Sunday, July 23, 2023

"What $5 “Apple Car Supplier” Is Luke Lango Teasing?" BY TIM MCKINLAY, 23 JULY

InvestorPlace has published a new Luke Lango presentation centered around a “potential backdoor Apple play” that he believes “could see 40X gains in the next few years.”

In short, it’s all about “Project Titan” (Apple’s rumored autonomous vehicle project) and one “tiny $5 tech company” that Lango believes could become a “vital Apple Car supplier.”

Lango didn’t reveal his pick in the video, but he did drop some hints about it, which I looked into to see if I could figure out what company he was teasing.

And in this post, I’ll show you exactly what I found (ticker and all).

The Pitch: Luke Lango’s “Project Titan” Prediction

Luke Lango’s latest stock teaser begins with him standing next to a briefcase that he says holds “what could be the key to Apple’s next potential trillion-dollar product.” 

According to Lango, this “potential trillion-dollar product” is codenamed Project Titan and could be a “projected $46 trillion opportunity” for investors.

“When the timer on your screen hits zero…

I’m going to open this briefcase to reveal what could be the key to Apple’s next potential trillion-dollar product. 

It’s known by the code name ‘Project Titan’…

And it could give investors the chance to cash in on what Bloomberg is calling a projected $46 trillion opportunity.”

What is Project Titan?

Project Titan is a codename used to describe Apple’s rumored electric vehicle project, which is said to be focused on a fully autonomous vehicle (AV) it’s developing.

At this stage, it’s mostly speculation, given Apple has never openly discussed any of its self-driving research, so we don’t know for sure if it is working on a self-driving car.

However, there is sufficient information online to suggest that it’s at least possible, and the two links I just shared go into a lot more detail if you want to know more.

I’ve also written about Project Titan in different stock teasers I’ve covered (for example, Jeff Brown’s Apple Car prediction) that are based on a similar idea to Luke Lango’s pitch. Namely, the idea that Apple is working on a self-driving car and that there’s a “little-known supplier” investors can speculate on, which could be more lucrative than buying Apple shares.

He appears to be teasing a different company from others I’ve come across, though.

In short, Lango is predicting that one “potential backdoor Apple play,” which he refers to as a “little-known $5 firm,” could “40X your money over time.”

And one of the main reasons why he’s so bullish, at least from what I can gather, is his belief that the company “could play a pivotal role in turning the Apple Car into a reality.”

“But right now, many of my Silicon Valley contacts are buzzing with excitement…

About the tiny tech firm that could play a pivotal role in turning the Apple Car into a reality.

Its stock is currently trading for around $5 a share…

But I believe it could easily surge 40X or more over the next few years… especially if a deal with Apple ends up happening.”

Why does he believe this “tiny tech firm” is so important?

According to Luke Lango, it all has to do with a “critical piece of tech” that he and his team of “elite analysts” believe Apple may need to make Project Titan possible.

“Everyone knows that Apple is extremely secretive with their new projects… especially when it comes to their suppliers. 

But using my team of elite analysts , we’ve been able to put together the breadcrumbs… clues hidden in plain sight…

To predict the critical piece of tech we believe they need to make Project Titan possible!

I believe that they could partner with one little-known $5 firm to supply it.”

What “critical piece of tech” is he referring to?

Luke Lango was pretty tight-lipped about the exact technology he was referring to, but he did say that it’s what could allow Apple’s autonomous car to “see.”

“I predict the biggest gains will come from investing in the one tiny $5 tech company that could help make the Apple Car a reality!

I believe this company could provide a key piece of tech the Apple Car needs to become a truly autonomous vehicle…

Because it’s going to be what allows the autonomous Apple Car to SEE.”

He also shared some images in the presentation depicting LiDAR technology, said this tech is used in the iPhone (which it is), and as I looked into the clues he shared about the company he’s teasing, I found that LiDAR is the tech this “tiny tech firm” specializes in.

What is LiDAR? Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology uses lasers to measure the distance between surrounding objects and the receiver. And it’s used in autonomous electric vehicles (among other things) to essentially “map” the surrounding area.

So, long story short, the “critical tech” Lango’s talking about appears to be LiDAR, a technology that’s used to help self-driving cars navigate.

And he believes that “one tiny Silicon Valley firm” could “become a key supplier for the Apple Car” (which would presumably involve LiDAR technology). And if it does, he predicts the stock could see 40X gains over the next few years.

“I predict Apple is going to kick off the projected $46 trillion transportation revolution with Project Titan…

And I predict one tiny Silicon Valley firm is going to help Apple make it all possible.

I think this little-known tech company could become a key supplier for the Apple Car…

And if that happens…

I predict it could send their stock skyrocketing for 40X gains over the next few years!”

It’s a bold and highly speculative prediction.

And as mentioned, Lango didn’t reveal the ticker in the presentation. But I looked into his clues and managed to uncover his pick. So let’s take a look at that now.

The Pick: What “Key Supplier for the Apple Car” Is Luke Lango Teasing? (“$5 Tech Company” Revealed)

So far, we’ve learned that Luke Lango’s pick involves a Silicon Valley-based tech company that could help the Apple Car “see” and that it trades for around $5 a share.

What other clues did he share?

For one thing, Lango said that two former Apple engineers built the company:

“Surprisingly, this tech is already being used in our iPhones…

And two former Apple engineers…

Actually left to build this company and start applying it to AVs!

That’s why I believe the Silicon Valley tech firm they started is a shoe-in to become a vital Apple Car supplier.”

He also said that the company has “over 25 Apple alumni working for them” and that it doesn’t have any official affiliation with Apple:

“And they have over 25 Apple alumni working for them.

In fact, about one out of 10 employees in this tech firm are Apple alumni!

