach was, in a sense, limited but still happy that we got out to that many folks in big call universe. So, thanks for tuning in everybody We've got some interesting stuff to talk about tonight when it comes to Intel, and I'm very encouraged by what I'm hearing - all day today, even up until about an hour or so from the big call start tonight. So let me try to recap it back to the first of September. And what happened on the first was the the world ……. let's get this straight to get the name right. It's like a global fund that came together - World Alliance - Thank you, Sue. And we called it the World Alliance Fund. They came together and used what we believe were some of these trusts that were quite large - Like the Rodriguez trust - could have been the Saint Germain - could have been other large international trust to pay off on the first of this facet on the first of September. This past week to pay off the national debt of the United States Corporation to the tune of $21 trillion dollars - that's gone now. And all the international debt throughout the world - each country's individual national debt was also paid off. So not only was our debt, our national debt in the order of $21 trillion dollars, paid off but everybody that internationally was paid off through this - this world Alliance fund which is terrific. So remember, the USA Corporation or the USA, Inc. is defunct and are now under the newly restored republic of the United States. We call it USA. But that is really good news, you guys. That is huge. I'm gonna call that the first fruits of NESARA and GESARA in terms of debt relief and Jubilee. Because I believe this month is going to kick off NESARA for us in the US and GESARA for the rest of the world, the Global Economic, Strategic and Recovery Act So this is this is what's happening now and the fact that that occurred, then we should see September as a month of debt forgiveness - of reconciliation, restitution and reclamation allowance coming back to us sometime this month. It's going to be really, really good. Now, let's go back to what you and I are mostly involved with. Let's first of all go to tier three bondholders – bond holders went through as I mentioned, I believe … I don't know that I told you guys this ….. since Thursday's call - Bondholders received three emails - Friday, one Saturday and one Sunday and this was to give them the information and a code to enter after that third email came in - that Tuesday – wait -let me get this right - Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That email needed to be returned with all three of the codes that were in the previous emails Friday, Saturday and Sunday to back to wherever it originated - With those codes - within 24 hours -- which would have been by 4:15 in the afternoon, yesterday, Monday, And then today, those bondholders were to receive emails giving them access to funds After 4:15 this is Eastern Time - this afternoon. So did that happen? The last time we talked to our bond holders, they were waiting on a final email to come in – and two packets – from FED Ex - we don’t know what was in those packets – that was to be delivered today - but it could have been Credit debit cards, new ones could have been instructions and paperwork and so on. So doubtful that it was just paper work - they could have sent that by email. So they were anxiously waiting for FedEx delivery this afternoon. So we will see If they got those directions or whatever, those might have given them a time instead of today or maybe tomorrow. to actually have access to their funds. That's what we're keying on. When are they getting access to their funds. This is intermediaries which are introducers of bond holders and we know some of each - So that's a good thing, that's, that was moving along nicely since Friday. Now, here's another thing that happened yesterday, there was a director's call meaning the head person in each of the redemption centers throughout the country, and I lost count over 7200 - 7400 redemption centers. it may be over 8000 But let's call it 7200 Redemption centers, the head of each redemption center of which we know three that we talk to. So the redemption Center heads or the call them directors had a zoom call that was to go yesterday from noon -That was on Monday - from noon to 4pm. Eastern Time. And our understanding was that that call did occur. And one thing that we got out of that call was that was the one one person that we know that was in attendance. Didn't get back out of there until eight o'clock - so four hours later They were still working on things - going over things – whatever they were doing - beyond the four hour zoom call. They had another four hours of work to get ready so he didn't get out of there till after eight last night. Now that information then, was a result of that call was This can go at any moment. today. Tuesday Now here it is after 10 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time. We don't have notifications yet. However, in addition to that, we also heard that the bond holders - this is through a high banking contacts, who has direct connections as part of the Rodriguez Trust which is based in the Philippines and it's just super, super deep. The fact that he said that the timing for the bond holders was extended not till four but till more like six