Wednesday, August 2, 2023



The dollar and the electricity issue ignited Parliament’s last session. Parliament complained about delaying the implementation of the budget

A member of the State of Law Coalition, MP Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, expressed, on Sunday, his discontent with the government’s failure with several files, most notably the failure to implement the budget and the failure to address the rise in dollar prices and the electricity crisis, stressing that Parliament is determined to get out of the agenda of tomorrow’s session and go to solve the crises. 

But today we find out that the Ministry of Finance told us that instructions for implementing the budget were sent to the ministries days ago, with government secrecy and unwillingness to announce the matter. So now we know that is not waiting for a rate change to spend the budget. It is now in progress.

So, what is the HOT topic of this period? 

I talked to my CBI contact in Iraq this past weekend. Your gifts certainly made that possible. Again, I asked why was I told to expect the reinstatement a couple weeks ago. What happened? I was told that the US Treasury held it back due to the corruption schemes to money launder the dollars in those 14 banks we heard about. Also another issue that was highlighted was the issue of the black market parallel rate. I was told this rate must get down to very close to the “official” CBI rate. When it does the CBI will change the official rate one more time. This will lead to the project to delete the zeros. We can see that sanctioning these 14 banks from selling the dollar will certainly help but it will take a week I am told to catch up and see a difference. But I was assured it will make a difference. 

I then asked about these other dollar sales outside the currency auction windows allowed by the CBI? Remember these are the ones Ali Alaq talked about his interview and questioning in parliament we read last week in the article. These transactions are NOT recorded and traced and could be suspect too that are feeding the black market. I was told these are legitimate and the CBI is manually tracking them. 

Let’s talk about the Oil and Gas Law…

Today, Thursday (July 27, 2023), the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee revealed that the legislation of the oil and gas law in the Iraqi parliament is imminent, while confirming that it has priority in legislation after the approval of the budget law. Yes, it seems whenever they get close to a reinstatement, out pops the oil and gas law again, time after time…. Coincidental? I don’t think so. But before you get on your high-horse and start arguing with me again, let me say that it is not me who said there was a connection to the RV. It was in FACT in an article followed up with a on conversation with my CBI contact that  “all constitutional requirements mut be met prior to any release of the dinar” back to FOREX. What does this mean to you? Did you even hear this news a decade ago? 

Folks I can say that we are so very close to the reinstatement. Yes, I can almost taste it. But as I mentioned above there is still corruption with the dinar and dollars that must end or at least to get under some resemblance of better control by the CBI. The US Treasury is still not happy that the total daily amount of dollars was above normal for imports of Iraq once again this week. But the good news is the sanctioning of these responsible banks could and should fix the issue. 

Remember what Ali Alaq told us in an article just last week? He said and I quote from the article: “that on Sunday (July 16, 2023), the Central Bank of Iraq announced the “success” of the campaign to support the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, although the US currency is recording an increase in the local (parallel) markets, reaching 1492 dinars.” How is 1492 a success? I am confused. What was this all about? We must ask is it really all about the dollar and parallel rate or is there something else or even many items that the governor of the CBI is waiting on?

There is so much we are not being told and probably will not know until one morning we wake up and find that FOREX has been update and the dinar reinstated. But remember also they can not just pop it out there either since they must follow the process of deleting the zeros. They know we know and so how will they handle this?

I hope everyone is praying for the sovereignty of Iraq and that it can finally break free of the corruption and put safeguards in place that work. The RV is coming but I refuse to hype up events and lie to you. WE must relax and let it come to us. Remember also there is the political saga of massive corruption going on in the U.S. politics too and so we must wait for this to all shake out too. I am convinced of it now more than ever.


I decided to begin including this section in my Newsletter because of the nature of what we are now seeing in our governments and how these crises after crises now affect the ability of us to spend and hold on to our proceeds once we exchange our dinar post-RV. We can make a difference if we decide to. We are empowered citizens as we only have to realize it and do something about it. Remember the majority is many hundreds of millions of people and the elected and on-elected government officials are only less than maybe five thousand. This scares them but we have no power unless we act upon it.

I encourage everyone to watch these videos I have put together. They will save you time and are shortcuts to the political news that does affects everything in our lives including this long-awaited RV.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...