Just last year, they added a former Apple senior executive to their advisory board.

Right now, they have no official affiliation with Apple…

But I don’t think it’d be surprising for Apple to have a bias towards partnering with a company…”

And lastly, he dropped some hints about who’s using the company’s tech:

“TuSimple, an autonomous trucking company…

Has already used this company’s tech to build, on average, 35,000-pound semi-trucks that can drive down 65 mph highways without a single human driver behind the wheel.

Even crazier…

NASA is using their tech to support the next generation of lunar and planetary exploration…”

To solve this puzzle, the first thing I did was a Google search for California Lidar companies that were started by former Apple engineers. And that led me to an article on about California-based company Aeva Technologies, Inc. (AEVA).

From there, I checked the company’s stock, which is currently sitting at under $3 (June 2022), which matches what Lango said about it “trading for less than $5.” And as a side point, it was closer to $5 when the presentation was released (April 2022).

Next, I looked into what the company does and found that one of its main focuses is LiDAR technology for autonomous vehicles, which is exactly what Lango’s teaser suggested.

According to the company website, its main product is the Aeries™ II, which it says is the world’s first 4D LiDAR. I’m not an expert on this technology, but the page I just linked to explains what this tech does in detail, so you might find that worth a look.

The gist is that it’s a (seemingly) advanced LiDAR sensor for autonomous vehicles. According to the company, it “provides up to 20 times the resolution of legacy LiDAR sensors,” can detect objects at “distances up to 500 meters,” and is smaller than the company’s previous generation LiDAR sensor.

So to sum it up…

Aeva, which is based in Mountain View, California, matches the main clues Luke Lango shared about who started the company (two former Apple engineers), what it does (makes LiDAR tech), its stock price (under $5), and where it’s located (Silicon Valley).

As for the clues about TuSimple and NASA, those match, too.

According to, Aeva announced a partnership with TuSimple “to deploy Aeva 4D LiDAR on TuSimple’s self-driving trucks” in early 2021.

And according to, NASA is working with Aeva to “create a tool that scans the terrain when ordinary cameras and satellite instruments won’t cut it.”

So, while I can’t guarantee I’m right, the evidence suggests (overwhelmingly) that the “potential backdoor Apple play” Luke Lango’s teasing here is Aeva.

With all that said, one thing I want to emphasize is that this company doesn’t have any official affiliation with Apple. Nor is there any proof that it “could become a key supplier for the Apple Car,” which is something Lango himself clarified in the presentation.

“My contacts in Silicon Valley are currently buzzing with excitement about the key technology this company could supply Apple with…

And if they do end up working with Apple, they could turn the global auto industry on its head.

Let me make one thing clear though: none of this is officially announced yet…

And I have no information that isn’t publicly available.

This is just what I’m predicting based on the research my team and I have done over the past 7 months. I don’t have a crystal ball… so I could be wrong, and no deal could ever happen.”

So, as far as speculation goes, this pick is up there.

Not only do we not know for sure if Apple is even working on a so-called “Apple Car” in the first place, but there’s no evidence that Aeva is, or will be, a supplier.

That’s not to say that Luke Lango’s prediction is wrong, though.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball either. And since I don’t have any special knowledge about Apple’s projects or partnerships, I don’t know how his prediction will play out. What I can say, however, is that there’s no guarantee you’ll “40X your money,” or any money at all, following his recommendation. Whatever it might be.

Nevertheless, if you want all the details on Lango’s “Apple Car” pick, he’s put together a report called “The Project Titan Prospectus: How to Cash In on Apple’s Next Potential Trillion-Dollar Product” (which, by the way, is what was inside that briefcase).

The only catch is that to access the report; you need to join Innovation Investor. So in the next section, I’ll give you an overview of what this service is about.

Should You Join Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor?

Innovation Investor is an investment research service run by Luke Lango of InvestorPlace focused on emerging tech companies. And as a subscriber, you get two Innovation Investor research reports each month that detail his latest recommendations.

Subscribers also receive the “The Project Titan Prospectus” report I mentioned earlier, one called “The Projected $46 Trillion Transportation Revolution Playbook,” and access to an archive of past research reports Luke Lango has put together.

There are other aspects of the service, too. Like a model portfolio and regular updates, for example. But the main aspect, as with most services, is the research and picks.

As for whether or not it’s worth it, that depends on what you’re looking for. Innovation Investor is focused on emerging tech companies and, aside from autonomous vehicles, trends like 5G, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the metaverse, for example.

So when Lango is right, his picks can see a lot of potential upside, and he provided numerous examples of this in the presentation. However, not all of his recommendations work out, and as we have seen recently, small tech stocks can be incredibly volatile. So the service may be too speculative for some.

If you want to see what other companies Luke Lang has teased before joining, check out this archive page, which lists other Luke Lango stock teasers I’ve written about.

In any case, while there’s no guarantee that Luke Lango’s recommendations will make you money, the Innovation Investor service is legit. So it may be worthwhile depending on what you’re looking for. And it only costs $29 to join if you sign up through the presentation.

Bottom Line

There’s no shortage of rumors circulating about Project Titan, Apple’s so-called “Apple Car” project that could see them release an autonomous vehicle at some point.

And given the sheer volume of information out there, across multiple trusted sites, it’s entirely possible that Apple is working on such a project.

However, nothing has been officially announced yet. And even if the company is working on a self-driving car project, we don’t know when a finished product will be released, how successful it will be, or what companies it’s working with to make it happen.

So, while Luke Lango’s pick may have “the potential to grow 40X in the next few years,” as he said in the presentation, there’s no guarantee that will be the case.

Anyway, that’s my take.

And as always, I’m keen to hear your thoughts, so comment below if you feel like adding your two cents on Lango’s Apple Car prediction. Thanks for reading!


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