o'clock. He thought they would have liquidity at six or they would get the final email around six. Now I don't know if they have it yet. but he also seemed to think that this is very close for us, to receive our notifications as well. The last piece of information that we had regarding our start was that we should get notified overnight tonight or tomorrow. We're looking at getting this whole thing for us was to start at approximately 8pm tonight. Now we don't know if that's Eastern or Pacific Time. What the theory is that our notifications are lined up ready to go. The final agreement and there were still meetings and agreements between Vietnam and Iraq for example - on how much of each country's currency they had, etc. And those were agreed upon and signed off on at two o'clock this afternoon Eastern. So, things are definitely coming to the point where we are really looking forward to us going. And our belief is that the last information we got was that this was going to go overnight tonight and tomorrow. And we had a window a so called window between 8pm Eastern tonight at 8am Eastern tomorrow Wednesday morning. That 12 hour window - It may be that we do wake up to those emails in the morning – one other source mentioned he thought that the emails would go out early morning tomorrow - early for me would be anything before four or five o'clock - so early morning maybe. I think this is it - if we get those emails, say email that we're looking for from Wells Fargo that has the toll free number to call the call centers to set your appointments, it is game over. And I tease Bob at the beginning of the call. it's not on the recording that he played as one of the bumper music songs “after midnight” Eric Clapton. After midnight, and I said you think there's maybe some code in this song for us tonight Bob - he thought it might be. And I said you think there's maybe some code in the song for us tonight but we thought it might be and then maybe that is both for us. But I feel that because the US national debt and all international debt was paid off on the first of September.- Labor Day weekend gone. - they did a lot of meetings over the weekend. And also, there's a lot of cleanup - still actively going on globally, not just here in the US but there is there's more cleanup on aisle 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 And there's also a lot of global cleanup still going on. But is it at the point now, based on algorithms and everybody's desire to go ahead and let this thing go? It would appear so it would appear that it is - let's stay in faith for it. Let's stay positive for it and believe that finally, everything is ready to move forward. And we're ready to receive those emails and set our appointments and go in for our exchanges. And if we get these overnight or in the morning, chances are we'll set appointments and go by tomorrow afternoon. Easily. Go tomorrow for exchange. That's what I'm hoping to do. So we shall see how it goes overnight. I usually get a little bit more intel after a Tuesday night call later. And I might still tonight. But I think with the information that I've heard today, and what was supposed to evidently take place today - I think they may have just deferred to overnight tonight and tomorrow. And if bond holders did receive those FedEx packets and maybe one more email - I think it's all it's all over but the crying and then the celebrating. So I'm encouraged by what I've heard today - the information that I've received I think is strong. We've had some really good sources pointing toward today. And now I think you know I'm looking forward to receiving but I'm going to receive overnight tonight or in the morning. So still exciting. Still planning everything that we had intended to do with rebuild America with the veterans retreat network, the pastoral retreat network, and rebuild International. We're still in planning phases. like I said on Lahaina and Maui It's not a done deal yet. It seems like they're making some progress, but there's still a lot that needs to be uncovered. On what, what really happened - not that I don't know what really, but certainly, the world doesn't know. Mainstream doesn't know unless you’ve listened to certain particular broadcasts. So I'm encouraged by by the fact that we're moving on and even Maui is trying to move forward and we want to come alongside them from alongside Lahaina and you know, restore that island, restore the people and restore the people safe over there too. Okay. And I’m excited to be able to work and do that. Otherwise, that's really what I wanted to bring you guys tonight. Thank everybody. I do not expect to have another call. We'll see what happens tomorrow. We'll see if we do get this tomorrow finally. But in any event, if we don't have a call, We'll be in touch directly by email. And we'll reach out and do probably a podcast and put that recording in a link that you can click on in your email to listen to because we didn't expect to do any more live calls on free conference call after tonight, we don't expect it we'll see. We'll see what happens with this. Okay, but I'm excited. I want you guys to stay and be excited. But also be diligent in your preparation for what we're about to receive. So let's go and pray the call out.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...