Thursday, August 31, 2023



The financial expert, former director of financial control, Salah Nuri, ruled out Iraq’s accession to the BRICS economic group.

Nuri told Al-Furat News that: “The BRICS group is primarily an economic grouping against the grouping of Europe and the United States of America, and through it seeks a new financial system and the use of a unified currency instead of the US dollar.” 

(So much for rumors….. 😊)

More news….


On Thursday, the leading company in the field of global digital payments, Visa announced its cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq to raise awareness of the importance of digital payments, pointing out that the campaign has the support of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani.

“This initiative enjoys the support of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, and aims to encourage the Iraqi population to adopt the financial.

More news….


The private sector represents the backbone of the various economies of the countries of the world, and the main player that can increase development rates, eliminate unemployment and poverty, and enhance the country’s productive capabilities, which called on the government to work to overcome the requirements and needs of this sector, and seek to involve it in various activities and economic activities, in a step that confirms the government’s desire to grant the private sector the space that enables it to provide the various needs of the country, and to include it in productive partnerships with its government counterpart.

In order to provide the appropriate ground for the work of the private sector and to secure all the requirements for its success, the Ministry of Planning recently revealed an intention to convert the (Private Sector Development Council that it supervises) from temporary to permanent, indicating at the same time, the development of a strategic plan that extends until 2030 to develop this sector.

(Iraq already has a “Private Sector Development Council” the only new news is they are going to make it permanent now.)

More news….


Economy News _ Baghdad

Despite the passage of years of talk about the oil and gas law and the disputes about it, it is still a draft with the government and has not been completed so far, and many explain the reason for the delay in enacting this important law to the political dimension that is governed by consensus between all parties to the political process, while it is hoped that the law will be approved in the current parliamentary session as soon as it is completed by the government.

(Already told us it probably will not be approved in the currency session, Can’t put spilt milk back in the bottle…sorry1 😊)

A member of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives, Sabah Sobhi, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Economy News”, that “the oil and gas law is still in the process of writing its draft, which is the first stage in the legislation of any law.


Oh, oh….lots of rumors of an imminent RV this week. Really? Not according to my conversation with my CBI contact in Iraq on Wednesday. Don’t you think they would know? However, I was told that there is still concerns about the dollar and the smuggling of dollars out of Iraq. They told me this is contrary to what you are hearing in the Iraqi news. There is still work to be done in this area. It was also confirmed to me that the CBI did intend to conduct the project to delete the zeros sooner than later but there are obstacles to moving ahead that still need work. So much for intel guru bank memos…… Remember rumors are just rumors unless they can be backed up with SOLID information to suggest otherwise. One guru starts a rumor and they all suck it up and spread it. That’s how this RV community seems to work. If you don’t get your bit of excitement for the week you get disappointed. You then move on to a guru who will give you that short-term high/rush. Facts are facts and I can’t change that. Reality is what it is. I am not going to lie to you over my “opinion” just to make you happy. Over speculation seems to be the name of the game with this intel. Most gurus don’t even know how to apply the news they are hearing. Others get on YouTube and just spread the stupid rumors once again.

In brief, where are we with this RV?

Yes, there is always the possibility that the CBI could surprise everyone and they could suddenly push this forward. But the likelihood of them doing it without me knowing within a very short time prior, is very unlikely. They have told me over and over again that when they get ready to do it there will be no secrets to the progress of the project to delete the zeros. This step will be announced and shown to the world, if you wanted to read Iraqi news channels. Think about it, this next step of redenomination is going to be huge for the Iraqi people. But here is the good news, The “secret” lies (hush up) in the redenomination in that the next step afterwards is the reinstatement and the liberalization of the dinar back to its “former glory”.  

Like I told you many times already one of the major obstacles is in all the US corruption going on and the Obama plan for Iraq, now the Biden plan (to restructure Iraq completely prior to the RV) is not a workable plan in the short-term. It has been over a decade already with this plan and you can see where we are. We all know this is a senseless plan and can never be accomplished in the short term. We would be waiting decades more if this plan is still pushed. It must change and a more sensible plan put in place. Yes, a practical plan put in to place to allow the dinar to RV and then to rebuild Iraq using this money and investors. As the country grows so would the value of the dinar. Get it? You can’t do it all without the RV. This is where the Obama rebuilding plan falls flat on its face. ☹ Of course nothing these radical, extreme socialist do, now in the US government, seems to make any sense. But of course they really want to stall the RV too because they don’t want the American investors, like us having all this new wealth.

What could this new wealth do for the US?

1.It could be used to support political parties and candidates that they do not agree with;

2.It could be given to charities to help the poor and stabilize our countries. This also the democrats really don’t want, as they luv crisis after crisis as it gives them FEAR in the population and thru the FEAR they obtain power and control (this is called illegitimate power);

3.After seeing the spending of the Biden administration, one has to ask “where did all these trillions of dollars go?” – So I believe, and you can also see the proof if you know anything about the WEF and UN plans for the future of America, that they want to basically bankrupt the US and then rebuild a Marxist type of financial system controlling everyone’s money down to the last penny. We already see the Central Bank Digital Currency as just a taste of what they want to do. Remember their form of the “reset”. It is to tear down first and then rebuild it according to Marxist/communist doctrine. “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. Their words not mine! ☹ So if you are not to own nothing then who is going to take it from you so you have nothing? Do you seriously think these elitists and rich are going to give up their big yachts, Bently cars, mansions, servants and land grabs? We already see the evidence in Maui of their greed and influence. So, basically why would they want us to have all this money pumped into the economy? It goes against their plan. They want two classes – the very rich and the very poor.

So, go figure why I am telling you this. But there will be change in the administration and it is coming sooner than later next January.

We wait…. If we don’t see the RV soon we are entering into the window of January 2024 sorry! ☹ Could this be their target all along?


Hi Mnt. Goat,

(In regards to the Aug 29 Blog) I saw your currency chart today (August 29th) and had a question about the 250 and 500 notes being noted as “obsoleted”. I have some of these notes and was hoping you could clarify the future outlook of these notes, as I was hoping I could hold them indefinitely. Obsoleted worries me. Thanks in advance!


Hi TheOilman!

You obviously did not read about the larger notes in the US and how they handled them in the past when they went obsolete. I tried to make a comparison to what will happen to Iraqi’s larger notes but I can’t force you to read. Did you read it? You have to do it on your own. That’s why I have a blog. “obsolete” means they won’t be printing anymore nor will they by in common circulation, as time goes on they will be just collectors’ notes. But they will still be valid currency for many years to come just like these older, very large US dollar notes.

Hold them indefinitely? Indefinitely is a strong word….. ☹. I heard of some very weird ideas but your idea takes the cake. Why? Like I said a thousand times our 3 zero notes will be able to be exchanged, what more do you want? If you hang on to them and wait a long time to exchange (if ever like you said) you will have difficulties in exchanging them, I assure you. So why are you in the investment? Are you just a currency collector or an investor? Not a good idea to hang on to them. Not saying they won’t be valid and legal tender but as the years roll on the banks will have to research and that will take time. Also, years from now all the banks may not want them. Get it? They are not  in the habit of collecting currencies.

My advice – Get to the bank and get rid of them while the irons HOT. Make some money, honey! … Get it? What more can I say. Thanks for the question.


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